Using Crosslight APSYS software, we study the effect of the electrode shapes on the electrical and optical properties for the chip structures of p-GaN, InGaN/InGaN multiple quantum well, n-GaN and sapphire. Six kinds of optimized electrodes are presented. By optimzing the electrode shape, the current density distribution are more uniform, and the current crowding effects are reduced. And for the chips with optimized electrodes their electrical and optical properties are improved, and the light emission efficiencies and transferring efficiencies have been also improved.
- GaN based light-emitting diode /
- electrode shape /
- current crowding effects /
- photoelectric property
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[1] Guo X, Schubert E F 2001 Appl. Phys.Lett. 90 4191
[2] Kim H, Cho J, Lee J K, Yoon S, Kim H, Sone C, Park Y, Seong T Y 2007 IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 43 625
[3] Jeon S R, Song Y H, Jang H J, Yang G M 2001 Appl. Phys. Lett. 78 3265
[4] Kim H, Cho J, Lee J W, Yoon S, Kim H, Sone C, Park Y 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 161110
[5] Bulashevich K A, Evstratov I Y, Mymrin V F, Karpov S Y 2007 Phys. Stat. Solidi (c) 45-48 1
[6] Horng R H, Chiang C C, Hsiao H Y, Zheng X, Wu D S, Lin H I 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 111907
[7] Zhang J B, Lin Y M, Lin B, Zeng X H 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 5881 (in Chinese) [张俊兵、林岳明、柏 林、曾祥华 2008 物 理学报 57 5881] 〖8] Lin Y M, Zhang J B, Zeng X H 2009 Chin. J. Lumin. 30 201 (in Chinese) [林岳明、张俊兵、曾祥华 2009 发光学报 30 201]
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[9] Zeng X H, Zhang J B 2008 ZL200820039406.0 (in Chinese)曾祥华、张俊兵 2008 ZL200820039406.0
[10] Zeng X H, Zhang J B 2008 ZL200820039407.5 (in Chinese)曾祥兵、张俊兵 2008ZL200820039407.5
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