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Structural stability, electronic properties, and physical modulation effects of armchair-edged C3B nanoribbons

Cao Sheng-Guo Han Jia-Ning Li Zhan-Hai Zhang Zhen-Hua


Structural stability, electronic properties, and physical modulation effects of armchair-edged C3B nanoribbons

Cao Sheng-Guo, Han Jia-Ning, Li Zhan-Hai, Zhang Zhen-Hua
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • C3B monolayer is a typical graphene-like two-dimensional material, which has been successfully prepared experimentally. Here, we use the density functional theory to study the structural stability, electronic properties and physical regulation effects of its armchair-edged nanoribbons. The results show that for the bare-edged nanoribbons, if the ribbon edges are composed of C atoms completely (AA-type), their electronic phase is a semiconductor; when both ribbons edges consist of C and B atoms (BB-type) jointly, their electronic phase is a metal; if one edge of the ribbon is composed of C atoms and the other edge is comprised of B and C atoms (AB-type), their electronic phase is also a metal. This suggests that the B atom located at the ribbon edge plays an important role in determining whether nanoribbons is a metal or semiconductor. While for the H-terminated nanoribbons, they are all direct or indirect band-gap semiconductors. The carrier mobility of H-terminated nanoribbons is generally lower than that of bare-edged nanoribbon, which is closely related to their larger effective mass and higher deformation potential values. Meanwhile, it is found that the semiconducting nanoribbons are very sensitive to physical regulation, especially under applied compressive strain and external electric field, the band gap of the nanoribbons becomes very smaller, which is favorable for the absorption of light energy and development of novel optical devices.
      Corresponding author: Zhang Zhen-Hua,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61771076), the Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Flexible Electronic Materials Genome Engineering, China (Grant No. 202020), and the Hunan Provincial Innovation Foundation For Postgraduate, China (Grant No. CX20210823).

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    Zhu M, Zhang L, Li X, He Y, Li X, Guo F, Zang X, Wang K, Xie D, Li X, Wei B, Zhu H. 2015 J. Mater. Chem. A 3 8133Google Scholar


    Midya A, Ghorai A, Mukherjee S, Maiti R, Ray S 2016 J. Mater. Chem. A 4 4534Google Scholar


    Sun F, Liu R, Suo Y Q, Niu L L, Fu H Y, Ji W F, Li Z L 2019 Acta. Phys. Sin. 68 178502Google Scholar


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    Fu H Y, Sun F, Liu R, Suo Y Q, Bi J J, Wang C K, Li Z L 2019 Phys. Lett. A 383 867Google Scholar


    Aftab S, Samiya M, Liao W, Iqbal M W, Ishfaq M, Ramachandraiah K, Ajmal H M S, Haque H M U, Yousuf S, Ahmed Z, khan M U, Rehman A U, Iqbal M Z 2021 J. Mater. Chem. C 9 3998Google Scholar


    He T, Lan C, Zhou S, Li Y, Yin Y, Li C, Liu Y 2021 J. Mater. Chem. C 9 3846Google Scholar


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    Zhang Y, Wu Z F, Gao P F, Fang D Q, Zhang E H, Zhang S L 2018 RSC. Adv. 8 1686Google Scholar


    Senturk A E, Oktem A S, Konukman A E S 2020 Mol. Simul. 46 879Google Scholar


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    Liu G, Wu M S, Ouyang C Y, Xu B 2013 Mod. Phys. Lett. B 27 1350110Google Scholar


    Wu Y, Xia W, Zhang Y, Zhu W, Zhang W, Zhang P 2020 Phys. Rev. Appl. 14 014073Google Scholar


    Ozdemir B, Barone V 2015 Comput. Mater. Sci. 109 248Google Scholar


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    Qie Y, Liu J, Wang S, Gong S, Sun Q 2018 Carbon 129 38Google Scholar


    Zhao J, Cheng N, He Y 2019 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21 19567Google Scholar


    Zhang C, Jiao Y, He T, Bottle S, Frauenheim T, Du A 2018 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 9 858Google Scholar


    Zhao P, Wan Y, Zhang S, Gao A, Guo P, Jiang Z, Zheng J 2020 Phys. Status. Solidi. RRL 14 2000012Google Scholar


    Dutta S, Wakabayashi K 2013 J. Mater. Chem. C. Mater. 1 4854Google Scholar


    Brandbyge M, Mozos J L, Ordejon P, Taylor J, Stokbro K 2002 Phys. Rev. B 65 165401Google Scholar


    Taylor J, Guo H, Wang J 2001 Phys. Rev. B 63 245407Google Scholar


    Hu J K, Tan J X, Wu D, Zhang Z H, Fan Z Q 2021 Appl. Surf. Sci. 560 149858Google Scholar


    徐永虎, 邓小清, 孙琳, 范志强, 张振华 2022 71 046102Google Scholar

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    汤家鑫, 范志强, 邓小清, 张振华 2022 71 116101Google Scholar

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    He X, Deng X Q, Sun L, Zhang Z H, Fan Z Q 2022 Appl. Surf. Sci. 578 151844Google Scholar


    Chen H L, Han J N, Deng X Q, Fan Z Q, Sun L, Zhang Z H 2022 Appl. Surf. Sci. 598 153756Google Scholar


    Chen H L, Zhang L, Deng, X Q, Sun L, Zhang Z H , Fan Z Q 2021 J. Mater. Chem. C 9 12904


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    Hu R, Li Y H, Zhang Z H, Fan Z Q, Sun L 2019 J. Mater. Chem. C 7 7745Google Scholar


    Dong Q X, Hu R, Fan Z Q, Zhang Z H 2018 Carbon 130 206Google Scholar


    Han J N, He X, Fan Z Q, Zhang Z H 2019 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21 1830Google Scholar

  • 图 1  (a) C3B单层原子结构, 其中浅绿色菱形表示它的原胞, 考虑沿X轴方向剪裁形成各种扶手椅型纳米带, 其中蓝色、黄色阴影分别表示A型、B型边缘; (b)—(k)分别表示13-AA(Ⅰ), 15-AA(Ⅱ), 15-BB(Ⅰ), 13-BB(Ⅱ), 14-AB, 13H-AA(Ⅰ), 15H-AA(Ⅱ), 15H-BB(Ⅰ), 13AH-BB(Ⅱ), 14H-AB纳米带, 黑色虚线框表示纳米带单胞

    Figure 1.  (a) Atomic structure C3B monolayer, where light green rhombus represents its primitive cell, tailoring C3B monolayer along the X-axis direction to form various armchair edged nanoribbons, the blue and yellow shadows indicate the A-type and B-type edges, respectively; (b)–(k) several typical ribbons 13-AA(Ⅰ), 15-AA(Ⅱ), 15-BB(Ⅰ), 13-BB(Ⅱ), 14-AB, 13H-AA(Ⅰ), 15H-AA(Ⅱ), 15H-BB(Ⅰ), 13AH-BB(Ⅱ), and 14H-AB respectively, the black dashed box denotes the unit cell of nanoribbons.

    图 2  裸边和H端接C3B纳米带的热力学稳定性模拟, 即在NVT系综件下使用温度为500 K的Nose Hoover热浴, 按每步1 fs运行8 ps后获得的结果 (a) 13-AA(Ⅰ), (b) 15-AA(Ⅱ), (c) 15-BB(Ⅰ), (d) 13-BB(Ⅱ), (e) 14-AB, (f) 13H-AA(Ⅰ), (g) 15H-AA(Ⅱ), (h) 15H-BB(Ⅰ), (i) 13AH-BB(Ⅱ), (j) 14H-AB; (k)裸边C3B纳米带边能随宽度变化; (l) H端接C3B纳米带边能随宽度变化

    Figure 2.  Examining the thermal stability of bare-edge and H-terminated C3B ribbons, the obtained results for running the simulation by 8 ps with a time step of 1 fs under the Nosé heat bath scheme, which is used in the NVT ensemble at 500 K: (a)13-AA(Ⅰ), (b)15-AA(Ⅱ), (c)15-BB(Ⅰ), (d)13-BB(Ⅱ), (e)14-AB, (f)13H-AA(Ⅰ), (g)15H-AA(Ⅱ), (h)15H-BB(Ⅰ), (i)13AH-BB(Ⅱ), (j)14H-AB; (k) edge energy versus widths of the bare-edge C3B nanoribbons; (l)edge energy versus widths of the H-terminated C3B nanoribbons.

    图 3  几种典型裸边C3B纳米带的能带结构、态密度(DOS)和原子投影态密度(PDOS) (a) 13-AA(Ⅰ), (b) 15-AA(Ⅱ), (c) 15-BB(Ⅰ), (d) 13-BB(Ⅱ), (e) 14-AB; 相对应纳米带的能带1和2的部分电荷密度: (f) 13-AA(Ⅰ), (g) 15-AA(Ⅱ), (h) 15-BB(Ⅰ), (i) 13-BB(Ⅱ), (j) 14-AB, 部分电荷密度等值面设置为0.03 |e|·Å–3

    Figure 3.  Band structure, density of states (DOS) , and atom-projected density of states (PDOS) of several typical bare-edge C3B ribbons: (a) 13-AA(Ⅰ), (b) 15-AA(Ⅱ), (c) 15-BB(Ⅰ), (d) 13-BB(Ⅱ), (e) 14-AB. Partial charge density of subbands 1 and 2 for the corresponding ribbons: (f) 13-AA(Ⅰ), (g) 15-AA(Ⅱ), (h) 15-BB(Ⅰ), (i) 13-BB(Ⅱ), (j) 14-AB. The isosurface for partial charge density is set to 0.03 |e|·Å–3.

    图 4  几种典型的H端接的C3B纳米带的能带结构, 态密度(DOS)和原子投影态密度(PDOS) (a) 13H-AA(Ⅰ), (b) 15H-AA(Ⅱ), (c) 15H-BB(Ⅰ), (d) 13AH-BB(Ⅱ), (e) 14H-AB; 相对应纳米带的能带1和2的部分电荷密度: (f) 13H-AA(Ⅰ), (g) 15H-AA(Ⅱ), (h) 15H-BB(Ⅰ), (i) 13AH-BB(Ⅱ), (j) 14H-AB, 部分电荷密度等值设为0.03 |e|·Å–3

    Figure 4.  Band structure, density of states (DOS) and atom-projected density of states (PDOS) for several typical H-terminated C3B ribbons: (a)13H-AA(Ⅰ), (b)15H-AA(Ⅱ), (c)15H-BB(Ⅰ), (d)13AH-BB(Ⅱ), and (e)14H-AB. Partial charge density of subbands 1 and 2 for the corresponding ribbons: (f) 13H-AA(Ⅰ), (g)15H-AA(Ⅱ), (h)15H-BB(Ⅰ), (i)13AH-BB(Ⅱ), and (j)14H-AB. The isosurface for partial charge density is set to 0.03 |e|·Å–3.

    图 5  不同类型C3B纳米带的 (a)有效质量, (b)形变势, (c)弹性模量以及(d)载流子迁移率(其中h为空穴, e为电子)

    Figure 5.  (a) Effective mass, (b) deformation potential, (c) elastic modulus, and (d) carrier mobility for different types of C3B nanoribbons (h is expressed as holes, e is expressed as electrons).

    图 6  13-AA(Ⅰ)纳米带的应变调控效应 (a)纳米带压应力示意图; (b)能带结构随施加应变值的变化; (c)带隙及应变能随施加应变值的变化; (d) 13-AA(Ⅰ) VBM在Gama点的布洛赫态, 布洛赫态等值面为0.1 |e|·Å–3

    Figure 6.  The strain regulation effect of 13-AA(Ⅰ) ribbon: (a) Schematic diagram of compressive stress in nanoribbons; (b) variation of energy band structure with applied strain; (c) band gap and the strain energy with the applied strain; (d) 13-AA(Ⅰ) bloch state of VBM at Gama point. The isosurface value is set as 0.1 |e|·Å–3.

    图 7  C3B纳米带带边(CBM及VBM)随应变变化 (a) 13-AA(Ⅰ); (b) 15-AA(Ⅱ); (c) 13H-AA(Ⅰ); (d) 15H-AA(Ⅱ); (e) 15H-BB(Ⅰ); (f)13AH-BB(Ⅱ); (g) 14H-AB

    Figure 7.  Band edges (CBM and VBM) of C3B nanoribbons change with strain: (a) 13-AA(Ⅰ); (b) 15-AA(Ⅱ); (c) 13H-AA(Ⅰ); (d) 15H-AA(Ⅱ); (e) 15H-BB(Ⅰ); (f) 13AH-BB(II); (g) 14H-AB.

    图 8  (a) 14H-AB纳米带的电场调控效应; (b)能带结构随电场变化; (c)带隙及电场能随电场变化; (d), (e) CBM和VBM的布洛赫态能随电场变化, 布洛赫态等值面为0.1 |e|·Å–3

    Figure 8.  (a) Electric field regulation effect of ribbon14H-AB; (b) band structure changes with the electric field; (c) band gap and electric field energy changes with the electric field; (d), (e) Bloch states of CBM and VBM changes with the electric field, their isosurface is set to 0.1 |e|·Å–3.

    图 9  C3B纳米带带边(CBM、VBM)随外部电场的变化 (a) 13-AA(Ⅰ); (b) 15-AA(Ⅱ); (c) 13H-AA(Ⅰ); (d) 15H-AA(Ⅱ); (e) 15H-BB(Ⅰ); (f) 13AH-BB(Ⅱ); (g) 14H-AB

    Figure 9.  Band edges for the C3B nanoribbon varies with external electric field: (a) 13-AA(Ⅰ); (b) 15-AA(Ⅱ); (c) 13H-AA(Ⅰ); (d) 15H-AA(Ⅱ); (e) 15H-BB(Ⅰ); (f) 13AH-BB(Ⅱ); (g) 14H-AB.

    表 1  不同宽度裸边C3B纳米带带隙

    Table 1.  Band gaps of bare-edge C3B nanoribbons with different widths.

    StructureBand gap/eVStructureBand gap/eVStructureBand gap/eV
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  H端接C3B纳米带的带隙

    Table 2.  Band gaps for H-terminated C3B nanoribbons.

    5 H-AA(Ⅰ)1.75319 H-AA(Ⅱ)0.77413 H-BB(Ⅱ)0.872
    9 H-AA(Ⅰ)1.0987 H-BB(Ⅰ)1.04017 H-BB(Ⅱ)0.833
    13 H-AA(Ⅰ)0.89011 H-BB(Ⅰ)0.9078 H-AA(Ⅱ)1.157
    17 H-AA(Ⅰ)0.80915 H-BB(Ⅰ)0.85010 H-AA(Ⅱ)1.014
    7 H-AA(Ⅱ)1.26319 H-BB(Ⅰ)0.82012 H-AB(Ⅰ)0.953
    11 H-AA(Ⅱ)0.9305 H-BB(Ⅱ)0.97614 H-AB(Ⅰ)0.897
    15 H-AA(Ⅱ)0.8239 H-BB(Ⅱ)0.94816 H-AB(Ⅰ)0.869
    DownLoad: CSV
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Publishing process
  • Received Date:  25 December 2022
  • Accepted Date:  29 March 2023
  • Available Online:  14 April 2023
  • Published Online:  05 June 2023

