The neutron diffraction results obtained by oscillating and fixing during data collection show that the high ageing temperature is effective to eliminate dendrite crystals and the microstrain exists mainly in the ' phase. Based on the microstructure obtained by neutron diffraction and scanning electron microscope, the influence of ageing temperature and time on ' phase are evaluated. The unique misorientations among ' phase grains are observed from superlattice measurements. According to the neutron diffractions of different crystal planes, the crystal symmetry is slightly changed from cubic to quartet (a c) due mainly to the matrix phase and the experimental results also prove the strain deviation in difference orientations, thus providing the basis for the existence of driving force for the raft model. The calculation based on the superlattice diffraction shows that in the interfaces between the and ' phases exists a complex distortion: the mismatch varies from -0.1% to -0.3% and the mismatch value can be reduced by high temperature during the first ageing and long time during the second ageing.
- single crystal superalloys /
- neutron diffraction /
- superlattice /
- aging process
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[55] -
[1] Caron P, Henderson P J, Khan T 1986 Scripta Metal. 20 875
[2] [3] Zhang J X, Wang J C, Harada H, Koizumi Y 2005 Acta Mater. 53 4623
[4] Volkl R, Glatzel U, Kniepmeier M F 1998 Acta Mater. 46 4395
[5] [6] Pollock T M, Argon A S 1994 Acta Metall. Mater. 42 1859
[7] [8] [9] Ma S, Seetharaman V, Majumdar B S 2008 Acta Mater. 56 4102
[10] [11] Ma S, Brown D, Bourke M A M, Daymond M R, Majumdar B S 2005 Mater. Sci. Eng. A399 147
[12] [13] Royer A, Bastie P, Veron M 1997 Scripta Mater. 37 1199
[14] [15] Schumacher G, Darowski N, Zizak I, Klingelhoffer H, Neumann W 2009 Scripta Mater. 60 88
[16] [17] Chen W, Darowski N, Zizak I, Schumacher G, Klingelhoffer H, Neumann W 2006 Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. B 246 201
[18] [19] Darowski N, Zizak I, Schumacher G, Klingelhoffer H, Chen W, Neumann W 2005 J. Phys. D38 A200
[20] Daymond M R, Preuss M, Clausen B 2007 Acta Mater. 55 3089
[21] [22] [23] Pirling T, Bruno G, Withers P J 2006 Mater. Sci. Eng. A 437 139
[24] [25] Wu E D, Zhang J, Chen B, Sun G A, Ji V, Hughes D, Pirling T 2008 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20 104255
[26] [27] Sun G A, Chen B, Chen H, Wu E D, Zhang J, Ji V, Hughes D, Pirling T 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 2549 (in Chinese) [孙光爱、陈 波、陈 华、吴二冬、张 俊、Ji V、Hughes D、Pirling T 2009 58 2549]
[28] [29] Glatzel U, Muller A 1994 Scripta Metall. Mater. 31 285
[30] [31] Sun G A, Chen B, Wu E D, Li J C, Pirling T, Hughes D 2009 Chin. Phys. Lett. 26 086201
[32] Kuhn H A, Biermann H, Ungr T, Mughrabi H 1991 Acta Metall. Mater. 39 2783
[33] [34] Starink M J, Thomson R C 2001 J. Mater. Sci. 36 5603
[35] [36] Ungar T 2004 Scripta Mater. 51 777
[37] [38] Ungar T 2001 Mater. Sci. Eng. A 309310 14
[39] [40] Rai S K, Kumar A, Shankar V, Jayakumar T, Bhanu K, Rao S, Raj B 2004 Scripta Mater. 51 59
[41] [42] Wang C T 2006 M.S. Dissertation (Shenyang: Shenyang Technology University) p19 (in Chinese) [王春涛 2006 硕士学位论文 (沈阳: 沈阳工业大学) 第19页]
[43] [44] [45] Sun G A, Chen B, Wu E D, Yan G Y, Huang C Q, Li W H, Wu Z H, Liu Y, Wang J 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 016102 (in Chinese) [孙光爱、陈 波、吴二冬、闫冠云、黄朝强、李武会、吴忠华、柳 义、王 劼 2011 60 016102]
[46] Hutchings M T, Withers P J, Holden T M, Lorentzen T 2005 Introduction to the Characterisation of Residual Stress by Neutron Diffraction (Boca Raton: Taylor and Francis Group) p192
[47] [48] Coujou A, Benyoucef M, Clement N 1997 Interf. Sci. 4 317
[49] [50] [51] Yu J J, Sun X F, Zhao N R, Jin T, Guan H R, Hu Z Q 2007 Mater. Sci. Eng. A460461 420
[52] [53] Mughrabi H I, Arsenault R J, Cole D, Gross T, Kostorz G, Liaw P K, Parameswaran S P 1996 The Johannes Weertman Symposium (Warrendale: Minerals, Metals and Materials Society) p267
[54] Mukherji D, Wahi R P 1997 Scripta Mater. 36 1233
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