In this paper are described three composite structures of visible light metamaterials, i.e. dendritic structures and dendritic structures, dendritic structures and silver film, dendritic structures and indium tin oxide slice, based on the physical model of “double-fishnet” structure. By double template-assisted electrochemical deposition, silver dendritic structure arrays and silver films are fabricated, which is useful for achieving the above three composite structures. It is revealed that all of the three composite structures have the same effects according to the transmission spectra and reverberation spectra.A comparison among all of the three composite structures clealy shows that the composite structure of dendritic structures and indium tin oxide slice has the best performance, such as low loss and distinct planar focus effect. Through adjusting the experiment conditions, three kinds of visible light metamaterials are prepared which can realize planar focus effects at red, green and blue light frequencies, separately.
- metamaterials /
- silver dendritic structures /
- visible light /
- planar focus
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[1] [1] Veselago V G 1968 Sov. Hys. Usp. 10 509
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[20] ] Liu H, Zhao X P, Yang Y, Li Q W, Lü J 2008 Adv. Mater. 20 2050
[21] ] Liu B Q, Zhao X P, Zhu W R, Luo W, Cheng X C 2008 Adv. Funct. Mater. 18 3523
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