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段宝兴 刘雨林 唐春萍 杨银堂



段宝兴, 刘雨林, 唐春萍, 杨银堂

Novel majority carrier accumulation insulated gate bipolar transistor with Schottky junction

Duan Bao-Xing, Liu Yu-Lin, Tang Chun-Ping, Yang Yin-Tang
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 绝缘栅双极晶体管(insulated gate bipolar transistor, IGBT)是现代功率半导体器件的核心, 因其良好的电学特性得到了广泛的应用. 本文提出了一种具有肖特基结接触的栅半导体层新型多数载流子积累模式IGBT, 并对其进行特性研究和仿真分析. 当新型IGBT处于导通状态, 栅极施加正向偏压, 由于肖特基势垒二极管极低的正向导通压降, 使得栅半导体层的电压几乎等于栅极电压, 从而能够在漂移区中积累大量的多数载流子电子. 除了现有的电子外, 这些积累的电子增大了漂移区的电导率, 从而显著降低了正向导通压降. 因此, 打破了传统IGBT正向导通压降受漂移区掺杂浓度的限制. 轻掺杂的漂移区可以使新型IGBT具有较高的击穿电压, 同时减小了关断过程中器件内部耗尽层电容, 因此整体米勒电容减小, 提升了关断速度, 减小了关断时间和关断损耗. 分析结果表明, 600 V级别的击穿电压时, 新型IGBT的正向导通压降, 关断损耗和关断时间相比常规IGBT分别降低了46.2%, 52.5%, 30%, 打破了IGBT中正向导通压降和关断损耗之间的矛盾. 此外, 新型IGBT具有更高的抗闩锁能力和更大的正偏安全工作区. 新型结构的提出满足了未来IGBT器件性能的发展要求, 对于功率半导体器件领域具有重大指导意义.
    Insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) is the core of modern power semiconductor device, and has been widely used due to its excellent electrical characteristics. A novel majority carrier accumulation mode IGBT with Schottky junction contact gate semiconductor layer (AC-SCG IGBT) is proposed and investigated by TCAD simulation in this article. When the AC-SCG IGBT is in the on-state, a forward bias is applied to the gate. Due to the very low forward voltage drop (VF) of the Schottky barrier diode, the potential of the gate semiconductor layer is almost equal to the gate potential, which can accumulate a large number of majority carrier electrons in the drift region. In addition to the electrons existing, these accumulated electrons increase the conductivity of the drift region, thus significantly reducing VF. Therefore, the doping concentration of the drift region is not limited by VF. The lightly doped drift region can make AC-SCG IGBT have a higher breakdown voltage (BV). Moreover, it also reduces the barrier capacitance in the turn-off process, thus the overall Miller capacitance is small, which can quickly turn off and reduce the turn-off time (Toff) and turn-off loss (Eoff). The simulation results indicate that at the BV of 600 V, the VF of 0.84 V for the proposed AC-SCG IGBT is reduced by 46.2% compared with that for the conventional IGBT (VF of 1.56 V). The Eoff of the AC-SCG IGBT (0.77 mJ/cm2) is reduced by 52.5% compared with that for the conventional IGBT (1.62 mJ/cm2), and the Toff (155.8–222.7 ns) is reduced by 30%. The contradiction between VF and Eoff is eliminated. In addition, the proposed AC-SCG IGBT has a better anti-latch-up capability and is coupled with its higher BV, so it has a larger forward biased safe operating area (FBSOA). The proposed novel structure meets the development requirements for future IGBT device performance, and has great significance for guiding the development of the power semiconductor device field.
      通信作者: 段宝兴, bxduan@163.com
    • 基金项目: 陕西省杰出青年科学基金(批准号: 2018JC-017)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Duan Bao-Xing, bxduan@163.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars of Shaanxi Province, China (Grant No. 2018JC-017).

    Baliga B J 1979 Electron. Lett. 15 645Google Scholar


    Baliga B J 1988 IEEE Proc. 76 409Google Scholar


    王彩琳 2015 电力半导体新器件及其制造技术 (北京: 机械工业出版社) 第5—7页

    Wang C L 2015 New Power Semiconductor Devices and Their Manufacturing Technologies (Beijing: China Machine Press) pp5–7


    Baliga B J (translated by Han Z S, Lu J, Song L M) 2013 Fundamentals of Power Semiconductor Devices (Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry) pp399–401 (in Chinses) [巴利加BJ著 (韩郑生, 陆江, 宋李梅译) 2013 功率半导体器件基础 (北京: 电子工业出版社) 第399—401页]

    Baliga B J (translated by Han Z S, Lu J, Song L M) 2013 Fundamentals of Power Semiconductor Devices (Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry) pp399–401 (in Chinses)


    Chang H R, Baliga B J, Kretchmer J W, Piacente P A 1987 International Electron Devices Meeting ( IEDM) Washington, USA, December 6–9, 1987 p674


    Takahashi H, Yamamoto A, Aono S, Minato T 2004 16th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs ( ISPSD) Kitakyushu, Japan, May 24–27, 2004 p133


    Takahashi H, Haruguchi E, Hagino H, Yamada T 1996 8th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs ( ISPSD) Maui, USA, May 23, 1996 p349


    Antoniou M, Udrea F, Bauer F, Mihaila A, Nistor I 2012 24th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs ( ISPSD) Bruges, Belgium, June 3–7, 2012 p21


    Li P, Lü X J, Cheng J J, Chen X B 2016 IEEE Electron. Device Lett. 37 1470Google Scholar


    Vaidya M, Naugarhiya A, Verma S, Mishra G P 2022 IEEE Trans. Electron. Devices 69 1604Google Scholar


    Xu H, Yang Y F, Tan J J, Zhu H, Sun Q Q, Zhang D W 2022 IEEE Trans. Electron. Devices 69 5450Google Scholar


    Li L P, Li Z H, Chen P, Rao Q S, Yang Y Z, Wan J L, Wang T Y, Zhao Y S, Ren M 2022 16th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology ( ICSICT) Nanjing, China, October 25–28, 2022 p1


    Synopsys Sentaurus TCAD Device User Guide 2017


    Duan B X, Xing L T, Wang Y D, Yang Y T 2022 IEEE Trans. Electron. Devices 69 658Google Scholar


    Udrea F, Deboy G, Fujihira T 2017 IEEE Trans. Electron. Devices 64 713Google Scholar


    Iwamoto S, Takahashi K, Kuribayashi H, Wakimoto S, Mochizuki K, Nakazawa H 2005 17th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs ( ISPSD) Santa Barbara, CA, USA, May 23–26, 2005 p31


    Yamauchi S, Shibata T, Nogami S, Yamaoka T, Hattori Y, Yamaguchi H 2006 18th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs ( ISPSD) Naples, Italy, June 4–8, 2006 p1


    Duan B X, Wang Y D, Sun L C, Yang Y T 2020 IEEE Trans. Electron. Devices 67 1085Google Scholar


    Wang Y D, Duan B X, Song H T, Yang Y T 2020 IEEE Electron. Device Lett. 41 1681Google Scholar


    Sun L C, Duan B X, Yang Y T 2021 IEEE J. Electron Devi. 9 409Google Scholar

  • 图 1  两种器件结构示意图 (a)常规IGBT结构; (b) AC-SCG IGBT结构

    Fig. 1.  Schematic cross sections of the two devices: (a) Conventional IGBT structure; (b) AC-SCG IGBT structure.

    图 2  AC-SCG IGBT的工艺流程图 (a)外延; (b)深沟槽刻蚀; (c) SiO2生长; (d)外延回填; (e)离子注入; (f)背面减薄和金属化

    Fig. 2.  Process flow for AC-SCG IGBT: (a) Epitaxy; (b) deep trench etching; (c) performing SiO2 growth; (d) epitaxial backfilling; (e) ion implantation; (f) back thinning and metallization.

    图 3  正栅极电压下AC-SCG IGBT积累层的截面示意图及栅半导体层的电位分布

    Fig. 3.  Schematic cross sections of AC-SCG IGBT accumulation layer and potential distributions of the gate semiconductor layer under the positive gate voltage.

    图 4  两种器件的BV和VFND变化的曲线图 (a)常规IGBT结构; (b) AC-SCG IGBT结构

    Fig. 4.  BV and VF as a function of ND of the two devices: (a) Conventional IGBT; (b) AC-SCG IGBT.

    图 5  两种器件在击穿时的垂直电场分布 (a)两种器件沿线AA'的电场分布; (b) AC-SCG IGBT沿线BB'的电场分布

    Fig. 5.  Vertical electric field distributions of the two devices at BV: (a) Electric field distributions along the line AA' for the two devices; (b) electric field distribution along the line BB' for AC-SCG IGBT.

    图 6  AC-SCG IGBT栅氧化层两侧的电势分布

    Fig. 6.  Potential distribution on both sides of AC-SCG IGBT gate oxide.

    图 7  两种器件在不同VG下的输出特性

    Fig. 7.  Variation of output characteristics for the two devices under VG.

    图 8  两种器件在VG = 10 V下的饱和特性

    Fig. 8.  Saturation characteristics for the two devices under VG = 10 V.

    图 9  AC-SCG IGBT在不同TOX下的输出特性

    Fig. 9.  Variation of output characteristics for the AC-SCG IGBT under TOX.

    图 10  开关电路与关断特性图 (a)带感性负载的IGBT开关电路图; (b)两种器件的关断特性曲线

    Fig. 10.  Switching circuit and turn-off characteristics diagram: (a) Switching circuit with inductive load for IGBT; (b) turn-off characteristics for the two devices.

    图 11  两种器件的米勒电容

    Fig. 11.  CGC as a function of VCE of the two devices.

    图 12  两种器件VFEoff的折中曲线图

    Fig. 12.  Trade-off curves between VF and Eoff for the two devices.

    图 13  两种器件的FBSOA

    Fig. 13.  FBSOA of the two devices.

    表 1  常规IGBT和AC-SCG IGBT的关键参数和电学特性值

    Table 1.  Key parameters and electrical characteristic values of the conventional IGBT and AC-SCG IGBT.

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  • [1]

    Baliga B J 1979 Electron. Lett. 15 645Google Scholar


    Baliga B J 1988 IEEE Proc. 76 409Google Scholar


    王彩琳 2015 电力半导体新器件及其制造技术 (北京: 机械工业出版社) 第5—7页

    Wang C L 2015 New Power Semiconductor Devices and Their Manufacturing Technologies (Beijing: China Machine Press) pp5–7


    Baliga B J (translated by Han Z S, Lu J, Song L M) 2013 Fundamentals of Power Semiconductor Devices (Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry) pp399–401 (in Chinses) [巴利加BJ著 (韩郑生, 陆江, 宋李梅译) 2013 功率半导体器件基础 (北京: 电子工业出版社) 第399—401页]

    Baliga B J (translated by Han Z S, Lu J, Song L M) 2013 Fundamentals of Power Semiconductor Devices (Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry) pp399–401 (in Chinses)


    Chang H R, Baliga B J, Kretchmer J W, Piacente P A 1987 International Electron Devices Meeting ( IEDM) Washington, USA, December 6–9, 1987 p674


    Takahashi H, Yamamoto A, Aono S, Minato T 2004 16th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs ( ISPSD) Kitakyushu, Japan, May 24–27, 2004 p133


    Takahashi H, Haruguchi E, Hagino H, Yamada T 1996 8th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs ( ISPSD) Maui, USA, May 23, 1996 p349


    Antoniou M, Udrea F, Bauer F, Mihaila A, Nistor I 2012 24th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs ( ISPSD) Bruges, Belgium, June 3–7, 2012 p21


    Li P, Lü X J, Cheng J J, Chen X B 2016 IEEE Electron. Device Lett. 37 1470Google Scholar


    Vaidya M, Naugarhiya A, Verma S, Mishra G P 2022 IEEE Trans. Electron. Devices 69 1604Google Scholar


    Xu H, Yang Y F, Tan J J, Zhu H, Sun Q Q, Zhang D W 2022 IEEE Trans. Electron. Devices 69 5450Google Scholar


    Li L P, Li Z H, Chen P, Rao Q S, Yang Y Z, Wan J L, Wang T Y, Zhao Y S, Ren M 2022 16th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology ( ICSICT) Nanjing, China, October 25–28, 2022 p1


    Synopsys Sentaurus TCAD Device User Guide 2017


    Duan B X, Xing L T, Wang Y D, Yang Y T 2022 IEEE Trans. Electron. Devices 69 658Google Scholar


    Udrea F, Deboy G, Fujihira T 2017 IEEE Trans. Electron. Devices 64 713Google Scholar


    Iwamoto S, Takahashi K, Kuribayashi H, Wakimoto S, Mochizuki K, Nakazawa H 2005 17th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs ( ISPSD) Santa Barbara, CA, USA, May 23–26, 2005 p31


    Yamauchi S, Shibata T, Nogami S, Yamaoka T, Hattori Y, Yamaguchi H 2006 18th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs ( ISPSD) Naples, Italy, June 4–8, 2006 p1


    Duan B X, Wang Y D, Sun L C, Yang Y T 2020 IEEE Trans. Electron. Devices 67 1085Google Scholar


    Wang Y D, Duan B X, Song H T, Yang Y T 2020 IEEE Electron. Device Lett. 41 1681Google Scholar


    Sun L C, Duan B X, Yang Y T 2021 IEEE J. Electron Devi. 9 409Google Scholar

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