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Microscopic simulation on the dynamic failure of metal Al under triangular wave loading

Shao Jian-Li Wang Pei He An-Min Qin Cheng-Sen Xin Jian-Ting Gu Yu-Qiu


Microscopic simulation on the dynamic failure of metal Al under triangular wave loading

Shao Jian-Li, Wang Pei, He An-Min, Qin Cheng-Sen, Xin Jian-Ting, Gu Yu-Qiu
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  • Employing an embedded-atom-method potential and molecular dynamics simulations, we have simulated the microscopic process and dynamical properties of the dynamic failure of metal Al specimens under triangular wave loading. The microstructure evolution of the sample is analyzed using the central symmetry parameter, while the difference of morphology between non molten and molten states is also explained. The pressure profiles were calculated based on the virial theorem, and the results show that the tensile strength of the material is decreased considerably in its molten state. Using the simulation results for different impact velocities, we discuss the variation of morphology and density distribution, from which the change of damage depth in the process from non molten to molten states is obtained. Our simulations also suggest that: the tensile strength of material derived from acoustic approximation is distinctively higher than the peak of internal stress from virial theorem for the melted state.
    • Funds: Project Project Supported by the Foundation for Development of Science and Technology of China Academy of Engineering Physics, China (Grant Nos. 2009A0101007, 2012B0101013).

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    Asay J R 1976 Material ejection from shock-loaded free surface of aluminum and lead, Sandia Laboratories SAND76-0542


    Asay J R 1978 A model for estimating the effects of surface roughness on mass ejection from shocked materials Sandia Laboratories SAND78-1256


    Ogorodnikov V A, Ivanov A G, Mikhailov A L, Kryukov N I, Tolochko A P, Golubev V A 1998 Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves 34 696


    Oró D M, Hammerberg J E, Buttler W T, Mariam F G, Morris C, Rousculp C, Stone J B 2012 AIP Conf. Proc. 1426 1351


    Zellner M B, Grover M, Hammerberg J E, Hixson R S, Iverson A J, Macrum G S, Morley K B, Obst A W, Olson R T, Payton J R, Rigg P A, Routley N, Stevens G D, Turley W D, Veeser L, Buttler W T 2007 J. Appl. Phys. 102 013522


    Zellner M B, Dimonte G, Germann T C, Hammerberg J E, Rigg P A, Stevens G D, Turley W D, Buttler W T 2009 AIP Conference Proceedings 1195 1047


    Zellner M B, McNeil W V, Hammerberg J E, Hixson R S, Obst A W, Olson R T, Payton J R, Rigg P A, Routley N, Stevens G D, Turley W D, Veeser L, Buttler W T 2008 J. Appl. Phys. 103 123502


    Wang P, Shao J L, Qin C S 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 1064 (in Chinese) [王裴, 邵建立, 秦承森 2009 58 1064]


    Wang P, Shao J L, Qin C S 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 234701 (in Chinese) [王裴, 邵建立, 秦承森 2012 61 234701]


    De Rességuier T, Signor L, Dragon A, Boustie M, Roy G, Llorca F 2007 J. Appl. Phys. 101 013506


    Lescoute E, De Rességuier T, Chevalier J M, Loison D, Cuq-Lelandais J P, Boustie M, Breil J, Maire P H, Schurtz G 2010 J. Appl. Phys. 108 093510


    Chen J, Jing F Q, Zhang J L, Chen D Q 2002 Acta Phys. Sin. 51 2386 (in Chinese) [陈军, 经福谦, 张景琳, 陈栋泉 2002 51 2386]


    Germann T C, Hammerberg J E, Holian B L 2004 AIP Conference Proceedings 706 285


    Chen Q F, Cao X L, Zhang Y, Cai L C, Chen D Q 2005 Chin. Phys. Lett. 22 3151


    Shao J L, Wang P, He A M, Qin C S 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 184701 (in Chinese) [邵建立, 王裴, 何安民, 秦承森 2012 61 184701]


    Ma W, Zhu W J, Chen K G, Jing F Q 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 016107 (in Chinese) [马文, 祝文军, 陈开果, 经福谦 2011 60 016107]


    Deng X L, Zhu W J, Song Z F, He H L, Jing F Q 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 4778 (in Chinese) [邓小良, 祝文军, 宋振飞, 贺红亮, 经福谦 2009 58 4778]


    Luo S N, Germann T C, Tonks D L 2010 J. Appl. Phys. 107 056102


    Daw M S, Baskes M I 1984 Phys. Rev. B 29 6443


    Finnis M W, Sinclair J E 1984 Philos. Mag. A 50 45


    Mei J, Davenport J W 1992 Phys. Rev. B 46 21


    Hoffmann K H, Schreiber M 1996 Computational Physics (Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag) p268


    Swope W C, Andersen H C, Berens P H, Wilson K R 1982 J. Chem. Phys. 76 637


    Irving J H, Kirkwood J G 1950 J. Chem. Phys. 18 817


    Allen M P, Tildesley D J 1987 Computer Simulations of Liquids (Oxford: Oxford University Press) p46


    Kelchner C L, Plimpton S J, Hamilton J C 1998 Phys. Rev. B 58 11085


    Luo S N, Germann T C, Tonks D L 2009 J. Appl. Phys. 106 123518


    Ashkenazy Y, Averback R S 2005 Appl. Phys. Lett. 86 051907


    Srinivasan S G, Baskes M I, Wagner G J 2007 J. Appl. Phys. 101 043504


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  • Received Date:  01 October 2012
  • Accepted Date:  02 November 2012
  • Published Online:  05 April 2013

