Active tunability of phonon dispersion and spontaneous emission (SE) are still open problems due to their exciting potential applications. In view of the fact that polaritons are very sensitive to the dielectric environment, in this study, with the help of the differences in optical property between the phase change material vanadium dioxide (VO2) during the phase transition from the insulating state to metallic state and the tunable surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) in graphene, a heterostructure composed of hyperbolic material hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) and graphene and VO2 is proposed to investigate the active tunability of hBN phonon polaritons (PhPs). In order to illustrate the underlying physical mechanism of the above heterostructures, the dispersion distributions of the above heterostructures are calculated and represented by the imaginary part of the p-polarized Fresnel reflection coefficient of the heterostructure, meanwhile the dispersion relation of the hBN/VO2 heterostructure in hyperbolic region is verified by the quasi-static approximation method. Results indicate that the active tunability of hBN PhPs inside type-I and type-II hyperbolic bands can be achieved by controlling VO2 phase transition in hBN/VO2 heterostructure. The PhP dispersion change of the hBN/VO2 heterostructure is mainly caused by the change of the VO2 dielectric function when VO2 substrate changes from the insulating state into metallic state, which affects the total Fresnel reflection coefficient of the heterostructure, finally resulting in the PhP dispersion change of hBN/VO2 heterostructure. When graphene is introduced into the hBN/VO2 heterostructure, coupled hyperbolic plasmon-phonon polaritons (HPPPs) are obtained within type-I and type-II hyperbolic band of hBN, while the surface plasmon-phonon polaritons (SPPPs) are generated outside its hyperbolic bands. Moreover, comparative analysis of SE rates is presented for a quantum emitter positioned with the hBN/VO2 and graphene/hBN/VO2 heterostructure, revealing that the SE rates of these heterostructures can be modulated by the passive means including changing the hBN thickness and distance between the dipole emitter and the proposed heterostructure, and also by the active means including tuning VO2 phase states and graphene chemical potential without changing structural configurations. This study provides a theoretical guidance in realizing active tunability of both phonon dispersion and SE rate of the natural or artificial anisotropic optical materials by using functional materials including phase change materials and graphene. -
- anisotropic optical materials /
- phase change material /
- graphene /
- phonon polaritons /
- spontaneous emission rate
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Zhao H P, Z X Y, He Y B, Dou S L, Li Y, Li X F, Zhan Y H 2021 Acta Opt. Sin. 41 1523001 (in Chinese)
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[31] Cortes C, Newman W, Molesky S 2012 J. Opt. 14 063001
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[32] Krishnamoorthy H N, Jacob Z, Narimanov E 2012 Science 336 205
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[33] Zhou K, Zhong X, Cheng Q, Wu X 2022 Opt. Mater. 131 112623
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图 1 (a) hBN/VO2异质结构示意图, t代表hBN的厚度; (b) VO2的折射系数n和消光系数k[15]; (c) hBN介电常数张量分量的实部
Figure 1. (a) Schematic diagram of the hBN/VO2 heterostructure, t represents the hBN thickness; (b) the refractive index n and extinction coefficient k of VO2[15]; (c) real parts of the permittivity tensor components of hBN.
图 2 (a) hBN/VO2(I)和 (b) hBN/VO2(M)异质结构的PhPs色散分布, 其中白色圆圈代表利用(4)式计算得到的色散分支; hBN/VO2异质结构在 (c) kx/k0 = 20和 (d) kx/k0 = 30的PhPs色散曲线
Figure 2. (a) Hybrid PhPs dispersion of hBN/VO2(I) and (b) hBN/VO2(M) heterostructures, the white circles represent the dispersion branches calculated by Eq. (4); Dispersion curves of hBN/VO2 heterostructures at (c) kx/k0 = 20 and (d) kx/k0 = 30.
图 3 (a)—(c)/(e)—(g) 石墨烯/hBN/VO2异质结构的耦合色散随石墨烯化学势μg的变化关系; (d) 石墨烯/hBN/VO2(I)异质结构在kx/k0 =20的色散曲线随石墨烯化学势μg的变化规律; (h) 石墨烯/hBN/VO2异质结构在kx/k0 = 20的色散曲线
Figure 3. (a)–(c)/(e)–(g) Coupling dispersions of graphene/hBN/VO2 heterostructures as function of graphene chemical potentials μg; (d) dispersion curves of graphene/hBN/VO2(I) heterostructures at kx/k0 = 20 as function of graphene chemical potential μg; (h) dispersion curves of graphene/hBN/VO2 heterostructures at kx/k0 = 20.
[1] Poddubny A, Iorsh I, Belov P, Kivshar Y 2013 Nat. Photonics 7 948
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[2] Drachev V P, Podolskiy V A, Kildishev A V 2013 Opt. Express 21 15048
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[3] Wu X, McEleney C A, González-Jiménez M, Macêdo R 2019 Optica 6 1478
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[4] Zhou K, Lu L, Li B, Cheng Q 2021 J. Appl. Phys. 130 093102
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[5] Zhou C L, Zhang Y, Torbatian Z, Novko D, Antezza M 2022 Phys. Rev. Mater. 6 075201
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[6] 刘伟, 黄勇, 吴会海 2017 工程热 38 2665
Liu W, Huang Y, Wu H H 2017 J. Eng. Thermophys. 38 2665
[7] Jiang H, Choudhury S, Kudyshev Z A, Wang D 2019 Photonics Res. 7 815
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[8] Zhang Q, Hu G, Ma W, Li P, Krasnok A, Hillenbrand R, Alù A 2021 Nature 597 187
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[9] Dai S, Zhang J, Ma Q, Kittiwatanakul S, McLeod A, Chen, X 2019 Adv. Mater. 31 1900251
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[10] Fei Z, Rodin A, Andreev G O 2012 Nature 487 82
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[11] Ju L, Geng B, Horng J 2011 Nat. Nanotechnol. 6 630
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[12] Zhou K, Cheng Q, Lu L 2020 Appl. Opt. 59 595
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[13] 杨冲, 韩伟华, 陈俊东, 张晓迪, 郭仰岩 2020 微纳电子技术 57 341
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Yang C, Han W H, Chen J D, Zhang X D, Guo Y Y 2020 Micro-Nano Electron. Technol. 57 341
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[14] 罗明海, 徐马记, 黄其伟, 李派, 何云斌 2016 65 047201
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Luo M H, Xu M J, Huang Q W, Li P, He Y B 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 047201
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[15] Benkahoul M, Chaker M, Margot J 2011 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells. 95 3504
Google Scholar
[16] 赵海鹏, 章新源, 何云斌, 豆书亮, 李垚, 李孝峰, 詹耀辉 2021 光学学报 41 1523001
Zhao H P, Z X Y, He Y B, Dou S L, Li Y, Li X F, Zhan Y H 2021 Acta Opt. Sin. 41 1523001 (in Chinese)
[17] Soltani M, Chaker M, Haddad E 2004 Appl. Phys. Lett. 85 1958
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[18] Lee S, Hippalgaonkar K, Yang F 2017 Science 355 371
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[19] Tang K, Dong K, Li J 2021 Science 374 1504
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[20] 黄雅琴, 李毅, 李政鹏, 裴江恒, 田蓉, 刘进, 周建忠, 方宝英, 王晓华, 肖寒 2019 光学学报 39 0316001
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Huang Y Q, Li Y, Li Z P, Pei J H, Tian R, Liu J, Zhou J Z, Fang B Y, Wang X H, Xiao H 2019 Acta Optics Sinica 39 0316001
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[21] Mlyuka N, Niklasson G A, Granqvist C-G 2009 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells. 93 1685
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[22] Kumar A, Low T, Fung K H 2015 Nano Lett. 15 3172
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[23] Zhou K, Cheng Q, Lu L 2020 Opt. Express 28 1647
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[24] Zhou K, Cheng Q, Song J 2019 Opt. Lett. 44 3430
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[25] Dai S, Ma Q, Andersen T, Mcleod A S, Fei Z, Liu M K, Wagner M, Watanabe K, Taniguchi T, Thiemens M, Keilmann F, Jarillo-Herrero P, Fogler M M, Basov D N 2015 Nat. Commun. 6 6963
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[26] Debu D T, Ladani F T, French D 2019 npj 2D Mater. Appl. 3 1
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[27] Álvarez‐Pérez G, Folland T G, Errea I 2020 Adv. Mater. 32 1908176
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[28] Zhao B, Guizal B, Zhang Z M 2017 Phys. Rev. B 95 246437
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[29] Purcell E M, Torrey H C, Pound R V 1946 Phys. Rev. 69 37
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[30] 赵永生, 宋俊峰, 韩伟华, 李雪梅, 杜国同, 高鼎三 1999 光学学报 19 452
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Zhao Y S, Song J F, Han W H, Li X M, Du G T, Gao D S 1999 Acta Optics Sinica. 19 452
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[31] Cortes C, Newman W, Molesky S 2012 J. Opt. 14 063001
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[32] Krishnamoorthy H N, Jacob Z, Narimanov E 2012 Science 336 205
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[33] Zhou K, Zhong X, Cheng Q, Wu X 2022 Opt. Mater. 131 112623
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