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Infrared quantum-cutting analysis of Er0.3Gd0.7VO4 crystal for solar cell application

Chen Xiao-Bo Yang Guo-Jian Zhang Chun-Lin Li Yong-Liang Liao Hong-Bo Zhang Yun-Zhi Chen Luan Wang Ya-Fei


Infrared quantum-cutting analysis of Er0.3Gd0.7VO4 crystal for solar cell application

Chen Xiao-Bo, Yang Guo-Jian, Zhang Chun-Lin, Li Yong-Liang, Liao Hong-Bo, Zhang Yun-Zhi, Chen Luan, Wang Ya-Fei
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  • Recently the infrared quantum cutting has achieved an exciting development in enhancing the efficiency of solar cell. The infrared quantum cutting of Er0.3Gd0.7VO4 crystalline is studied in the present paper. It is found that the approximate quantum cutting efficiencies of 1532.5 nm 4I13/2→4I15/2 fluorescence, when the 2H11/2 and 4G11/2 levels are excited, are about 178.55% and 177.61% respectively. Especially, effective three-photon and four-photon infrared quantum cuttings of Er0.3Gd0.7VO4 crystalline excited by visible and near-violet light are found for the first time in the present paper. An interesting "peak - valley" conversion phenomenon in the excitation spectrum is also observed. It is also the first time for us to find the first-order infrared quantum cutting based single species Er3+ ion for Er0.3Gd0.7VO4 crystalline.

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  • [1]

    Yang G Z National natural science foundation of China 1995 Optical Physics (Beijing : Science Press) (in Chinese) [杨国桢,等,国家自然科学基金委员会 1995 光物理科学(北京:科学出版社)]


    Wegh R T, Donker H, Oskam K D, Meijerink A 1999 Science 283 663


    Zhou Y, Feofilov S P, Jeong J Y, D A Keszler, Meltzer R S 2006 Journal of Luminescence 120 265


    Presting H, Konle J, Kibbel H, Thonke K, Sauer R 2001 Silicon-Based and Hybrid Optoelectronics III 4293 63


    Song Z F, Lian S R, Wang S K 1982 Acta Phys. Sinic. 31 772 (in Chinese) [宋增福、连绍仁、王淑坤 1982 31 772] 〖6] Wegh R T, Donker H, Oskam K D, and Meijerink A 1999 Journal of Luminescence 82 93


    Ye S, Luo J, Chen J X, Zhu B, Lakshminarayana G, Qiu J R 2008 Optics Express 16 8989


    Chen D Q, Wang Y S, Yu Y L, Huang P, Weng F Y 2008 Optics Letters 33 1884


    Richards B S 2006 Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 90 1189


    Vergeer P, Vlugt T J H, Kox M H F, Hertog M I den, van der Eerden J P J M, Meijerink A 2005 Physical Review B 71 014119


    Lee T J, Luo L Y, Diau E W G, Chen T M, Cheng B M, Tung C Y 2006 Applied Physics Letters 89 131121


    Wang G W, Tang Y, Long C W 1964 Acta Phys. Sin. 20 1178 (in Chinese)[王国文、汤 沂、龙纯玮 1964 20 1178]


    Carnall W T, Fieldd R, Rajnank K T 1968 J. Chem. Phys. 49 4424


    Zhang Q Y, Liang X F 2007 Journal of the Society for Information Display 16 755


    Zaguniennyi A I, Ostoumov V G, Shcherbakov I A, Jensen T, Meyn J P, Huber G 1992 Sov. J. Quant. Electron. 22 1071


    Tzenga H Y, Cheng B M, Chen T M 2007 Journal of Luminescence 122-123 917


    Ni P G, Zhang S Z, Ji P W 2008 Bulletin of National Natural Science Foundation of China 5 301 (in Chinese)[倪培根、张守著、汲培文 2008 中国科学基金 5 301]


    Wang N Y, Zhang L 2001 Acta Phys. Sin. 50 693(in Chinese) [王乃彦\,张 路 2001 50 693]


    Reisfeld R 1977 Lasers and excited states of rare-earth (New York: Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg,)


    Chen X Y, Luo Z D 1998 Chin.Phys. 7 773


    Xiao S G, Yang X L, and Ding J W 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 3812(in Chinese)[肖思国\,阳效良\,丁建文 2009 58 3812]


    Xu X R, Shu M Z 2003 Science of Luminescence and Luminescent Material (Beijing: The Publish Center of Material Science and Engineering)(in Chinese) [徐叙瑢\,苏勉曾 2003 发光学与发光材料 (北京: 材料科学与工程出版中心)]


    Zhou J, Ren Z, Zhai T R 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 3208(in Chinese)[周 静\,任 芝\,翟天瑞 2009 58 3208]


    Ogata K, Matsui T, Isomura M, Kondo M 2006 Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 352 1255


    Chen Z J, Chen H Y, Gong Q H 1999 Acta Phys. Sin. 48 477(in Chinese)[陈志坚、陈慧英、龚旗煌 1999 48 477]


    Zhang Q Y, Yang C H, Pan Y X 2007 Applied Physics Letters 90 021107


    Dai Z W, Yang H G, Zu N N 2007 Chin. Phys. 16 1650


    Wang E G, Guo Y, Zhang Y F, Oe T Z, Bao X Y, Tang Z, Zhang L X, Zhu W G, Niu Q, Qiu Z Q, Jia J F, Zhao Z X 2004 Science 306 5703

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  • Received Date:  18 December 2009
  • Accepted Date:  02 March 2010
  • Published Online:  15 November 2010

