On 21 February 2009, THEMIS-C satellite observed the classical signal of magnetic flux rope at magnetotail of X=-15.7RE.We take the method of Grad-Shafranov reconstruction to investigate the characteristics and structure of magnetotail flux rope. The results give the characteristic physics parameters such as the invariant axis direction, the cross scale length, the magnetic flux in flux rope, etc. With no constraint from model on shape of the flux rope, we reconstruct the distribution of magnetic field and electric current density in the cross section of magnetic flux rope at magnetotail. Our results show that the magnetic field in the central region of magnetic flux rope can be described as being force-free, while with the increase of radial distance, the fields display no force-free feature in the region where the magnetic fields deviate from the axial symmetric distribution.
- magnetotail /
- magnetic flux rope /
- Grad-Shafranov reconstruction /
- multiple X-line reconnection
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[1] Waidmann G, Kuang G L 1996 Chin. Phys. 5 58
[2] Slavin J A, Lepping R P, Gjerloev J, Fairfield D H, Hesse M, Owen C J, Moldwin M B, Nagai T, Ieda A, Mukai T 2003 J. Geophys. Res. 108 1015
[3] Lee L C 1995 Geophysics Monograph Series (Vol.90) (Washington Amevican Geophysical Union) p139
[4] Zong Q G, Fu S Y, Baker D N, Goldstein M L, Song P, Slavin J A, Fritz T A, Cao J B, Amm O, Frey H, Korth A, Daly P W, Reme H, Pedersen A 2007 J. Geophys. Res. 112 A07203
[5] Snekvik K, Haaland S, stgaard N, Hasegawa H, Nakamura R, Takada T, Juusola L, Amm O, Pitout F, Rème H, Klecker B, Lucek E 2007 Ann. Geophys. 25 1405
[6] Liu Z X, Shen C, Wang X Y 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 7346 (in Chinese) [刘振兴、沈 超、王馨悦 2007 56 7346]
[7] Lundquist S 1950 Ark. Fys. 2 361
[8] Kivelson M G, Khurana K K 1995 J. Geophys. Res. 100 23637
[9] Shen C, Li X, Dunlop M, Shi Q Q, Liu Z X, Lucek E, Chen Z Q 2007 J. Geophys. Res. 112 6211
[10] Zhang Y C, Liu Z X, Shen C, Duan S P, He Z H, Carr C M, Rème H 2007 Cin. Sci. Bull. 52 1843 (in Chinese)[张永存、刘振兴、沈 超、段素平、何兆海、Carr C M, Rème H 2007 科学通报 52 1843]
[11] Hau L N, Sonnerup B U 1999 J. Geophys. Res.104 6899
[12] Hasegawa H, Sonnerup B U , Dunlop M W, Balogh A, Haaland S E, Klecker B, Paschmann G, Lavraud B, Dandouras I, Rème H 2004 Ann. Geophys. 22 1251
[13] Hu Q, Sonnerup B U 2002 J. Geophys. Res. 107 1142
[14] Sonnerup B U , Hasegawa H, Paschmann G 2004 Geophys. Res. Lett. 31 L11803
[15] deHoffmann F, Teller E 1950 Phys. Rev. A 80 692
[16] Angelopoulos V 2008 Space Sci. Rev. 141 5
[17] Auster H U, Glassmeier K H, Magnes W, Aydogar O, Baumjohann W, Constantinescu D, Fischer D, Fornacon K H, Georgescu E, Harvey P, Hillenmaier O, Kroth R, Ludlam M, Narita Y, Nakamura R, Okrafka K, Plaschke F, Richter I, Schwarzl H, Stoll B, Valavanoglou A, Wiedemann M 2008 Space Sci. Rev. 141 235
[18] McFadden J P, Carlson C W, Larson D, Ludlam M, Abiad R, Elliott B, Turin P, Marckwordt M, Angelopoulos V 2008 Space Sci. Rev. 141 277
[19] Zong Q G, Fritz T A, Spence H, Zhang H, Huang Z Y, Pu Z Y, Glassmeier K H, Korth A, Daly P W, Balogh A, Réme H 2004 Geophys. Res. Lett. 31 L18803
[20] Sonnerup B U , Scheible M 1998 Analysis Methods for Multi-Spacecraft Data (Switzerland Bern: Int. Space Sci. Inst.) p185
[21] Schindler K 1974 J. Geophys. Res. 79 2803
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