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马振洋 柴常春 任兴荣 杨银堂 陈斌



马振洋, 柴常春, 任兴荣, 杨银堂, 陈斌

The damage effect and mechanism of the bipolar transistor caused by microwaves

Ma Zhen-Yang, Chai Chang-Chun, Ren Xing-Rong, Yang Yin-Tang, Chen Bin
  • 结合Si基n+-p-n-n+外延平面双极晶体管, 考虑了器件自热、高电场下的载流子迁移率退化和载流子雪崩产生效应, 建立了其在高功率微波(high power microwave, HPM)作用下的二维电热模型. 通过分析器件内部电场强度、电流密度和温度分布随信号作用时间的变化, 研究了频率为1 GHz的等效电压信号由基极和集电极注入时双极晶体管的损伤效应和机理. 结果表明集电极注入时器件升温发生在信号的负半周, 在正半周时器件峰值温度略有下降, 与集电极注入相比基极注入更容易使器件毁伤, 其易损部位是B-E结. 对初相分别为0和的两个高幅值信号的损伤研究结果表明, 初相为的信号更容易损伤器件, 而发射极串联电阻可以有效的提高器件的抗微波损伤能力.
    Combining self-heating effect, mobility degradation in high electric field and avalanche generation effect, a two-dimensional electro-thermal model of the typical silicon-based n+-p-n-n+ structure bipolar transistor induced by high power microwave is established in this paper. By analyzing the variations of device internal distributions of the electric field, the current density and the temperature with time, a detailed investigation of the damage effect and the mechanism of the bipolar transistor under the injection of 1GHz equivalent voltage signals from the base and collector is performed. The results show that temperature elevation occurs in the negative half-period and the maximum temperature falls slightly in the positive half-period when the signals are injected from the collector. Compared with the former, device damage occurs easily with the signals injected from the base. Specifically, the base-emitter junction is susceptible to damage. The damage results caused by two large-amplitude signals with initial phases of 0 and respectively indicate that the injected signal with an initial phase of is liable to cause device damage. Meanwhile, the emitter series resistance can enhance the capability of the device to withstand microwave damage effectively.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 60776034)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 60776034).

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  • [1]

    Backstrom M G, Lovstrand K G 2004 IEEE Trans. on Electromagn. Compat. 46 396


    Brauer F, Sabath F, ter Haseborg J L 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Austin, TX, USA, August 17–21, p237


    Chahine I, Kadi M, Gaboriaud E, Louis A, Mazari B 2008 IEEE Trans. on Electromagn. Compat. 50 285


    Wang H Y, Li J Y, Zhou Y H, Hu B, Yu X Y 2009 IEEE Trans. on Electromagn. Compat. 29 393


    Hwang S M, Hong J I, Huh C S 2008 Prog. in Electromagn. Res. 81 61


    Mansson D, Thottappillil R, Backstrom M, Lunden O 2008 IEEE Trans. on Electromagn. Compat. 50 101


    Fan J P, Zhang L, Jia X Z 2010 High Power Laser Part. Beams 22 1319 (in Chinese) [范菊平, 张玲, 贾新章 2010 强激光与粒子束 textbf 22 1319]


    Chai C C, Zhang B, Ren X R, Leng P 2010 J. Xidian Univ. 37 898 (in Chinese) [柴常春, 张冰, 任兴荣, 冷鹏 2010 西安电子科技大学学报 textbf 37 898]


    Chai C C, Yang Y T, Zhang B Leng P, Yang Y, Rao W 2009 Semicond. Sci. Technol. 24 035003


    Xi X W, Chai C C, Ren X R,Yang Y T, Zhang B, Hong X 2010 J. Semicond. 31 32


    Xi X W, Chai C C, Ren X R,Yang Y T, Ma Z Y, Wang J 2010 J. Semicond. 31 49


    Chai C C, Xi X W, Ren X R, Yang Y T, Ma Z Y 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 8118 (in Chinese) [柴常春, 席晓文, 任兴荣, 杨银堂, 马振洋 2010 textbf 59 8118]


    Korte S, Camp M, Garbe H 2005 IEEE Trans. on Electromagn. Compat. 2 489


    Yang Y C, Tan J C, Sheng D Y, Yang G 2008 High Power Laser Part. Beams 20 649 (in Chinese) [杨雨川, 谭吉春, 盛定仪, 杨耿 2008 强激光与粒子束 textbf 20 649]


    Radasky W A 2010 Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Beijing, China, April 12–16, p758


    Zhang B, Chai C C, Yang Y T 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 50 8063 (in Chinese) [张冰, 柴常春, 杨银堂 2010 50 8063]


    Integrated Systems Engineering AG 2004 ISE-TCAD Dessis Simulation User's Manual Zurich, Switzerland, p142


    Baliga B J, Ghandhi S K 1976 Solid-State Electron. 19 739


    Liu S L, Zhang H C, Chai C C 2004 Physics Of Semiconductor Devices (Beijing: Publishing house of electronics industry) p27 [刘树林, 张华曹, 柴常春 2004 半导体器件物理 (北京: 电子工业出版社) 第27页]

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  • 收稿日期:  2011-07-15
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