The reduced density fidelity is a measure of distance between two reduced density matrix, which can be used to characterize quantum phase transitions in quantum many-body systems. In this paper, we use the multi-scale entanglement reorganization ansatz (MERA) algorithm to simulate the spin 1 quantum Blume-Capel model and determine its ground-state phase diagram through calculating the reduced density fidelity. The qualitative relevant information contained in one site reduced density matrix is different from that contained two-site reduced density matrix, which can be detected by using the reduced density fidelity. In addition, we also characterize quantum phase transitions in quantum many-body systems by using the local parameters and energy gaps.
- quantum phase transition /
- MERA /
- reduced density matrix /
- fidelity
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[1] Sachdev S 1999 Quantum Phase Transitions (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) p3
[2] Wootters W K 1998 Phys. Rev. Lett. 80 2245
[3] Amico L, Andreas Osterloh, Francesco Plastina, Rosario Fazio, Massimo Palma G 2004 Phys. Rev. A 69 022304
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[7] Vidal G 2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 070201
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[10] Vidal G 2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 220405
[11] Evenbly G, Vidal G 2009 Phys. Rev. B 79 144108
[12] Glen Evenbly, Guifre Vidal 2011 arXiv:1109.5334
[13] Nightingale M P 1976 Physica A 83 561
[14] Hu B, 1980 Phys. Rev. Lett. 75 A 372
[15] Blume M, Emery V J, Griffiths R B 1971 Phys. Rev. A 4 1071
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[21] Capel H W 1967 Physica 37 423
[22] Zhou H Q, Barjaktarevic J P 2008 J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 412001
[23] Zhou H Q, Roman Orus, Guifre Vidal 2008 Physical Review Letters 100 080601
[24] Nielsen M A, Chuang I L 2000 Quantum Computation and Quantum Information (Cambridge University Press, Cambrige) p409
[25] Zhao J H, Wang H L, Li B, Zhou H Q 2010 Physical Review E 82 061127
[26] Liu J H, Shi Q Q, Zhao J H, Zhou H Q 2011 J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 44 495302
[27] Arizmendi C M, Epele L N, Fanchiotti, Garcia Canal C A 1986 Z. Phys. B Condensed Matter 64 231 235
[28] Xavier J C, Alcaraz F C 2011 Phys. Rev. B 84 094410
[29] Feng D, Jin G J 2003 Condensed Matter Physics (Vol. 1) (Beijing: Higher Education Press) p601 (in Chinese) [冯端, 金国钧 2003 凝聚态物理学 (上卷) (北京: 高等教育出版社) 第601页]
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