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The quantum phase transition in the Jaynes-Cummings lattice model and the Rabi lattice model

You Bing-Ling Liu Xue-Ying Cheng Shu-Jie Wang Chen Gao Xian-Long


The quantum phase transition in the Jaynes-Cummings lattice model and the Rabi lattice model

You Bing-Ling, Liu Xue-Ying, Cheng Shu-Jie, Wang Chen, Gao Xian-Long
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • We use the mean field approximation method to study the quantum phase transitions of the Jaynes-Cummings lattice model and the Rabi lattice model. The effective Hamiltonians are obtained for the JC and Rabi model including the Kerr nonlinear term. Numerically we diagonalized the Hamiltonian matrix and calculated the superfluidity order parameter and the two-photon correlation function by solving the iteration equations.We have explored the Mott insulating-superfluid quantum phase transition, the bunching-antibunching behavior of light, and the effect of Kerr nonlinear term on the quantum phase transition and photon statistical characteristics. Our results show that in the JC lattice model, by increasing J, a quantum phase transition takes place and the system is driven to a superfluid phase. The phase boundaries of the Mott lobes are N-dependent. However the photon will always be in a bunching statistical behavior irrelevant of the coupling strength between the two-level atom and the phonton and the nonlinear Kerr effect.In the Rabi lattice model, the anti-rotating wave term breaks Mott-lobe structure of the phase diagram and the increase of the two-level atom and photon interaction strength g and the photon transition strength J between the lattices drive the system from the Mott insulating phase to the superfluid phase. The photon statistical behavior changes from the bunching to the antibunching one when considering the anti-rotating wave term, which is important in the strongly coupled systems. Most interestingly, the increase of the Kerr nonlinear coefficient will inhibit the Mott insulating phase-superfluid phase transition, but favor the superfluid phase and the transition from the bunching to anti-bunching statistics.
      Corresponding author: Gao Xian-Long,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11774316, 11704093).

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    Umucalilar R O, Carusotto I 2011 Phys. Rev. A 84 043804Google Scholar


    Birnbaum K M, Boca A, Miller R, Boozer A D, Northup T E, Kimble H J 2005 Nature 436 87


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    Cramer M, Eisert J, Illuminati F 2004 Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 190405Google Scholar


    Fehrmann H, Baranov M A, Damski B, Lewenstein M, Santos L 2004 Opt. Commun. 243 23


    Littlewood P B, Eastham P R, Keeling J M J, Marchetti F M, Simons B D, Szymanska M H 2004 J. Phys. Condens. Matter 16 S3597Google Scholar


    He Y, Zhu X, Mihalache D, Liu J, Chen Z 2012 Phys. Rev. A 85 013831Google Scholar


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    Cordero S, Récamier J 2011 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 44 135502Google Scholar


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    Niu Y, Gong S 2006 Phys. Rev. A 73 053811Google Scholar


    Glauber R J 1963 Phys. Rev. 130 2529Google Scholar


    Gomes C B C, Almeida F A G, Souza A M C 2016 Phys. Lett. A 38 1799

  • 图 1  (a), (b)平均场近似下, 不同晶格模型关于超流序参量$ A = \braket{a} $$ J \text {-} g $相图 (a) JC晶格模型; (b) Rabi 晶格模型. 横坐标为格点之间的光子跃迁强度$ J $, 纵坐标为二能级原子和光子相互作用强度$ g $, 横纵坐标的单位为$ \omega_0 $, 颜色条表示超流序参量$ A = \braket{a} $的大小. 深蓝色表示Mott绝缘相, 浅黄色表示超流体相. 其他参量取值为: $ \mathop{\omega_{0} = \omega_{1}} = 1 $, 光子截断数$ N = 20 $. (c), (d)对于不同的$ J $, 不同晶格模型的超流序参量$ A $$ g $变化的图像 (c) JC晶格模型; (d) Rabi晶格模型

    Figure 1.  (a), (b) Under the mean field approximation, the $ J \text {-} g $ phase diagram of different lattice models with respect to the superfluid order parameter $ A = \braket{a} $: (a) JC lattice model; (b) Rabi lattice model. The abscissa is the photon transition intensity $ J $ between the lattice, the ordinate is the two-level atom and photon interaction strength $ g $, the unit of the abscissa and the ordinate is $ \omega_0 $, and the color bar represents the value of the superfluid order parameter $ A = \braket{a} $. Dark blue indicates Mott insulating phase, and light yellow indicates superfluid phase. Other parameters are taken as $ \mathop{\omega_{0} = \omega_{1}} = 1 $, and the number of the photon truncation $ N = 20 $. (c), (d) For different $ J $, the superfluid order parameter $ A $ of different lattice models varies with $ g $: (c) JC lattice model; (d) Rabi lattice model.

    图 2  平均场近似下, 不同晶格模型关于二阶关联函数$ g^{2}(0) $$J\text {-} g$相图 (a) JC晶格模型; (b) Rabi晶格模型. 横坐标为格点之间的光子跃迁强度$ J $, 纵坐标为二能级原子和光子相互作用强度$ g $, 横纵坐标的单位为$ \omega_0 $, 颜色条表示二阶关联函数$ g^{2}(0) $ 的值. 其他参量取值为: $ \mathop{\omega_{0} = \omega_{1}} = 1 $, 光子截断数$ N = 20 $

    Figure 2.  Under the mean field approximation, the $ J \text {-} g $ phase diagram of different lattice models with respect to the second-order correlation function $ g^{2}(0) $: (a) JC lattice model; (b) Rabi lattice model. The abscissa is the photon transition intensity $ J $ between the lattice, the ordinate is the two-level atom and photon interaction strength $ g $, the unit of the abscissa and the ordinate is $ \omega_0 $, the color bar is represented by the value of the second-order correlation function $ g^{2}(0) $. $ \mathop{\omega_{0} = \omega_{1}} = 1 $, and the number of photon truncation $ N = 20 $.

    图 3  Kerr效应下不同晶格模型关于超流序参量$ A = \braket{a} $$ \kappa \text {-} g $相图 (a) JC晶格模型; (b) Rabi 晶格模型. 横坐标为Kerr非线性强度$ \kappa $, 纵坐标为二能级原子和光子相互作用强度$ g $, 横纵坐标的单位为$ \omega_0 $, 颜色条表示超流序参量$ A $的大小. 其他参量取值为: $ \mathop{\omega_{0} = \omega_{1}} = 1 $, $ J = 0.05 $, 光子截断数$ N = 20 $

    Figure 3.  The $ \kappa \text {-} g $ phase diagram of different lattice models under the Kerr effect with respect to the superfluid order parameter $ A = \braket{a} $: (a) JC lattice model; (b) Rabi lattice model. The abscissa is the Kerr nonlinear intensity $ \kappa $, the ordinate is the two-level atom and photon interaction strength $ g $, the unit of the abscissa and the ordinate is $ \omega_0 $, and the color bar represents the value of the superfluid order parameter $ A $. Other parameters are taken as $ \mathop{\omega_{0} = \omega_{1}} = 1 $, $ J = 0.05 $, and the number of photon truncation $ N = 20 $.

    图 4  Kerr效应下不同晶格模型关于二阶关联函数$ g^{2}(0) $$ \kappa \text {-} g $相图 (a) JC晶格模型; (b) Rabi晶格模型. 横坐标为Kerr非线性强度$ \kappa $, 纵坐标为二能级原子和光子相互作用强度$ g $, 横纵坐标的单位为$ \omega_0 $, 颜色条表示二阶关联函数$ g^{2}(0) $. 其他参量取值为: $ \mathop{\omega_{0} = \omega_{1}} = 1 $, $ J = 0.05 $, 光子截断数$ N = 20 $

    Figure 4.  The $ \kappa \text {-} g $ phase diagram of different lattice models under the Kerr effect with respect to the second-order correlation function $ g^{2}(0) $: (a) JC lattice model; (b) Rabi lattice model. The abscissa is the Kerr nonlinear intensity $ \kappa $, the ordinate is the two-level atom and photon interaction strength $ g $, the unit of the abscissa and the ordinate is $ \omega_0 $, and the color bar represents the value of second-order correlation function $ g^{2}(0) $. Other parameters are taken as $ \mathop{\omega_{0} = \omega_{1}} = 1 $, $ J = 0.05 $, and the number of photon truncation $ N = 20 $.

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  • Received Date:  06 December 2020
  • Accepted Date:  04 January 2021
  • Available Online:  06 May 2021
  • Published Online:  20 May 2021

