CdS films were deposited on corning 9059 glass, FTO, ITO and AZO substrates by r.f. magnetron sputtering, and annealed at 380 ℃ in CdCl2+ dry air. Effects of different types of substrate and thermal annealing on the morphology, structure and optical properties were investigated. Field emission scanning electron microscope shows: the morphology of as-deposited and annealed CdS thin films on different substrates is different, grain size and surface roughness increase significantly with annealing. XRD diffraction patterns show: the structure of as-deposited and annealed CdS thin films on different substrates are mixed phase structure of hexagonal and cubic phases, there is a preferential orientation of the crystallits with the hexagonal (002) and cubic (111) peak for as-deposited and annealed CdS films on corning 9059 glass, FTO, and AZO substrates, for as-deposited CdS film on ITO substrate there is no preferentially oriented diffraction peaks, but has highly oriented with hexagonal (002) or cubic (111) peak after annealing; UV-Vis spectrophotometer spectrum analysis shows: the average transmittance in visible spectrum of CdS thin films deposited on AZO, FTO, ITO and Corning 7059 glass substrates in turn decreases, annealing increases the corresponding substrate of CdS films in visible light transmittance, reduces the optical absorption coefficient; annealing significantly increases the band gap of CdS films on different substrates. Analysis reveals that the performance comes from the result of different types of substrate and annealing process for morphology and structure of CdS thin films, and the band tail states changes, due to variation of doping concentration.
- CdS thin films /
- magnetron sputtering /
- annealing and recrystallization /
- band tail states
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[1] Jackson P, Hariskos D, Lotter E, Paetel S, Wuerz R, Menner R, Wischmann W, Powalla M 2011 Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. 19 894
[2] Todorov T K, Tang J, Bag S, Gunawan O, Gokmen T, Zhu Y, Mitzi D B 2013 Adv. Energy Mater. 3 34
[3] Cai Y P, Li W, Feng L H, Li B, Gai W, Lei Z, Zhang J Q, Wu L L, Zheng J G 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 0438 (in Chinese) [蔡亚平, 李卫, 冯良桓, 黎兵, 蔡伟, 雷智, 张静全, 武莉莉, 郑家贵 2009 58 0438]
[4] Xia G P, Feng L H, Cai Y P, Li B, Zhang J Q, Zheng J G, Lu T C 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 6465 (in Chinese) [夏庚培, 冯良桓, 蔡亚平, 黎兵, 张静全, 郑家贵, 卢铁城 2009 58 6465]
[5] Vasko A C 2009 proceedings of the 34th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA, June 7-12, 2009 p001552
[6] Hernandez-Contreras H, Contreras-Puente G, Aguilar-Hernandez J, Morales-Acevedo A, Vidal-Larramendi J, Vigil-Galan O 2002 Thin Solid Films 403-404 148
[7] Xie D T, Zhao K, Wang L F, Zhu F, Quan S W, Meng T J, Zhang B C, Chen J E 2002 Acta Phys. Sin. 51 1377 (in Chinese) [谢大弢, 赵夔, 王莉芳, 朱风, 全胜文, 孟铁军, 张保澄, 陈佳洱 2002 51 1377]
[8] Lee J H, Lee D J 2007 Thin Solid Films 515 6055
[9] Lee J H 2011 Current Applied Physics 11 s103
[10] Moon B S, Lee J H, Jung H 2006 Thin Solid Films 511-512 299
[11] Treharne R E, Seymour-Pierce A, Durose K, Hutchings K, Roncallo S, Lane D 2011 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 286 012038
[12] Gupta A, Compaan A D 2004 Appl. Phys. Lett. 85 684
[13] Hao X T, Ma J, Xu X G, Yang Y G, Zhang D H, Yang T L, Ma H L 2002 Acta Phys. Sin. 51 0351 (in Chinese) [郝晓涛, 马瑾, 徐现刚, 杨莺歌, 张德恒, 杨田林, 马洪磊 2002 51 0351]
[14] Yang Z W, Han S H, Yang T L, Zhao J Q, Ma J, Ma H L, Cheng C F 2000 Acta Phys. Sin. 49 1196 (in Chinese) [杨志伟, 韩圣浩, 杨田林, 赵俊卿, 马瑾, 马洪磊, 程传福 2000 49 1196]
[15] Chen Z Q, Liu M H, Liu Y P, Chen W, Luo Z Q, Hu X W 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 4260 (in Chinese) [陈兆权, 刘明海, 刘玉萍, 陈伟, 罗志清, 胡希伟 2009 58 4260]
[16] Wang S 1989 Fundamentals of Semiconductor Theory and Device Physics (New York: Prentice-Hall) p222
[17] Pankove J I 1971 Optical Process in Semiconductors, Solid State Physical Electronice (NJ: Prentice-Hall) p422
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