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Redox-enhanced solid-state supercapacitor based on hydroquinone-containing gel electrolyte/ carbon nanotube arrays

Ye An-Na Zhang Xiao-Hua Yang Zhao-Hui


Redox-enhanced solid-state supercapacitor based on hydroquinone-containing gel electrolyte/ carbon nanotube arrays

Ye An-Na, Zhang Xiao-Hua, Yang Zhao-Hui
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • By introducing redox active substances into electrolyte, the energy density can be effectively increased without reducing the power density. Considering the influence of ionic conductivity and environmental safety, we introduce the redox small molecule hydroquinone (HQ) into the PVA/H3PO4 gel electrolyte, which then will recombine with the carbon nanotube arrays (ACNT) possessing high specific surface area and vertical orientation structure. The symmetrical “sandwich” type redox-enhanced solid-state super capacitor is then designed and prepared. We systematically study the effects of oriented structure and pore space on the electrochemical properties of the ACNT@PVA@HQ device and charge storage mechanism. With the addition of hydroquinone (0.1%, mol%), the specific capacitance of ACNT@PVA@HQ composite device increases 6.4 times compared with that of the ACNT@PVA, and maintains the extremely high rate performance and cyclic stability. When the current density increases 10 times, the specific capacitance of the device still possesses 85% of the original value. The energy storage mechanism is mainly ascribed to a diffusion-control behavior at a low scan rate while it will change into a capacitive behavior at a high scan speed. Furthermore, we prepare highly densified oriented carbon nanotube arrays (DACNT) by solvent evaporation, enhancing the mechanical stability of carbon nanotube arrays and improving the specific capacitance and energy density of the devices. Compared with the specific capacitance of ACNT and random carbon nanotube (CCNT), that of DACNT@PVA@HQ device under the current density of 11.1 mA·cm–2 increases up to 385 mF·cm–2 (1674 mF·cm–3), which is 6.6 times higher than that of the CCNT@PVA@HQ device and 18 times higher than that of the ACNT@PVA device. The maximum energy density can finally reach as high as 0.06 mW·h·cm–2 (0.26 mW·h·cm–3), which is much better than those of many other reported CNTs-based devices. The oriented structure of the arrays effectively shortens the ion migration path of the device, achieving a good rate performance and lower internal resistance. This new type of redox-enhanced solid-state supercapacitor not only has excellent electrochemical energy storage properties, but also meets the requirements for environmental protection and safety. This design provides a new idea for developing the new energy devices in the future, which has a good prospect in practical applications.
      Corresponding author: Zhang Xiao-Hua, ; Yang Zhao-Hui,

    Gong M, Wan P, Ma D, Zhong M, Liao M, Ye J, Shi R, Zhang L 2019 Adv. Funct. Mater. 29 1902127Google Scholar


    Han T H, Kim H, Kwon S J, Lee T W 2017 Mater. Sci. Eng. R-Rep. 118 1Google Scholar


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    Li P, Kong C, Shang Y, Shi E, Yu Y, Qian W, Wei F, Wei J, Wang K, Zhu H, Cao A, Wu D 2013 Nanoscale 5 8472Google Scholar


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    Shi Y, Pan L, Liu B, Wang Y, Cui Y, Bao Z, Yu G 2014 J. Mater. Chem. A 2 6086Google Scholar


    Li W, Gao F, Wang X, Zhang N, Ma M 2016 Angew Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 55 9196Google Scholar


    Evanko B, Boettcher S W, Yoo S J, Stucky G D 2017 ACS Energy Lett. 2 2581Google Scholar


    Roldan S, Blanco C, Granda M, Menendez R, Santamaria R 2011 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 50 1699Google Scholar


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    Pan S, Deng J, Guan G, Zhang Y, Chen P, Ren J, Peng H 2015 J. Mater. Chem. A 3 6286Google Scholar


    Zhang H, Cao G, Yang Y 2009 Energy Environ. Sci. 2 932Google Scholar


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    Sathyamoorthi S, Suryanarayanan V, Velayutham D 2015 J. Power Sources 274 1135Google Scholar


    Zhong J, Fan L Q, Wu X, Wu J H, Liu G J, Lin J M, Huang M L, Wei Y L 2015 Electrochimica Acta 166 150Google Scholar


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  • 图 1  HQ@PVA@ACNT氧化还原增强型固态超级电容器器件组装过程示意图

    Figure 1.  Assembly process diagram of HQ@PVA@ACNT composite redox-enhanced solid-state super capacitor device.

    图 2  (a) CCNT的SEM图; (b) ACNT的SEM图(内部插图为单根碳纳米管TEM图); (c) DACNT制备过程图; (d)收缩前后阵列尺寸对比图; (e) DACNT的SEM 图; (f)凝胶包埋后ACNT@PVA@HQ复合膜SEM图

    Figure 2.  (a) The SEM image of CCNT; (b) the SEM image of ACNT (insert: The TEM image of ACNT); (c) preparation process of the DACNT; (d) comparison of the arrays before and after shrinkage; (e) the SEM image of the DACNT; (f) the SEM image of the ACNT@PVA@HQ composite device.

    图 3  不同浓度下ACNT@PVA@HQ器件的电化学性能测试 (a)相同扫速(20 mV/s)下不同HQ添加量的器件CV对比图; (b)器件比容量随HQ浓度变化图; (c)相同电流密度(1.23 mA·cm–2)下的GCD曲线对比图; (d)交流阻抗谱对比图; (e)等效电路拟合模型图; (f) ACNT@PVA@HQ (0.1 mol/L)器件与ACNT@PVA器件Ragone对比图

    Figure 3.  Electrochemical performance test of ACNT@PVA@HQ composite devices at different concentrations: (a) Comparison of CVs with different amounts of HQ addition under the same scan rate (20 mV/s); (b) area specific capacitance at different HQ concentrations; (c) GCD curves comparison diagram under the same current density (1.23 mA·cm–2); (d) alternating current impedance spectrogram of the samples at different concentrations; (e) the diagram of equivalent circuit fitting model; (f) comparison of Ragone plots between the devices of ACNT@PVA@HQ (0.1 mol/L) and ACNT@PVA

    图 4  [HQ] = 0.1 mol/L浓度下ACNT@PVA@HQ器件的电化学性能测试 (a)循环伏安曲线图(5−50 mV/s); (b)不同电流密度(0.615−6.15 mA·cm–2)下的GCD曲线图; (c)峰电流与扫速的关系图; (d)容量贡献占比图; (e)交流阻抗谱图; (f) 5000次循环稳定性图

    Figure 4.  Electrochemical performance test of the ACNT@PVA@HQ composite device at [HQ] = 0.1 mol/L: (a) CV curves at scan rates from 5 mV/s to 50 mV/s; (b) GCD curves under different current densities (0.615−6.15 mA·cm–2); (c) relationship between peak current and scan rates; (d) the proportion of capacitance contribution in composite device; (e) Nyquist plot at 0.01 Hz−100 kHz; (f) cyclic performance (5000 cycles) during charging-discharging cycles

    图 5  CCNT@PVA@HQ, ACNT@PVA@HQ 和 DACNT@PVA@HQ器件的电化学测试 (a) 相同电流(1 mA)下的GCD对比图; (b) 20 mV/s下的CVs对比图; (c)面积比容量随电流密度变化图; (d) EIS对比图; (e)器件功率密度-能量密度对比图

    Figure 5.  Electrochemical test of CCNT@PVA@HQ, ACNT@PVA@HQ and DACNT@PVA@HQ composite devices: (a) Comparison of GCD curves with 1 mA; (b) CVs comparison diagram at 20 mV/s; (c) relationship between area specific capacitance and current densities; (d) comparison diagram of EIS; (e) Ragone plots of three kinds of composite device

    表 1  不同样品相关测试数据对比

    Table 1.  Comparison of relevant test data of different samples

    (20 mV/s)
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    Gong M, Wan P, Ma D, Zhong M, Liao M, Ye J, Shi R, Zhang L 2019 Adv. Funct. Mater. 29 1902127Google Scholar


    Han T H, Kim H, Kwon S J, Lee T W 2017 Mater. Sci. Eng. R-Rep. 118 1Google Scholar


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    Stoppa M, Chiolerio A 2014 Sensors (Basel) 14 11957Google Scholar


    Wang X, Lu X, Liu B, Chen D, Tong Y, Shen G 2014 Adv. Mater. 26 4763Google Scholar


    Xu G, Zheng C, Zhang Q, Huang J, Zhao M, Nie J, Wang X, Wei F 2011 Nano Res. 4 870Google Scholar


    Li P, Kong C, Shang Y, Shi E, Yu Y, Qian W, Wei F, Wei J, Wang K, Zhu H, Cao A, Wu D 2013 Nanoscale 5 8472Google Scholar


    Hu S, Rajamani R, Yu X 2012 Appl. Phys. Lett. 100 104103Google Scholar


    Shao Y, El-Kady M F, Wang L J, Zhang Q, Li Y, Wang H, Mousavi M F, Kaner R B 2015 Chem. Soc. Rev. 44 3639Google Scholar


    Lin R, Taberna P L, Chmiola J, Guay D, Gogotsi Y, Simon P 2009 J. Electrochem.Soc. 156 A7Google Scholar


    Guan C, Zhao W, Hu Y, Lai Z, Li X, Sun S, Zhang H, Cheetham A K, Wang J 2017 Nanoscale Horiz. 2 99Google Scholar


    He Y, Chen W, Li X, Zhang Z, Fu J, Zhao C, Xie E 2012 ACS Nano 7 174Google Scholar


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    Shi Y, Pan L, Liu B, Wang Y, Cui Y, Bao Z, Yu G 2014 J. Mater. Chem. A 2 6086Google Scholar


    Li W, Gao F, Wang X, Zhang N, Ma M 2016 Angew Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 55 9196Google Scholar


    Evanko B, Boettcher S W, Yoo S J, Stucky G D 2017 ACS Energy Lett. 2 2581Google Scholar


    Roldan S, Blanco C, Granda M, Menendez R, Santamaria R 2011 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 50 1699Google Scholar


    Ma G, Dong M, Sun K, Feng E, Peng H, Lei Z 2015 J. Mater. Chem. A 3 4035Google Scholar


    Pan S, Deng J, Guan G, Zhang Y, Chen P, Ren J, Peng H 2015 J. Mater. Chem. A 3 6286Google Scholar


    Zhang H, Cao G, Yang Y 2009 Energy Environ. Sci. 2 932Google Scholar


    巫梦丹, 叶安娜, 周胜林, 王敏, 张晓华, 杨朝晖 2019 68 108201Google Scholar

    Wu M D, Ye A N, Zhou S L, Wang M, Zhang X H, Yang Z H 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 108201Google Scholar


    Zhu Q, Yuan X, Zhu Y, Ni J, Zhang X, Yang Z 2018 Nanotechnology 29 195405Google Scholar


    Kim D, Lee G, Kim D, Yun J, Lee S S, Ha J S 2016 Nanoscale 8 15611Google Scholar


    Balamurugan J, Li C, Thanh T D, Park O, Kim N H, Lee J H 2017 J. Mater. Chem. A 5 19760Google Scholar


    Sathyamoorthi S, Suryanarayanan V, Velayutham D 2015 J. Power Sources 274 1135Google Scholar


    Zhong J, Fan L Q, Wu X, Wu J H, Liu G J, Lin J M, Huang M L, Wei Y L 2015 Electrochimica Acta 166 150Google Scholar


    Boota M, Hatzell K B, Kumbur E C, Gogotsi Y 2015 ChemSusChem 8 835Google Scholar


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    Yu H, Wu J, Fan L, Lin Y, Xu K, Tang Z, Lan Z 2012 J. Power Sources 198 402Google Scholar


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  • Received Date:  11 February 2020
  • Accepted Date:  10 April 2020
  • Published Online:  20 June 2020

