A novel microstructure of flexible substrate/graphene/ZnO nanowires/graphene multilayer film for harvesting weak energy is for the first time presented as far as we know in this paper. First, the design of this microstructure and its operational principle is discussed theoretically. Next, we study the key technology in the preparation process of this microstructure and carry out the whole preparation process. Finally, the microstructure is successfully achieved and tested. Results show that the output voltage of the microstructure can be up to several hundreds of millivolt. In a word, the theoretical and experimental research of this microstructure provides a basis for self-powered micro-nano systems, and is significant to the practical development of the integrated micro-nano systems.
- graphene /
- ZnO nanowires /
- self-powered /
- micro-nano systems
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[1] [2] Wang Z L 2006 Physics 35 897 (in Chinese) [王中林 2006 物理 35 897]
[3] Wang Z L (translated by Wang Z L, Qin Y, Hu Y F) 2012 Nanogenerators for self-powered devices and systems (Beijing: Science Press) pp1-7 (in Chinese) [王中林著(王中林, 秦勇, 胡又凡译) 2012自驱动系统中的纳米发电机(北京: 科学出版社)第1–7页]
[4] [5] Yu H L, Zhu J Q, Cao W X, Han J C 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 028201 (in Chinese) [于海玲, 朱嘉琦, 曹文鑫, 韩杰才 2013 62 028201]
[6] [7] Wang W R, Zhou Y X, Li T, Wang Y L, Xie X M 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 038702 (in Chinese) [王文荣, 周玉修, 李铁, 王跃林, 谢晓明 2012 61 038702]
[8] [9] [10] Sun L F, Dong L M, Wu Z F, Fang C 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 077201
[11] [12] [13] [14] Mason C 2009 B. S. Dissertation (Atlanta: Georgia Institute of Technology)
[15] Kumar B, Lee K Y, Park H K, Chae S J, Lee Y H, Kim S W 2011 ACS Nano 5 4197
[16] [17] Park K I, Lee M, Liu Y, Moon S, Hwang G T, Zhu G, Kim J E, Kim S O, Kim D K, Wang Z L, Lee K J 2012 Adv. Mater. 24 2999
[18] [19] [20] Kathalingam A, Valanarasu S, Senthilkumar V, Rhee J K 2013 Materials Chemistry and Physics 138 262
[21] Wu H Q, Linghu C Y, Lu H M, Qian H 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 098106
[22] [23] Xue S J, Fang L, LongX M, Lu Y, Wu F, Li W J, Zuo J Q, Zhang S F 2014 Chin. Phys. Lett. 31 028501
[24] [25] [26] Pang Y Y 2011 Chinese Journal of Liquid Crystals and Displays 26 296 (in Chinese) [庞渊源 2011 液晶与显示 26 296]
[27] Kim K S, Zhao Y, Jang H, Lee S Y, Kim J M, Kim K, Ahn J H, Kim P, Choi J Y, Hong B H 2009 Nature 457 706
[28] [29] [30] Bae J, Park Y J, Lee M, Cha S N, Choi Y J, Lee C S, Kim J M, Wang Z L 2011 Adv. Mater. XX 1
[31] [32] Choi D, Choi M Y, Choi W M, Shin H J, Park H K, Seo J S, Park J, Yoon S M, Chae S J, Lee Y H, Kim S W, Choi J Y, Lee S Y, Kim J M 2010 Adv. Mater 22 2187
[33] [34] Chen X B, He Y, Zhang W F 2008 Micronanoelectronic Technology 45 590 (in Chinese) [谌小斑, 贺英, 张文飞 2008 微纳电子技术 45 590]
[35] Qin J M, Tian L F, Zhao D X, Jiang D Y, Cao J M, Ding M, Guo Z 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 107307 (in Chinese) [秦杰明, 田立飞, 赵东旭, 蒋大勇, 曹建明, 丁梦, 郭振 2011 60 107307]
[36] Zhu H W, Xu Z P, Xie D 2011 Graphene: Structure, Preparation and Characterization (Beijing: Tsinghua University Press) pp17-28 (in Chinese) [朱宏伟, 徐志平, 谢丹2011石墨烯: 结构, 制备方法与性能表征(北京: 清华大学出版社)第17–28页]
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