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Nuclear shape phase transition SU(3)→U(5)→SU(3) of the yrast-band structure in 182Os from nucleonic order

Tong Hong Zhang Chun-Mei Shi Zhu-Yi Wang Hong Ni Shao-Yong


Nuclear shape phase transition SU(3)→U(5)→SU(3) of the yrast-band structure in 182Os from nucleonic order

Tong Hong, Zhang Chun-Mei, Shi Zhu-Yi, Wang Hong, Ni Shao-Yong
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  • That quantum phase transition (QPT) that occurs at the same nucleus causing the change of the basic state by rotation can be understood as an evolution from a higher-ordered and high-excitation model to another lower-ordered and high-excitation one, which implies a nucleus populated at high-momentum state decoupling firstly to the yrast-band with some E2-trasitions mode, then to the coexist region (or critical point), wherein the structure-energy is released. The change of the nucleon coupling intensity is caused, finally the basic state of the lower-ordered excitation model is reconstructed, the evolution of basic states structure is accomplished. This description of nuclear QPTs has endowed them with some similar to Landau’s classical quantum thermal phase transition in terminology and physical significance. This standpoint is generalized into the phase transitions that occur at the same nucleus one after an other. As an example, for the 182Os nucleus, the problem is discussed carefully, and the enhanced sensitivity of nuclear binging energy to collective structure is demonstrated.

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    ]Zhang Y, Hou Z F, Liu Y X 2007 Phys. Rev. C 76 011305


    ]Liu Y X, Mu L Z, Wei H Q 2006 Phys. Lett. B 633 49


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    ]Yang S, Philip M. Walker, Xu F R, Liu U X 2008 Phys. Lett. B 659 165


    ]Shi Z Y, Tong H, Shi Z Ya, Zhang C M, Zhao X Z, Ni S Y 2007 Acat Phys. Sin. 56 1329 (in Chinese)[石筑一、童红、 石筑亚、 张春梅、 赵行知、 倪绍勇 2007 56 1329]


    ]Shi Z Y, Zhang C M, Tong H, Zhao X Z, Ni S Y 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 1564 (in Chinese) [石筑一、 张春梅、 童红、 赵行知、 倪绍勇 2008 57 1564]


    ]Wang H, Zhang H, Shi Z Y, Lei Y X, Tong H, 2008 Journal of Southwest University(Natural Science Edition)  30 48 (in Chinese) [汪红、 张欢、 石筑一、 雷玉玺, 童红 2008 西南大学学报(自然科学版) 30  48]


    ]Shi Z Y, Tong H, Zhang H, Wang H, Lei Y X, Zhao X Z, NI S Y 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58  (in Chinese)[石筑一、 童红、 张欢、 汪红、 雷玉玺、 赵行知、 倪绍勇 2009 58][20]Yang Z S, Liu Y, Qi H 1984 Nucl. Phys. A 421 297


    ]Yang Z S, Liu Y, Tian X Q 1982 High Energy Phys.  & Nucl Phys. 6 472 (in Chinese) [杨泽森、 刘庸、 田晓岑 1982 高能物理与核物理  6  472][22]Liu Y, Shi Z Y, Dan H J, Sang J P 1995 Chinese Journal of Nuclear Physics 17 194


    ]Shi Z Y, Liu Y, Sang J P 2000 Chin. Phys. 9  9


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    ]Shi Z Y, Zhao X Z, Tong H 2003 Chin. Phys.  12 732


    ]Shi Z Y, Ni S Y, Tong H, Zhao X Z 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 734 (in Chinese) [石筑一、 倪绍勇、 童红、 赵行知 2004 53 734][27]Chu S Y, Nordberg H, Firestone R B, Ekstrm L P 2005 Isotope Explorer 3.0 //


    ]Pattison L K, Cullen D M, Smith J F, Fletcher A M, Walker P M, El-Masri H M, Podolyak Z, Wood R J, Scholey C, Wheldon C, Mukherjee G, Balabanski D, Djongolov M, Dalsgaard T, Thisgaard H, Sletten G, Kondev F, Jenkins D, Lane G J, Lee I Y, Macchiavelli A O, Frauendorf S, Almehed D 2003 Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 182501


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    ]Wang Z C 2003 Thermodynamics and statistical physics (3rd ed. Beijing: Higher education press.) 132—140. (in Chinese)


    ]Cakirli R B, Casten R F, Winkler R, Blaum K, Kowalska M. 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 082501

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  • Received Date:  09 March 2009
  • Accepted Date:  06 August 2009
  • Published Online:  15 May 2010

