Warm dense matter (WDM), a kind of transition state of matter between cold condensed matter and high temperature plasma, is one of the main research objects of high energy density physics (HEDP). Compared with the structure of isolated atom, the electron structure of WDM will change significantly because of the influences of density and temperature effect. As WDM is always strongly coupled and partly degenerate, accurate theoretical description is very complicated and the accurate experimental research is also very challenging. In this paper, the density effect on the warm dense matter electron structure based on the X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy is studied. The warm dense titanium with density larger than solid density is produced experimentally based on a specially designed hohlraum. Then, the titanium is pumped to emit fluorescence by using the characteristic line spectrum emitted by the laser irradiating the pump material (Vanadium). The X-ray fluorescence spectra of titanium with different states are diagnosed by changing the delay time between the pump laser and drive laser. The experimental fluorescence spectrum indicates that the difference in energy between
${\mathrm{K}}_{\text{β}} $ and$ {\mathrm{K}}_{\text{α}} $ ($\Delta E_{{\mathrm{K}}_{\text{β}}\text{-}{\mathrm{K}}_{\text{α}}}$ ) of the compressed titanium (7.2–9.2 g/cm3, 1.6–2.4 eV) is about 2 eV smaller than that of cold titanium. Two theoretical methods, i.e. finite-temperature relativistic density functional theory (FTRDFT) and two-step Hartree-Fock-Slater (TSHFS), are used to calculate the fluorescence spectrum of warm dense titanium. The calculated results indicate that the energy difference ($\Delta E_{{\mathrm{K}}_{\text{β}}\text{-}{\mathrm{K}}_{\text{α}}} $ ) decreases with the increase of density but changes slowly with the increase of temperature during the calculated state (4.5–13.5 g/cm3, 0.03–5 eV). The FTRDFT overestimates the density effect on the line shift, while TSHFS underestimates the density effect. The future work will focus on optimizing the experimental method of X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, obtaining X-ray fluorescence spectrum of titanium with more states, and then testing the theoretical method for warm dense matter.[1] Saumon D, Chabrier G 1991 Phys. Rev. A 44 5122
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[10] 金阳, 张平, 李永军, 侯永, 曾交龙, 袁建民 2021 70 073102
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Jin Y, Zhang P, Li Y J, Hou Y, Zeng J L, Yuan J M 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 073102
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[15] Hoarty D J, Allan P, James S F, Brown C R D, Hobbs L M R, Hill M P, Harris J W O, Morton J, Brookes M G, Shepherd R, Dunn J, Chen H, Marley E V, Beiersdorfer P, Chung H K, Lee R W, Brown G, Emig J 2013 Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 265003
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[16] Mančić A, Lévy A, Harmand M, Nakatsutsumi M, Antici P, Audebert P, Combis P, Fourmaux S, Mazevet S, Peyrusse O, Recoules V, Renaudin P, Robiche J, Dorchies F, Fuchs J 2010 Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 035002
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[17] Park H, Remington B A, Braun D, Celliers P, Collins G W, Eggert J, Giraldez E, Pape S L, Lorenz T, Maddox B, Hamza A, Ho D, Hicks D, Patel P, Pollaine S, Prisbrey S, Smith R, Swift D, Wallace R 2008 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 112 042024
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[18] Lee H J, Neumayer P, Castor J, Döppner T, Falcone R W, Fortmann C, Hammel B A, Kritcher A L, Landen O L, Lee R W, Meyerhofer D D, Munro D H, Redmer R, Regan S P, Weber S, Glenzer S H 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 115001
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[19] Benuzzi-Mounaix A, Mazevet S, Ravasio A, Vinci T, Denoeud A, Koenig M, Amadou N, Brambrink E, Festa F, Levy A, Harmand M, Brygoo S, Huser G, Recoules V, Bouchet J, Morard G, Guyot F, Resseguier T, Myanishi K, Ozaki N, Dorchies F, Gaudin J, Leguay P M, Peyrusse O, Henry O, Raffestin D, Pape S, Smith R, Musella R 2014 Phys. Scr. T161 014060
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[20] Zhang Z Y, Zhao Y, Zhang J Y, Hu Z M, Jing L F, Qing B, Xiong G, Lv M, Du H B, Yang Y M, Zhan X Y, Yu R Z, Mei Y, Yang J M 2019 Phys. Plasmas 26 072704
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[21] Bradley D K, Kilkenny J, Rose S J, Hares J D 1987 Phys. Rev. Lett. 59 2995
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[22] DaSilva L, Ng A, Godwal B K, Chiu G, Cottet F, Richardson M C, Jaanimagi P A, Lee Y T 1989 Phys. Rev. Lett. 62 1623
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[23] Yaakobi B, Boehly T R, Sangster T C, Meyerhofer D D, Remington B A, Allen P G, Pollaine S M, Lorenzana H E, Lorenz K T, Hawreliak J A 2008 Phys. Plasmas 15 062703
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[24] Benuzzi-Mounaix A, Dorchies F, Recoules V, Festa F, Peyrusse O, Levy A, Ravasio A, Hall T, Koenig M, Amadou N, Brambrink E, Mazevet S 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 165006
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[25] Zhao Y, Yang J M, Zhang J Y, Yang G H, Wei M X, Xiong G, Song T M, Zhang Z Y, Bao L H, Deng B, Li Y K, He X A, Li C G, Mei Y, Yu R Z, Jiang S E, Liu S Y, Ding Y K, Zhang B H 2013 Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 155003
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[26] Zhao Y, Zhang Z Y, Qing B, Yang J M, Zhang J Y, Wei M X, Yang G H, Song T M, Xiong G, Lv M, Hu Z M, Deng B, Hu X, Zhang W H, Shang W L, Hou L F, Du H B, Zhan X Y, Yu R Z 2017 EPL 117 65001
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[27] Eidmann K, Andiel U, Pisani F, Hakel P, Mancini R C, Junkel-Vives G C, Abdallah J, Witte K 2003 J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radial. Transfer 81 133
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[28] Hansen S B, Harding E C, Knapp P F, Gomez M R, Nagayama T, Bailey J E 2017 High Energy Density Physics 24 39
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[29] Hansen S B, Harding E C, Knapp P F, Gomez M R, Nagayama T, Bailey J E 2018 Phys. Plasmas 25 056301
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[30] Jiang S, Lazicki A E, Hansen S B, Sterne P A, Grabowski P, Shepherd R, Scott H A 2020 Phys. Rev. E 101 023204
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[31] Ramis R, Schmalz R, Meyer-Ter-Vehn J 1988 Comput. Phys. Comm. 49 475
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[32] Liu W J, Wang F, Li L M 2003 J. Theor. Comput. Chem. 2 257
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[33] Son S K, Thiele R, Jurek Z, Ziaja B, Santra R 2014 Phys. Rev. X 4 031004
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[34] Lin C L 2019 Phys. Plasmas 26 122707
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[1] Saumon D, Chabrier G 1991 Phys. Rev. A 44 5122
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[2] Lindl J D 1995 Phys. Plasmas 2 3933
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[3] Lindl J D, Amendt P, Berger R L, Glendinning S G, Glenzer S H, Haan S W, Kauffman R L, Landen O L, Suter L J 2004 Phys. Plasmas 11 340
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[4] Hu S X, Militzer B, Goncharov V N, Skupsky S 2010 Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 235003
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[5] Hu S X, Collins L A, Goncharov V N, Boehly T R, Epstein R, McCrory R L, Skupsky S 2014 Phys. Rev. E 90 033111
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[6] Hu S X, Collins L A, Goncharov V N, Kress J D, McCrory R L, Skupsky S 2015 Phys. Rev. E 92 043104
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[7] Hu S X, Collins L A, Goncharov V N, Kress J D, McCrory R L, Skupsky S 2016 Phys. Plasmas 23 042704
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[8] Surh M P, Barbee T W, Yang L H 2001 Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 5958
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[9] Mazevet S, Zérah G 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 155001
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[10] 金阳, 张平, 李永军, 侯永, 曾交龙, 袁建民 2021 70 073102
Google Scholar
Jin Y, Zhang P, Li Y J, Hou Y, Zeng J L, Yuan J M 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 073102
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[11] Zhang S, Zhao S J, Kang W, Zhang P, He X T 2016 Phys. Rev. B 93 115114
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[12] Dai J Y, Hou Y, Yuan J M 2010 Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 245001
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[13] Wang C, He X T, Zhang P 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 145002
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[14] Ciricosta O, Vinko S M, Chung H K, Cho B I, Brown C R, Burian T, Chalupsky J, Engelhorn K, Falcone R W, Graves C, Hajkova V, Higginbotham A, Juha L, Krzywinski J, Lee H J, Messerschmidt M, Murphy C D, Ping Y, Rackstraw D S, Scherz A, Schlotter W, Toleikis S, Turner J J, Vysin L, Wang T, Wu B, Zastrau U, Zhu D, Lee R W, Heimann P, Nagler B, Wark J S 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 065002
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[15] Hoarty D J, Allan P, James S F, Brown C R D, Hobbs L M R, Hill M P, Harris J W O, Morton J, Brookes M G, Shepherd R, Dunn J, Chen H, Marley E V, Beiersdorfer P, Chung H K, Lee R W, Brown G, Emig J 2013 Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 265003
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[16] Mančić A, Lévy A, Harmand M, Nakatsutsumi M, Antici P, Audebert P, Combis P, Fourmaux S, Mazevet S, Peyrusse O, Recoules V, Renaudin P, Robiche J, Dorchies F, Fuchs J 2010 Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 035002
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[17] Park H, Remington B A, Braun D, Celliers P, Collins G W, Eggert J, Giraldez E, Pape S L, Lorenz T, Maddox B, Hamza A, Ho D, Hicks D, Patel P, Pollaine S, Prisbrey S, Smith R, Swift D, Wallace R 2008 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 112 042024
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[18] Lee H J, Neumayer P, Castor J, Döppner T, Falcone R W, Fortmann C, Hammel B A, Kritcher A L, Landen O L, Lee R W, Meyerhofer D D, Munro D H, Redmer R, Regan S P, Weber S, Glenzer S H 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 115001
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[19] Benuzzi-Mounaix A, Mazevet S, Ravasio A, Vinci T, Denoeud A, Koenig M, Amadou N, Brambrink E, Festa F, Levy A, Harmand M, Brygoo S, Huser G, Recoules V, Bouchet J, Morard G, Guyot F, Resseguier T, Myanishi K, Ozaki N, Dorchies F, Gaudin J, Leguay P M, Peyrusse O, Henry O, Raffestin D, Pape S, Smith R, Musella R 2014 Phys. Scr. T161 014060
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[20] Zhang Z Y, Zhao Y, Zhang J Y, Hu Z M, Jing L F, Qing B, Xiong G, Lv M, Du H B, Yang Y M, Zhan X Y, Yu R Z, Mei Y, Yang J M 2019 Phys. Plasmas 26 072704
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[21] Bradley D K, Kilkenny J, Rose S J, Hares J D 1987 Phys. Rev. Lett. 59 2995
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[22] DaSilva L, Ng A, Godwal B K, Chiu G, Cottet F, Richardson M C, Jaanimagi P A, Lee Y T 1989 Phys. Rev. Lett. 62 1623
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[23] Yaakobi B, Boehly T R, Sangster T C, Meyerhofer D D, Remington B A, Allen P G, Pollaine S M, Lorenzana H E, Lorenz K T, Hawreliak J A 2008 Phys. Plasmas 15 062703
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[24] Benuzzi-Mounaix A, Dorchies F, Recoules V, Festa F, Peyrusse O, Levy A, Ravasio A, Hall T, Koenig M, Amadou N, Brambrink E, Mazevet S 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 165006
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[25] Zhao Y, Yang J M, Zhang J Y, Yang G H, Wei M X, Xiong G, Song T M, Zhang Z Y, Bao L H, Deng B, Li Y K, He X A, Li C G, Mei Y, Yu R Z, Jiang S E, Liu S Y, Ding Y K, Zhang B H 2013 Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 155003
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[26] Zhao Y, Zhang Z Y, Qing B, Yang J M, Zhang J Y, Wei M X, Yang G H, Song T M, Xiong G, Lv M, Hu Z M, Deng B, Hu X, Zhang W H, Shang W L, Hou L F, Du H B, Zhan X Y, Yu R Z 2017 EPL 117 65001
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[27] Eidmann K, Andiel U, Pisani F, Hakel P, Mancini R C, Junkel-Vives G C, Abdallah J, Witte K 2003 J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radial. Transfer 81 133
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[28] Hansen S B, Harding E C, Knapp P F, Gomez M R, Nagayama T, Bailey J E 2017 High Energy Density Physics 24 39
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[29] Hansen S B, Harding E C, Knapp P F, Gomez M R, Nagayama T, Bailey J E 2018 Phys. Plasmas 25 056301
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[30] Jiang S, Lazicki A E, Hansen S B, Sterne P A, Grabowski P, Shepherd R, Scott H A 2020 Phys. Rev. E 101 023204
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[31] Ramis R, Schmalz R, Meyer-Ter-Vehn J 1988 Comput. Phys. Comm. 49 475
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[32] Liu W J, Wang F, Li L M 2003 J. Theor. Comput. Chem. 2 257
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[33] Son S K, Thiele R, Jurek Z, Ziaja B, Santra R 2014 Phys. Rev. X 4 031004
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[34] Lin C L 2019 Phys. Plasmas 26 122707
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