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Development of charge-discharge circuitry based on supercapacitor and its application to limiter probe diagnostics in EAST

Zhang Wen-Bo Liu Shao-Cheng Liao Liang Wei Wen-Yin Li Le-Tian Wang Liang Yan Ning Qian Jin-Ping Zang Qing


Development of charge-discharge circuitry based on supercapacitor and its application to limiter probe diagnostics in EAST

Zhang Wen-Bo, Liu Shao-Cheng, Liao Liang, Wei Wen-Yin, Li Le-Tian, Wang Liang, Yan Ning, Qian Jin-Ping, Zang Qing
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • The EAST limiter probe is installed on the front surface of guard limiter, which consists of two columns and can operate in floating potential mode, ion saturation current mode, and swept single-probe mode simultaneously. When Langmuir probe operates in the ion saturation current mode, it requires a stable biasing voltage. To meet this requirement, a large capacitor is used to provide a biasing voltage for the probe. Comparing with the 9 V dry batteries that are commonly used in magnetic confinement fusion devices, employing a large capacitor offers advantages such as flexible voltage adjustment, easy maintenance, and environmental friendliness. Therefore, we have designed and tested a complete set of supercapacitor charge-discharge control circuitry. In this work, a control software is developed for the supercapacitor charge-discharge control circuitry based on the Python language to enable the remote and automatic controlling of the circuitry operation. As demonstrated in experiments, the capacitor charge-discharge control circuitry can supply stable biasing voltage output for the probe under long-pulse discharge, and it is workable in complex electromagnetic environment of magnetic confinement fusion device. By implementing the supercapacitor charge-discharge control circuitry in EAST limiter probe diagnostics, the three-dimensional distributions of plasma parameters are measured, such as ion saturation current, floating potential, electron temperature, and plasma density. In a lower hybrid wave (LHW) heating experiment, the 2.45 GHz LHW is found to generate larger electron density than the 4.6 GHz LHW, and the largest electron density appears when both the 2.45 GHz and 4.6 GHz LHWs are turned on simultaneously. These experimental results confirm that supercapacitor charge-discharge control circuitry can be operated reliably and stably.
      Corresponding author: Liu Shao-Cheng, ; Wang Liang,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National MCF Energy R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2019YFE03040000), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 12275310, 12275312), the Science Foundation of Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. DSJJ-2021-01), the Collaborative Innovation Program of Hefei Science Center, CAS (Grant No. 2021HSC-CIP019), and the Users with Excellence Program of Hefei Science Center, CAS (Grant Nos. 2021HSC-UE014, 2021HSC-UE012).

    Johnson E O, Malter L 1950 Phys. Rev. 80 58Google Scholar


    Perkins R J, Hosea J C, Taylor G, Bertelli N, Kramer G J, Luo Z P, Qin C M, Wang L, Xu J C, Zhang X J 2019 Plasma. Phys. Contr. F 61 045011Google Scholar


    Wang F M, Gan K F, Gong X Z, Team E 2013 Plasma Sci. Technol. 15 225Google Scholar


    Yan L W, Hong W Y, Qian J, Luo C W, Pan L 2005 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76 093506Google Scholar


    Ming T F, Zhang W, Chang J F, Wang J, Xu G S, Ding S, Yan N, Gao X, Guo H Y 2009 Fusion. Eng. Des. 84 57Google Scholar


    Xu J C, Wang L, Xu G S, Luo G N, Yao D M, Li Q, Cao L, Chen L, Zhang W, Liu S C, Wang H Q, Jia M N, Feng W, Deng G Z, Hu L Q, Wan B N, Li J, Sun Y W, Guo H Y 2016 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87 083504Google Scholar


    Yang J, Chen Z P, Liu H, Wang T, Zhu M C, Song Z, Wang Z, Zhuang G, Ding Y, Team J T 2019 Plasma Sci. Technol. 21 105105Google Scholar


    Labombard B, Lipschultz B 1986 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 57 2415Google Scholar


    Asakura N, Shimizu K, Hosogane N, Itami K, Tsuji S, Shimada M 1995 Nucl. Fusion 35 381Google Scholar


    Buchenauer D, Hsu W L, Smith J P, Hill D N 1990 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 61 2873Google Scholar


    Liu S C, Liao L, Wei W Y, Liang Y, Xu J C, Cao L, Li S, Li L, Meng L Y, Qian J P, Zang Q, Wang L, Xu S, Cai J, Yan N, Ma Q, Zhao N, Chen R, Hu G H, Liu J B, Liu X J, Ming T F, Li L T, Sun Y, Zeng L, Li G Q, Yao D M, Xu G S, Gong X Z, Gao X, EAST Team 2022 Fusion. Eng. Des. 180 113162Google Scholar


    Demidov V I, Ratynskaia S V, Rypdal K 2002 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 73 3409Google Scholar


    李永春, 丁伯江, 李妙辉, 王茂, 刘亮, 吴陈斌, 阎广厚 2022 核电子学与探测技术 42 116Google Scholar

    Li Y C, Ding B J, Li M H, Wang M, Liu L, Wu C B, Yan G H 2022 Nucl. Electron. Detect. Technol. 42 116Google Scholar


    Back R, Bengtson R D 1997 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 68 377Google Scholar


    Yan N, Naulin V, Xu G S, Rasmussen J J, Wang H Q, Liu S C, Wang L, Liang Y, Nielsen A H, Madsen J, Guo H Y, Wan B N 2014 Plasma Phys. Contr. F 56 095023Google Scholar


    Myra J R, Lau C, Van Compernolle B, Vincena S, Wright J C 2020 Phys. Plasmas 27 072506Google Scholar


    Xu G S, Wan B N, Zhang W 2006 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 77 063505Google Scholar


    Myra J R 2021 J. Plasm. Phys. 87 1Google Scholar


    Liu P, Xu G S, Wang H Q, Jiang M, Wang L, Zhang W, Liu S C, Yan N, Ding S Y 2013 Plasma Sci. Technol. 15 619Google Scholar


    Colas L, Urbanczyk G, Goniche M, Hillairet J, Bernard J M, Bourdelle C, Fedorczak N, Guillemaut C, Helou W, Bobkov V, Ochoukov R, Jacquet P, Lerche E, Zhang X, Qin C, Klepper C C, Lau C, Van Compernolle B, Wukitch S J, Lin Y, Ono M, Contributors J, Team A U, Team E, Team W, Ios I 2022 Nucl. Fusion 62 016014Google Scholar


    Ochoukov R, Whyte D G, Brunner D, D'Ippolito D A, LaBombard B, Lipschultz B, Myra J R, Terry J L, Wukitch S J 2014 Aip. Conf. Proc. 1580 267Google Scholar

  • 图 1  超级电容器充放电控制电路设计图

    Figure 1.  Supercapacitor charge-discharge control circuitry.

    图 2  电容充放电控制电路的自动控制流程图

    Figure 2.  Flow diagram of the automatic control mode.

    图 3  电容充放电控制软件的设置界面

    Figure 3.  Setting interface of the capacitor charge-discharge control software.

    图 4  电容充放电控制软件的运行界面

    Figure 4.  Operating interface of capacitor charge-discharge control software.

    图 5  电容充放电控制软件的电源设置界面

    Figure 5.  Power supply setting interface of capacitor charge-discharge control software.

    图 6  组装完成的超级电容器控制电路实物图

    Figure 6.  Photo of the assembled supercapacitor control circuit.

    图 7  电容器的初始电压

    Figure 7.  Initial voltage of the capacitors.

    图 8  电容器充电曲线, 其中通道1—32, 使用1台直流电源同时为4台电容器充电; 通道33—35, 使用1台直流电源为3台电容器充电

    Figure 8.  Charge curve of capacitor. Note that one power supply is used to charge four capacitors for channel 1–32, and one power supply is used to charge three capacitors for channel 33–35.

    图 9  电阻放电的界面

    Figure 9.  Interface of resistance discharge.

    图 10  电容自然漏电曲线图

    Figure 10.  Natural leakage curve of capacitor.

    图 11  EAST长脉冲放电过程中(a)等离子体电流、探针 (b)偏压和 (c)离子饱和流随时间演化

    Figure 11.  Temporal evolution of (a) plasma current, (b) biasing voltage and (c) ion saturation current of limiter probe during a long-pulse discharge on EAST.

    图 12  限制器探针的离子饱和流测量电路

    Figure 12.  Electrical circuit for ion saturation current measurement of limiter probe.

    图 13  #106532次放电的限制器探针工作状态分布图

    Figure 13.  Circuit setup of limiter probe array for discharge #106532.

    图 14  #106532次放电低杂波注入功率与限制器探针测量参数随时间演化 (a) 2.45 GHz (黑色)与4.6 GHz (红色)低杂波注入功率, 超声分子束注入信号(橘黄色); (b)限制器探针左侧离子饱和流分布; (c)右侧离子饱和流分布; (d)左侧悬浮电位分布; (e)右侧悬浮电位分布

    Figure 14.  Temporal evolutions of LHW power and SOL parameters measured by limiter probe are presented as follows: (a) LHW heating power of 2.45 GHz antenna (black) and 4.6 GHz antenna (red), along with the SMBI signal (orange); (b) distribution of ion saturation current of the limiter probe on the left side; (c) distribution of ion saturation current on the right side; (d) distribution of floating potential on the left side; (e) distribution of floating potential on the right side.

    图 15  #106532次放电低杂波注入功率与限制器探针测量参数随时间演化 (a) 2.45 GHz (黑色)与4.6 GHz (红色)低杂波注入功率, 超声分子束注入信号(橘黄色); 限制器探针测量的(b)电子温度、(c)电子密度、(d)粒子通量和(e)热通量, 其中蓝色线条代表第14号探针(位于限制器左侧阵列中部), 红色线条代表第40号探针(位于限制器右侧阵列中部)

    Figure 15.  Temporal evolution of LHW power and SOL parameters measured by limiter probe are presented as follows: (a) LHW power of 2.45 GHz antenna (black) and 4.6 GHz antenna (red), along with the SMBI signal (orange); (b) electron temperature; (c) electron density; (d) particle flow; (e) heat flow. The blue lines represent channel 14 (in the left array of the limiter, near the midplane), and the red lines represent channel 40 (in the right array of the limiter, near the midplane).

    表 1  超级电容器充放电电路4种模式下继电器开关的状态组合

    Table 1.  State combinations of relay switches in four modes of supercapacitor charging and discharging circuits.

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    Johnson E O, Malter L 1950 Phys. Rev. 80 58Google Scholar


    Perkins R J, Hosea J C, Taylor G, Bertelli N, Kramer G J, Luo Z P, Qin C M, Wang L, Xu J C, Zhang X J 2019 Plasma. Phys. Contr. F 61 045011Google Scholar


    Wang F M, Gan K F, Gong X Z, Team E 2013 Plasma Sci. Technol. 15 225Google Scholar


    Yan L W, Hong W Y, Qian J, Luo C W, Pan L 2005 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76 093506Google Scholar


    Ming T F, Zhang W, Chang J F, Wang J, Xu G S, Ding S, Yan N, Gao X, Guo H Y 2009 Fusion. Eng. Des. 84 57Google Scholar


    Xu J C, Wang L, Xu G S, Luo G N, Yao D M, Li Q, Cao L, Chen L, Zhang W, Liu S C, Wang H Q, Jia M N, Feng W, Deng G Z, Hu L Q, Wan B N, Li J, Sun Y W, Guo H Y 2016 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87 083504Google Scholar


    Yang J, Chen Z P, Liu H, Wang T, Zhu M C, Song Z, Wang Z, Zhuang G, Ding Y, Team J T 2019 Plasma Sci. Technol. 21 105105Google Scholar


    Labombard B, Lipschultz B 1986 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 57 2415Google Scholar


    Asakura N, Shimizu K, Hosogane N, Itami K, Tsuji S, Shimada M 1995 Nucl. Fusion 35 381Google Scholar


    Buchenauer D, Hsu W L, Smith J P, Hill D N 1990 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 61 2873Google Scholar


    Liu S C, Liao L, Wei W Y, Liang Y, Xu J C, Cao L, Li S, Li L, Meng L Y, Qian J P, Zang Q, Wang L, Xu S, Cai J, Yan N, Ma Q, Zhao N, Chen R, Hu G H, Liu J B, Liu X J, Ming T F, Li L T, Sun Y, Zeng L, Li G Q, Yao D M, Xu G S, Gong X Z, Gao X, EAST Team 2022 Fusion. Eng. Des. 180 113162Google Scholar


    Demidov V I, Ratynskaia S V, Rypdal K 2002 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 73 3409Google Scholar


    李永春, 丁伯江, 李妙辉, 王茂, 刘亮, 吴陈斌, 阎广厚 2022 核电子学与探测技术 42 116Google Scholar

    Li Y C, Ding B J, Li M H, Wang M, Liu L, Wu C B, Yan G H 2022 Nucl. Electron. Detect. Technol. 42 116Google Scholar


    Back R, Bengtson R D 1997 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 68 377Google Scholar


    Yan N, Naulin V, Xu G S, Rasmussen J J, Wang H Q, Liu S C, Wang L, Liang Y, Nielsen A H, Madsen J, Guo H Y, Wan B N 2014 Plasma Phys. Contr. F 56 095023Google Scholar


    Myra J R, Lau C, Van Compernolle B, Vincena S, Wright J C 2020 Phys. Plasmas 27 072506Google Scholar


    Xu G S, Wan B N, Zhang W 2006 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 77 063505Google Scholar


    Myra J R 2021 J. Plasm. Phys. 87 1Google Scholar


    Liu P, Xu G S, Wang H Q, Jiang M, Wang L, Zhang W, Liu S C, Yan N, Ding S Y 2013 Plasma Sci. Technol. 15 619Google Scholar


    Colas L, Urbanczyk G, Goniche M, Hillairet J, Bernard J M, Bourdelle C, Fedorczak N, Guillemaut C, Helou W, Bobkov V, Ochoukov R, Jacquet P, Lerche E, Zhang X, Qin C, Klepper C C, Lau C, Van Compernolle B, Wukitch S J, Lin Y, Ono M, Contributors J, Team A U, Team E, Team W, Ios I 2022 Nucl. Fusion 62 016014Google Scholar


    Ochoukov R, Whyte D G, Brunner D, D'Ippolito D A, LaBombard B, Lipschultz B, Myra J R, Terry J L, Wukitch S J 2014 Aip. Conf. Proc. 1580 267Google Scholar

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  • Received Date:  25 October 2023
  • Accepted Date:  06 December 2023
  • Available Online:  22 December 2023
  • Published Online:  20 March 2024

