As is well known, base region is the design focus of bipolar junction transistor (BJT). Generally, the doping distribution in base is non-uniform. In this paper, the effects of different Gaussian dopings in the base on bulk temperature distribution, temperature dependences of current gain and cut-off frequency are first studied. It is found that current gain and cut-off frequency of BJT have positive temperature coefficients, and the temperature in bulk is high. Then, the effect of Ge composition distribution on these device parameters is investigated. It is found that the SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs) with box Ge composition distribution and trapezoidal Ge composition distribution have negative temperature coefficients of current gain and cut-off frequency, and have good bulk temperature distributions. Furthermore, the SiGe HBT with trapezoidal Ge profile has higher current gain and cut-off frequency, and its temperature insensitivity is kept. The good trade-off is made among the magnitudes of current gain and cut-off frequency, temperature sensitivity and bulk temperature distribution.
- SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistor /
- thermal characteristic /
- base doping /
- Ge-profile
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[8] Chen L, Zhang W R, Jin D Y, Xie H Y, Xiao Y, Wang R Q, Ding C B 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 078501-1 (in Chinese) [陈亮, 张万荣, 金冬月, 谢红云, 肖盈, 王任卿, 丁春宝 2011 60 078501-1]
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[10] Rabbi F, Arafat Y, Ziaur Rahman Khan M 2011 International Conference on Electronic Devices, Systems and Applications (ICEDSA) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 25-27 2011 p54
[1] Rahmani A, Seryasat O, Hosseini S E 2010 International Conference on Software Technology and Engineering(ICSTE) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 3-5, 2010 p404
[2] Ma L, Gao Y 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 303
[3] Zhao X, Zhang W R, Jin D Y, Fu Q, Chen L, Xie H Y, Zhang Y J 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 134401 (in Chinese) [赵昕, 张万荣, 金冬月, 付强, 陈亮, 谢红云, 张瑜洁 2012 61 134401]
[4] Xiao Y, Zhang W R, Jin D Y, Chen L, Wang R Q, Xie H Y 2011 Chin. Phys. Sin. 60 044402-1 (in Chinese) [肖盈, 张万荣, 金冬月, 陈亮, 王任卿, 谢红云 2011 60 044402-1]
[5] Zhou S L, Huang H, Huang Y Q, Ren X M 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 2890 (in Chinese) [周守利, 黄辉, 黄永清, 任晓敏 2007 56 2890]
[6] Chen L, Zhang W R, Jin D Y, Xie H Y, Xiao Y, Wang R Q 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 018105-1
[7] Zhang W R, Yang J W, Liu H J 2004 International Conference on Microwave and Milli-wave Technology (ICMMR/T) Beijing, China, 2004 p594
[8] Chen L, Zhang W R, Jin D Y, Xie H Y, Xiao Y, Wang R Q, Ding C B 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 078501-1 (in Chinese) [陈亮, 张万荣, 金冬月, 谢红云, 肖盈, 王任卿, 丁春宝 2011 60 078501-1]
[9] Kunihiro S 1991 IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 38 2128
[10] Rabbi F, Arafat Y, Ziaur Rahman Khan M 2011 International Conference on Electronic Devices, Systems and Applications (ICEDSA) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 25-27 2011 p54
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