The difference in intensity fluctuation between a surface signal and a submerged signal can be used to discriminate the source depth in the shallow water waveguide. However, the properties of fluctuation distinction in intensity between surface source and submerge source are rarely studied, resulting in the poor performance of fluctuation-based methods sometimes. In this work, the intensity fluctuations caused by source depth fluctuations is analyzed by differential method and variance statistics method to figure out the physics of intensity fluctuations, and to present the suitable quantity for depth discrimination. Firstly, the derivative expression of real part, power and amplitude of the pressure field are respectively derived from the normal mode theory, hence their fluctuation quantities are specified. Then, the numerical examples, including the factor of receiver depth, source frequency and source range, are treated to verify the derivation and summarize the characteristic of fluctuations. The property of the intensity fluctuations is also compared with the distribution of normalized quantity on the depth dimension. Finally, the SWellEx-96 experimental data processing results validate the conclusions. The processing results of derivation, simulation data and experimental data show that the interactions between modes excited by the source give rise to the fluctuations. Meanwhile, the property of the interactions is affected by the received depth, source range and source frequency. Amplitude is capable of building a quantity based on fluctuations for source depth discrimination. For surface and submerged sources with lower frequency, their distinction in their fluctuations is stably represented by amplitude. In the SWellEx-96 experiment, the normalized values calculated from the amplitude of surface noise and submerged sound sources show the lowest difference of 0.5 and the highest difference of 2.5, indicating the effectiveness of using amplitude fluctuations to discriminate the sound source depth.
- intensity fluctuations /
- source depth discrimination /
- shallow water /
- normal mode
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表 1 仿真用接收点-声源参数
Table 1. Parameters for simulation.
参数 数值 接收深度/m 35 声源频率/Hz 30 声源级/dB 184, 194 声源运动中心深度/m [2:1:98] 声源水平距离/km 5 声源激发模态阶数 3 声源深度起伏次数 100 注: [2:1:98]表示深度的变化区间, 从2 m到98 m每间隔1 m取一个深度点 表 2 复声压实部的模态加权系数符号
Table 2. Sign of modal weighting coefficient.
接收深度/m 35 90 水平距离5 km – – – – + – 水平距离4 km + – + + + + 表 3 待分析样本
Table 3. Samples to be analyzed.
声源深度属性 水面 水下 声源频率/Hz 16 35 35 35 36 36 49 49 起始时刻/min 6.6 26.2 28.8 30.2 9.2 19.4 52 60 结束时刻/min 10.6 26.8 28.8 30.4 9.6 20 53.6 61.4 -
[1] 余赟, 惠俊英, 陈阳, 孙国仓, 滕超 2009 58 6335
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Yu Y, Hui J Y, Chen Y, Sun G C, Teng C 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 6335
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[2] 刘志韬, 郭良浩, 闫超 2019 声学学报 44 28
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Liu Z T, Guo L H, Yan C 2019 Acta Acust. 44 28
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[3] Yang T C 2015 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 138 1678
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[4] 李晓彬, 孙超, 刘雄厚 2022 71 134302
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Li X B, Sun C, Liu X H 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 134302
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[5] Urick R J 1977 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 62 878
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[6] 高大治, 翟林, 王好忠, 高博, 王宁 2017 声学学报 42 669
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Gao D Z, Zhai L, Wang H Z, Gao B, Wang N 2017 Acta Acust. 42 669
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[7] Zhou J B, Piao S C, Liu Y Q, Zhu H H 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 014301 [周建波, 朴胜春, 刘亚琴, 祝捍皓 2017 66 014301]
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Zhou J B, Piao S C, Liu Y Q, Zhu H H 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 014301
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[8] Georges A D, Kevin B S, Mohsen B, James H M, Gopu R P 2019 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 146 1875
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[9] 李沁然, 孙超, 谢磊 2022 71 024302
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Li Q R, Sun C, Xie L 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 024302
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[10] 何兆阳, 雷波, 杨益新 2023 72 144301
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He Z Y, Lei B, Yang Y X 2023 Acta Phys. Sin. 72 144301
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[11] Joseph A S 1961 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 33 239
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[12] Clay C S, Wang Y Y, Shang E C 1985 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 77 424
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[16] 谢志诚, 葛辉良 2015 声学与电子工程 2015 24
Xie Z C, Ge H L 2015 Acoust. Electron. Eng. 2015 24
[17] An L, Fang S L, Chen L J 2013 Journal of Southeast University (English Edition) 29 235
[18] Shi J J, Sun D J, Fu H L, Liu Q Y, Zhang W S 2019 IET Radar Sonar Navig. 13 2151
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[19] Li X B, Sun C, Liu X H 2021 OES China Ocean Acoustics (COA) Harbin, China, 2021 p976
[20] Wagstaff R A 1997 IEEE J. Oceanic Eng. 22 110
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[21] 张莉 2021 硕士学位论文 (南京: 东南大学)
Zhang L 2021 M. S. Thesis (Nanjing: Southeast University
[22] 恽宗杨 1965 声学学报 2 144
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Yun Z Y 1965 Acta Acust. 2 144
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[23] 毕雪洁 2019 博士学位论文 (哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工程大学)
Bi X J 2019 Ph. D. Dissertation (Harbin: Harbin Engineering University
[24] Marine Physical Lab http:// swellex96.ucsd.edu/ [2023-11-08]
[25] 汪德昭, 尚尔昌 2013 水声学(第二版) (北京: 科学出版社) 第345页—352页
Wang D Z, Shang E C 2013 Hydroacoustics (2nd Ed.) (Beijing: Science Press) pp345–352
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