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Optimal design of Cs2AgBi0.75Sb0.25Br6 perovskite solar cells

Wang Yue-Rong Tian Han-Min Zhang Deng-Qi Liu Wei-Long Ma Xu-Lei

Optimal design of Cs2AgBi0.75Sb0.25Br6 perovskite solar cells

Wang Yue-Rong, Tian Han-Min, Zhang Deng-Qi, Liu Wei-Long, Ma Xu-Lei
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Double perovskite solar cells have attracted much attention due to their low cost, high performance, environmental friendliness, and strong stability. In this study, the effect of thickness of perovskite layer, band offset, metal electrode work function, the thickness and doping concentration of the transport layer on the efficiency of Cs2AgBi0.75Sb0.25Br6 solar cells are analyzed by using Silvaco TCAD to improve device performance. This preliminary study of device based on Spiro-OMeTAD as hole transport layer (HTL) and ZnO as electron transport layer (ETL) shows that the photovoltaic conversion efficiency (PCE) is 12.66%. The results show that the efficiency gradually saturates when the thickness of the perovskite layer is greater than 500 nm. The optimal conduction band offset (CBO) ranges from 0 eV to +0.5 eV and the optimal valence band offset (VBO) from –0.1 eV to +0.2 eV. After changing the device's ETL into ZnOS and HTLs into MoO3, Cu2O and CuSCN, respectively, and optimizing their thickness values and doping concentrations, the final theoretical photovoltaic conversion efficiency of the double perovskite solar cell with an HTL of Cu2O can reach 22.85%, which is increased by 25.6% compared with the currently reported theoretical efficiency value. Moreover, the optimal efficiency is achieved when the metal electrode work function is less than –4.9 eV. This work will help find suitable materials for the transport layer and provide guidance for developing the high-performance and lead-free perovskite solar cells.
      Corresponding author: Tian Han-Min,

    Stranks S D, Eperon G E, Grancini G, Menelaou C, Alcocer M J, Leijtens T, Herz L M, Petrozza A, Snaith H J 2013 Science 342 341Google Scholar


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    Hutter E M, Gélvez-Rueda M C, Bartesaghi D, Grozema F C, Savenije T 2018 ACS Omega 3 11655Google Scholar


    Du K Z, Meng W, Wang X, Yan Y, Mitzi D B 2017 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 56 8158Google Scholar


    Pantaler M, Cho K T, Queloz V I E, Benito I G, Fettkenhauer C, Anusca I, Nazeeruddin M K, Lupascu D C, Grancini G 2018 ACS Energy Lett. 3 1781Google Scholar


    Gao W, Ran C, Xi J, Jiao B, Zhang W, Wu M, Hou X, Wu Z 2018 Chemphyschemistry 19 1696Google Scholar


    Liu Y, Zhang L, Wang M, Zhong Y J, Huang M R, Long Y, Zhu H W 2019 Mater. Today 28 25Google Scholar


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    Zhao P, Liu Z, Lin Z, Chen D, Su J, Zhang C, Zhang J, Chang J, Hao Y 2018 Sol. Energy 169 11Google Scholar


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    Rahman S I, Faisal S, Ahmed S, Dhrubo T I 2017 IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC) Bengaluru, India, 30 September–2 October, 2017 pp546–550


    Gan Y J, Bi X G, Liu Y C, Qin B Y, Li Q L, Jiang Q B, Mo P 2020 Energies 13 5907Google Scholar


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    Haider S Z, Anwar H, Jamil Y, Shahid M 2020 J. Phys. Chem. Solids 136 109147Google Scholar


    Ding C, Zhang Y H, Liu F, Kitabatake Y, Hayase S, Toyoda T, Yoshino K, Minemoto T, Katayama K, Shen Q 2018 Nano Energy 53 17Google Scholar


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    Way A, Luke J, Evans A D, Li Z, Kim J-S, Durrant J R, Hin Lee H K, Tsoi W C 2019 AIP Adv. 9 085220Google Scholar


    Huang L J, Ren N F, Li B J, Zhou M 2014 Mater. Lett. 116 405Google Scholar


    Liu J, Cao W Q, Jin H B, Yuan J, Zhang D Q, Cao M S 2015 J. Mater. Chem. C 3 4670Google Scholar


    Pantaler M, Olthof S, Meerholz K, Lupascu D C 2019 MRS Adv. 4 3545Google Scholar


    Dai Z, Zheng D, Chen J, Yang B 2021 Chem. Phys. Lett. 770 138440Google Scholar


    Almosni S, Cojocaru L, Li D, Uchida S, Kubo T, Segawa H 2017 Energy Technol. 5 1767Google Scholar


    Govindaraj G, Baskaran N, Shahi K, Monoravi P 1995 Solid State Ion 76 47Google Scholar


    Collaboration: Authors and editors of the volumes III/17E-17F-41C. Non-Tetrahedrally Bonded Elements and Binary Compounds I 1998 1


    Jaffe J E, Kaspar T C, Droubay T C, Varga T, Bowden M E, Exarhos G 2010 J. Phys. Chem. C 114 9111Google Scholar


    Zhang Q, Dandeneau C S, Zhou X, Cao G 2009 Adv. Mater. 21 4087Google Scholar


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    Eom K, Kwon U, Kalanur S S, Park H J, Seo H 2017 J. Mater. Chem. A 5 2563Google Scholar


    Chang J H, Shen S Y, Dong C D, Shkir M, Kumar M 2022 Chemosphere 287 131960Google Scholar


    Wang Y, Lany S, Ghanbaja J, Fagot-Revurat Y, Chen Y, Soldera F, Horwat D, Mücklich F, Pierson J 2016 Phys. Rev. B 94 245418Google Scholar


    Wijeyasinghe N, Regoutz A, Eisner F, Du T, Tsetseris L, Lin Y H, Faber H, Pattanasattayavong P, Li J, Yan F 2017 Adv. Funct. Mater. 27 1701818Google Scholar


    Takahashi R, Dazai T, Tsukahara Y, Borowiak A, Koinuma H 2022 J. Appl. Phys. 131 175302Google Scholar


    Meyer E, Mutukwa D, Zingwe N, Taziwa R 2018 Metals 8 667Google Scholar


    Rudnyi E B, Vovk O M, Kaibicheva E A, Sidorov L N 1989 J. Chem. Thermodyn. 21 247Google Scholar


    Brandt R E, Young M, Park H H, Dameron A, Chua D, Lee Y S, Teeter G, Gordon R G, Buonassisi T 2014 Appl. Phys. Lett. 105 26Google Scholar


    Gavrilov S, Zheleznyakova A, Dronov A, Dittrich T 2009 Physics, Chemistry And Application Of Nanostructures: Reviews and Short Notes (World Scientific) pp577–580


    Bag A, Radhakrishnan R, Nekovei R, Jeyakumar R 2020 Sol. Energy 196 177Google Scholar


    Zhou Y, Ren X G, Yan Y Q, Ren H, Du H M, Cai X Y, Huang Z X 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 208802 [周玚, 任信钢, 闫业强, 任昊, 杜红梅, 蔡雪原, 黄志祥 2022 71 208802Google Scholar

    Zhou Y, Ren X G, Yan Y Q, Ren H, Du H M, Cai X Y, Huang Z X 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 208802Google Scholar


    Zhao P, Lin Z H, Wang J P, Yue M, Su J, Zhang J C, Chang J J, Hao Y 2019 ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2 4504Google Scholar


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    Tanaka K, Minemoto T, Takakura H J S E 2009 Sol. Energy 83 477Google Scholar


    Saeed M A, Kim S H, Baek K, Hyun J K, Lee S Y, Shim J W 2021 Appl. Surf. Sci. 567 150852Google Scholar


    Kim S M, Saeed M A, Kim S H, Shim J W 2020 Appl. Surf. Sci. 527 146840Google Scholar


    许李毅飞2022 硕士学位论文 (成都: 电子科技大学)

    Xu L Y F 2022 M. S. Thesis (Chengdu: University of Electronic Science and Technology of China


    Halvani Anaraki E, Kermanpur A, Mayer M T, Steier L, Ahmed T, Turren-Cruz S-H, Seo J, Luo J, Zakeeruddin S M, Tress W R J A E L 2018 ACS Energy Lett. 3 773Google Scholar


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    Parajuli D, Shah D K, KC D, Kumar S, Park M, Pant B J E 2022 Electrochemistry 3 407Google Scholar


    Islam M A, Abou Hashish M D, Hatta S M, Soin N B, Khan S, Amin N IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering p012005

  • 图 1  模拟双钙钛矿太阳能电池的二维结构图

    Figure 1.  Two-dimensional structure diagram of simulated double perovskite solar cell.

    图 2  器件性能随Cs2AgBi0.75Sb0.25Br6厚度的变化

    Figure 2.  Variation of device performance with different thickness of Cs2AgBi0.75Sb0.25Br6.

    图 3  导带偏移量为(a)负值与(b)正值时的能带排列图; 价带偏移量为(c)负值与(d)正值时的能带排列图

    Figure 3.  Energy band alignment diagram with (a) negative and (b) positive CBO; energy band alignment diagram with (c) negative and (d) positive VBO.

    图 4  不同(a)导带偏移量和(b)价带偏移量下Cs2AgBi0.75Sb0.25Br6太阳能电池器件性能变化

    Figure 4.  Variation of device performance of Cs2AgBi0.75Sb0.25Br6 solar cells with different (a) CBOs and (b) VBOs.

    图 5  Cs2AgBi0.75Sb0.25Br6太阳能电池的不同 (a)负值导带偏移量, (b)正值导带偏移量, (d)负值价带偏移量, (e)正值价带偏移量的能带图; 不同(c)负值导带偏移量和(f)负值价带偏移量下界面缺陷层的载流子复合速率

    Figure 5.  Energy band diagrams of Cs2AgBi0.75Sb0.25Br6 solar cells with different (a) negative CBOs, (b) positive CBOs, (d) negative VBOs, (e) positive VBOs; carrier recombination rate in interfacial defect layers with different (c) negative CBOs and (f) negative VBOs.

    图 6  不同 (a) ZnOS厚度, (b) HTL厚度, (c) ZnOS掺杂浓度, (d) HTL掺杂浓度下Cs2AgBi0.75Sb0.25Br6太阳能电池的器件性能

    Figure 6.  Device performance of Cs2AgBi0.75Sb0.25Br6 solar cell with different (a) thickness of ZnOS, (b) thickness of HTL, (c) doping concentration of ZnOS, (d) doping concentration of HTL.

    图 7  不同HTL的Cs2AgBi0.75Sb0.25Br6太阳能电池的(a) J-V曲线图和输出参数, (b)能带图

    Figure 7.  (a) J-V curves and output parameters, (b) energy band diagrams of Cs2AgBi0.75Sb0.25Br6 solar cells with different HTL.

    图 8  Cs2AgBi0.75Sb0.25Br6太阳能电池的能带图随Cu2O掺杂浓度变化

    Figure 8.  Variation of energy band diagrams of Cs2AgBi0.75Sb0.25Br6 solar cells with the doping concentration of Cu2O.

    图 9  不同功函数对Cs2AgBi0.75Sb0.25Br6太阳能电池性能的影响

    Figure 9.  Effect of different work functions on the performance of Cs2AgBi0.75Sb0.25Br6 solar cells.

    图 10  (a)不同金属功函数下的器件能带图; 钙钛矿层的(b)电子浓度和(c)空穴浓度随不同金属功函数的变化

    Figure 10.  (a) Device energy band diagrams with different metal work functions; variation of (b) electron concentration and (c) hole concentration in perovskite layer with different metal work functions.

    表 1  Cs2AgBi0.75Sb0.25Br6太阳能电池各层材料的参数

    Table 1.  Parameters of each layer material of Cs2AgBi0.75Sb0.25Br6 solar cell.

    Permittivity, εr9[29]9[18]6.5[30,31]3[32]12.5[33]7.1[34]10[35]
    Band gap/eV3.3[36]2.83[37]1.8[8]3[38]3[39]2.17[40]3.4[41]
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  优化的器件光伏性能参数及参考

    Table 2.  Optimized device photovoltaic performance parameters and references.

    Thickness/nm Doping concentration/cm–3 VOC/V JSC/(mA·cm–2) PCE/% FF/%
    This work ZnOS/Cs2AgBi0.75Sb0.25Br6/Cu2O:70/400/350 ETL/HTL: 2×1018/9×1021 1.36 14.12 16.87 88.04
    After thickness optimization ZnOS/Cs2AgBi0.75Sb0.25Br6/Cu2O: 30/500/280 ETL/HTL: 2×1018/9×1021 1.36 15.70 18.56 87.24
    After ND(ZnOS) optimization ZnOS/Cs2AgBi0.75Sb0.25Br6/Cu2O: 30/500/280 ETL/HTL: 1×1020/9×1021 1.35 15.70 18.62 87.37
    After NA(Cu2O) optimization ZnOS/Cs2AgBi0.75Sb0.25Br6/Cu2O: 30/500/280 ETL/HTL: 1×1020/1×1017 1.35 19.49 22.85 86.76
    Ref.[14] ZnOS/Cs2AgBi0.75Sb0.25Br6/Cu2O:70/400/350 ETL/HTL: 2×1018/9×1021 1.39 16.04 18.18 78.34
    Other Ref.[58] ZnO/Cs2AgBi0.75Sb0.25Br6/NiO: 70/400/350 ETL/HTL: 5×1017/3×1018 1.23 15.57 17.13 89.39
    Other Ref.[13] NiO/Cs2AgBi0.75Sb0.25Br6/PCBM/ SnO2: 40/500/40/6 ETL/HTL: 1×1015/5×1017 1.14 14.9 10.01 58.70
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    Stranks S D, Eperon G E, Grancini G, Menelaou C, Alcocer M J, Leijtens T, Herz L M, Petrozza A, Snaith H J 2013 Science 342 341Google Scholar


    Tong J, Song Z, Kim D H, Chen X, Chen C, Palmstrom A F, Ndione P F, Reese M O, Dunfield S P, Reid O G 2019 Science 364 475Google Scholar


    Alarousu E, El-Zohry A M, Yin J, Zhumekenov A A, Yang C, Alhabshi E, Gereige I, AlSaggaf A, Malko A V, Bakr O M, Mohammed O F 2017 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 8 4386Google Scholar


    Dong Q F, Fang Y J, Shao Y C, Mulligan P, Qiu J, Cao L, Huang J S 2015 Science 347 967Google Scholar


    Park J, Kim J, Yun H S, Paik M J, Noh E, Mun H J, Kim M G, Shin T J, Seok S I 2023 Nature 616 724Google Scholar


    Zhang Z, Yang G, Zhou C, Chung C C, Hany I 2019 RSC Adv. 9 23459Google Scholar


    Slavney A H, Hu T, Lindenberg A M, Karunadasa H I 2016 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 138 2138Google Scholar


    Hutter E M, Gélvez-Rueda M C, Bartesaghi D, Grozema F C, Savenije T 2018 ACS Omega 3 11655Google Scholar


    Du K Z, Meng W, Wang X, Yan Y, Mitzi D B 2017 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 56 8158Google Scholar


    Pantaler M, Cho K T, Queloz V I E, Benito I G, Fettkenhauer C, Anusca I, Nazeeruddin M K, Lupascu D C, Grancini G 2018 ACS Energy Lett. 3 1781Google Scholar


    Gao W, Ran C, Xi J, Jiao B, Zhang W, Wu M, Hou X, Wu Z 2018 Chemphyschemistry 19 1696Google Scholar


    Liu Y, Zhang L, Wang M, Zhong Y J, Huang M R, Long Y, Zhu H W 2019 Mater. Today 28 25Google Scholar


    Madan J, Pandey R, Sharma R 2020 Sol. Energy 197 212Google Scholar


    Singh N, Agarwal A, Agarwal M 2021 Opt. Mater. 114 110964Google Scholar


    Zhao P, Liu Z, Lin Z, Chen D, Su J, Zhang C, Zhang J, Chang J, Hao Y 2018 Sol. Energy 169 11Google Scholar


    Kanoun A A, Kanoun M B, Merad A E, Goumri-Said S 2019 Sol. Energy 182 237Google Scholar


    Jalalian D, Ghadimi A, Kiani A 2019 Eur. Phys. J. 87 10101Google Scholar


    Rahman S I, Faisal S, Ahmed S, Dhrubo T I 2017 IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC) Bengaluru, India, 30 September–2 October, 2017 pp546–550


    Gan Y J, Bi X G, Liu Y C, Qin B Y, Li Q L, Jiang Q B, Mo P 2020 Energies 13 5907Google Scholar


    Minemoto T, Murata M 2015 Sol. Energy Mater Sol. Cells 133 8Google Scholar


    Ahmed S, Jannat F, Alim M A 2020 2nd International Conference on Advanced Information and Communication Technology (ICAICT) Dhaka, Bangladesh, November 21, 2020 pp297–301


    Minemoto T, Julayhi J 2013 Curr. Appl. Phys. 13 103Google Scholar


    Ahmed A, Riaz K, Mehmood H, Tauqeer T, Ahmad Z 2020 Opt. Mater. 105 109897Google Scholar


    Haider S Z, Anwar H, Jamil Y, Shahid M 2020 J. Phys. Chem. Solids 136 109147Google Scholar


    Ding C, Zhang Y H, Liu F, Kitabatake Y, Hayase S, Toyoda T, Yoshino K, Minemoto T, Katayama K, Shen Q 2018 Nano Energy 53 17Google Scholar


    Aouaj M A, Diaz R, Belayachi A, Rueda F, Abd-Lefdil M 2009 Mater. Res. Bull. 44 1458Google Scholar


    Way A, Luke J, Evans A D, Li Z, Kim J-S, Durrant J R, Hin Lee H K, Tsoi W C 2019 AIP Adv. 9 085220Google Scholar


    Huang L J, Ren N F, Li B J, Zhou M 2014 Mater. Lett. 116 405Google Scholar


    Liu J, Cao W Q, Jin H B, Yuan J, Zhang D Q, Cao M S 2015 J. Mater. Chem. C 3 4670Google Scholar


    Pantaler M, Olthof S, Meerholz K, Lupascu D C 2019 MRS Adv. 4 3545Google Scholar


    Dai Z, Zheng D, Chen J, Yang B 2021 Chem. Phys. Lett. 770 138440Google Scholar


    Almosni S, Cojocaru L, Li D, Uchida S, Kubo T, Segawa H 2017 Energy Technol. 5 1767Google Scholar


    Govindaraj G, Baskaran N, Shahi K, Monoravi P 1995 Solid State Ion 76 47Google Scholar


    Collaboration: Authors and editors of the volumes III/17E-17F-41C. Non-Tetrahedrally Bonded Elements and Binary Compounds I 1998 1


    Jaffe J E, Kaspar T C, Droubay T C, Varga T, Bowden M E, Exarhos G 2010 J. Phys. Chem. C 114 9111Google Scholar


    Zhang Q, Dandeneau C S, Zhou X, Cao G 2009 Adv. Mater. 21 4087Google Scholar


    Gloeckler M 2005 Ph. D. Dissertation (Fort collins, Colorado: Colorado State University


    Eom K, Kwon U, Kalanur S S, Park H J, Seo H 2017 J. Mater. Chem. A 5 2563Google Scholar


    Chang J H, Shen S Y, Dong C D, Shkir M, Kumar M 2022 Chemosphere 287 131960Google Scholar


    Wang Y, Lany S, Ghanbaja J, Fagot-Revurat Y, Chen Y, Soldera F, Horwat D, Mücklich F, Pierson J 2016 Phys. Rev. B 94 245418Google Scholar


    Wijeyasinghe N, Regoutz A, Eisner F, Du T, Tsetseris L, Lin Y H, Faber H, Pattanasattayavong P, Li J, Yan F 2017 Adv. Funct. Mater. 27 1701818Google Scholar


    Takahashi R, Dazai T, Tsukahara Y, Borowiak A, Koinuma H 2022 J. Appl. Phys. 131 175302Google Scholar


    Meyer E, Mutukwa D, Zingwe N, Taziwa R 2018 Metals 8 667Google Scholar


    Rudnyi E B, Vovk O M, Kaibicheva E A, Sidorov L N 1989 J. Chem. Thermodyn. 21 247Google Scholar


    Brandt R E, Young M, Park H H, Dameron A, Chua D, Lee Y S, Teeter G, Gordon R G, Buonassisi T 2014 Appl. Phys. Lett. 105 26Google Scholar


    Gavrilov S, Zheleznyakova A, Dronov A, Dittrich T 2009 Physics, Chemistry And Application Of Nanostructures: Reviews and Short Notes (World Scientific) pp577–580


    Bag A, Radhakrishnan R, Nekovei R, Jeyakumar R 2020 Sol. Energy 196 177Google Scholar


    Zhou Y, Ren X G, Yan Y Q, Ren H, Du H M, Cai X Y, Huang Z X 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 208802 [周玚, 任信钢, 闫业强, 任昊, 杜红梅, 蔡雪原, 黄志祥 2022 71 208802Google Scholar

    Zhou Y, Ren X G, Yan Y Q, Ren H, Du H M, Cai X Y, Huang Z X 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 208802Google Scholar


    Zhao P, Lin Z H, Wang J P, Yue M, Su J, Zhang J C, Chang J J, Hao Y 2019 ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2 4504Google Scholar


    王家平2021 硕士学位论文 (西安: 西安电子科技大学)

    Wang J P 2021 M. S. Thesis (Xi'an: Xidian University


    Tanaka K, Minemoto T, Takakura H J S E 2009 Sol. Energy 83 477Google Scholar


    Saeed M A, Kim S H, Baek K, Hyun J K, Lee S Y, Shim J W 2021 Appl. Surf. Sci. 567 150852Google Scholar


    Kim S M, Saeed M A, Kim S H, Shim J W 2020 Appl. Surf. Sci. 527 146840Google Scholar


    许李毅飞2022 硕士学位论文 (成都: 电子科技大学)

    Xu L Y F 2022 M. S. Thesis (Chengdu: University of Electronic Science and Technology of China


    Halvani Anaraki E, Kermanpur A, Mayer M T, Steier L, Ahmed T, Turren-Cruz S-H, Seo J, Luo J, Zakeeruddin S M, Tress W R J A E L 2018 ACS Energy Lett. 3 773Google Scholar


    Huang X, Du J, Guo X, Lin Z, Ma J, Su J, Feng L, Zhang C, Zhang J, Chang J J S R 2020 Sol. RRL 4 1900336Google Scholar


    Parajuli D, Shah D K, KC D, Kumar S, Park M, Pant B J E 2022 Electrochemistry 3 407Google Scholar


    Islam M A, Abou Hashish M D, Hatta S M, Soin N B, Khan S, Amin N IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering p012005

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Publishing process
  • Received Date:  09 August 2023
  • Accepted Date:  01 October 2023
  • Available Online:  25 December 2023
  • Published Online:  20 January 2024

