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A low radar cross-section artificial magnetic conductor reflection screen covering X and Ku band

Zheng Yue-Jun Gao Jun Cao Xiang-Yu Li Si-Jia Yang Huan-Huan Li Wen-Qiang Zhao Yi Liu Hong-Xi


A low radar cross-section artificial magnetic conductor reflection screen covering X and Ku band

Zheng Yue-Jun, Gao Jun, Cao Xiang-Yu, Li Si-Jia, Yang Huan-Huan, Li Wen-Qiang, Zhao Yi, Liu Hong-Xi
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  • Based on the properties of the artificial magnetic conductor (AMC), a broadband low radar cross-section (RCS) reflection screen covering X and Ku band is designed and fabricated. The reflection screen is formed by combining two AMC cells, i.e., AMC1 with a dual band Jerusalem cross structure, and AMC2 with a wideband metal square patch structure. By optimizing the structures of these AMC cells, it is achieved that the frequency corresponding to the inversion point of the AMC1 reflection phase curve is equal or close to the frequency corresponding to the null point of the AMC2 reflection phase curve. Therefore, the valid reflection phase difference band is broadened and the RCS is reduced in a wider band. In addition, presented in this paper is a theoretical formula to calculate the reflection energy peak direction. When the incident angle, chessboard unit dimension and observed frequency are fixed, the reflection energy peak direction can be calculated by the formula. The calculation results from the theoretical formula are consistent with the HFSS simulation results, so the theoretical formula is valid. The simulation results indicate that, compared with the same-dimension metal RCS, the backscattering RCS is reduced by more than 10 dB in a frequency range of 7.4-17.0 GHz, except minority frequencies close to 9.8 GHz. The 10 dB-reducing RCS bandwidth covers the entire X band and most of Ku band, and the relative bandwidth is 78.7%. The largest reduction reaches 40.3 dB at 11.6 GHz. The simulations and the measurements are in good agreement. The results validate the broadband low RCS property of the reflection screen.
    • Funds: Project support by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61271100, 61471389) and the Natural Science Basic Research of Shaanxi Province, China (Grant No. 2012JM8003).

    Jia Y T, Liu Y, Hao Y W, Gong S X 2014 Electron. Lett. 50 345


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    Paquay M, Iriarte J C, Ederra I, Gonzalo R, Maagt P 2007 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. 55 3630


    Fu Y Q, Li Y Q, Yuan N C 2011 IEEE Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett. 53 712


    Zhao Y, Cao X Y, Gao J, Yao X, Ma J J, Li S J, Yang H H 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 154204 (in Chinese) [赵一, 曹祥玉, 高军, 姚旭, 马嘉俊, 李思佳, 杨欢欢 2013 62 154204]


    Lu L, Qu S B, Ma H, Xia S, Xu Z, Wang J F, Yu F 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 034206 (in Chinese) [鲁磊, 屈绍波, 马华, 夏颂, 徐卓, 王甲富, 余斐 2013 62 034206]


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    Galarregui J C I, Pereda A T, Falcón J L M, Gonzalo I E R, Maagt P 2013 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. 61 6136


    Zhang Y 2011 Ph. D. Dissertation (Chengdu: University of Electronic Science and Technology of China) (in Chinese) [张泳2011博士学位论文(成都: 电子科技大学)]


    Cos M E, álvarez Y, Las-Heras F 2011 IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letter 10 615


    Liu S Y, Wu Q, Hua J, Chen M L 2012 Proceedings of the 5th GSMM Harbin, China, May 27-30, 2012 p70


    Fan Z H, Chen M, Wang S N, Chen R S, Du B, Liang Z M 2009 Chinese Journal of Radio Science 24 724 (in Chinese) [樊振宏, 陈明, 汪书娜, 陈如山, 杜彪, 梁赞明 2009 电波科学学报 24 724]

  • [1]

    Jia Y T, Liu Y, Hao Y W, Gong S X 2014 Electron. Lett. 50 345


    Pan W B, Huang C, Chen P, Ma X L, Hu C G, Luo X G 2014 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. 62 945


    Genovesi S, Costa F, Monorchio A 2014 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. 62 163


    Zheng Y J, Gao J, Cao X Y, Yuan Z D, Yang H H 2014 J. Microwave 5 54 (in Chinese) [郑月军, 高军, 曹祥玉, 袁子东, 杨欢欢 2014 微波学报 5 54]


    Wang G D, Liu M H, Hu X W, Kong L H, Cheng L L, Chen Z Q 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 017802


    Li W Q, Gao J, Cao X Y, Yang Q, Zhao Y, Zhang Z, Zhang C H 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 124101 (in Chinese) [李文强, 高军, 曹祥玉, 杨群, 赵一, 张昭, 张呈辉 2014 63 124101]


    Zheng Y J, Gao J, Cao X Y, Yuan Z D, Li W Q 2014 J. Air Force Engin. Univ. (Nat. Sci. Edit.) 5 57 (in Chinese) [郑月军, 高军, 曹祥玉, 袁子东, 李文强 2014 空军工程大学学报 (自然科学版) 5 57]


    Euler M, Fusco V F 2010 IEEE Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett. 52 577


    Jiang W, Gong S X, Hong T, Wang X 2010 Acta Electron. Sin. 38 2162 (in Chinese) [姜文, 龚书喜, 洪涛, 王兴 2010 电子学报 38 2162]


    Genovesi S, Costa F, Monorchio A 2012 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. 60 2327


    Costa F, Monorchio A 2012 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. 60 2740


    Sun L K, Cheng H F, Zhou Y J, Wang J 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 055201


    Li M, Xiao S Q, Bai Y Y, Wang B Z 2012 IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letter 11 748


    Liu T, Cao X Y, Gao J, Zheng Q R, Li W Q, Yang H H 2013 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. 61 1479


    Lin B Q, Zhao S H, Wei W, Da X Y, Zheng Q R, Zhang H Y, Zhu M 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 024201


    Li S J, Cao X Y, Liu T, Yang H H 2014 Radio Engineering 23 222


    Li S J, Gao J, Cao X Y, Zhang Z 2014 J. Appl. Phys. 115 213703


    Paquay M, Iriarte J C, Ederra I, Gonzalo R, Maagt P 2007 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. 55 3630


    Fu Y Q, Li Y Q, Yuan N C 2011 IEEE Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett. 53 712


    Zhao Y, Cao X Y, Gao J, Yao X, Ma J J, Li S J, Yang H H 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 154204 (in Chinese) [赵一, 曹祥玉, 高军, 姚旭, 马嘉俊, 李思佳, 杨欢欢 2013 62 154204]


    Lu L, Qu S B, Ma H, Xia S, Xu Z, Wang J F, Yu F 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 034206 (in Chinese) [鲁磊, 屈绍波, 马华, 夏颂, 徐卓, 王甲富, 余斐 2013 62 034206]


    Zhao Y, Cao X Y, Gao J, Li W Q 2013 Electron. Lett. 49 1312


    Galarregui J C I, Pereda A T, Falcón J L M, Gonzalo I E R, Maagt P 2013 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. 61 6136


    Zhang Y 2011 Ph. D. Dissertation (Chengdu: University of Electronic Science and Technology of China) (in Chinese) [张泳2011博士学位论文(成都: 电子科技大学)]


    Cos M E, álvarez Y, Las-Heras F 2011 IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letter 10 615


    Liu S Y, Wu Q, Hua J, Chen M L 2012 Proceedings of the 5th GSMM Harbin, China, May 27-30, 2012 p70


    Fan Z H, Chen M, Wang S N, Chen R S, Du B, Liang Z M 2009 Chinese Journal of Radio Science 24 724 (in Chinese) [樊振宏, 陈明, 汪书娜, 陈如山, 杜彪, 梁赞明 2009 电波科学学报 24 724]

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  • Received Date:  29 June 2014
  • Accepted Date:  20 July 2014
  • Published Online:  05 January 2015

