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Estimation method for beam size of superconducting transition edge detector

Gao Guan-Hua Xu Yu Liao Guo-Fu Lu Fang-Jun


Estimation method for beam size of superconducting transition edge detector

Gao Guan-Hua, Xu Yu, Liao Guo-Fu, Lu Fang-Jun
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Owing to its extremely low noise equivalent power, superconducting transition edge detectors have been widely used in various international cosmic microwave background polarization observation projects in recent years. In order to ensure that the detector works in the best performance range, the saturation power value of the detector needs to be adjusted according to the meteorological conditions of the observation site and the observation band, and the structural size of the detector beam directly determines the saturation power. Owing to process differences and other reasons, the beam sizes obtained under different processing schemes often cannot be directly used for horizontal comparison. In previous observation projects, a series of devices with different sizes were generally processed and measured one by one, and then the actual required size was inferred by fitting the relationship between the measured saturated power and the beam size. In order to match the target value, multiple machining iterations are often required. In this work, the boundary-restricted phonon transport model is used to successfully integrate the device parameters from previous observation projects to estimate the size of the transition edge sensor (TES) beam. According to the estimated value, the TES detector chips for detecting cosmic microwave background polarization signal are fabricated for the first time in China. Measurements show that its parameters deviate slightly from the target value. This method can well estimate the sizes of similar TES detectors, and thus has guiding significance for designing TES detectors in the future.
      Corresponding author: Lu Fang-Jun,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11653004, 11905235)

    Mather J C, Fixsen D J, Shafer R A, Mosier C, Wilkinson D T 1999 Astrophys. J. 512 511Google Scholar


    Hinshaw G, Spergel D N, Verde L, Hill R S, Meyer S S, Barnes C, Bennett C L, Halpern M, Jarosik N, Kogut A 2003 Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 148 135Google Scholar


    Ade P A R, Aghanim N, Armitage-Caplan C, Arnaud M, Ashdown M, Atrio-Barandela F, Aumont J, Baccigalupi C, Banday A J, Barreiro R B, Bartlett J G, Battaner E, Benabed K, Benoît A, Benoit-Lévy A, Bernard J P, Bersanelli M, Bertincourt B, Bethermin M, Bielewicz P 2014 A&A 571 16


    Abazajian K, Addison G, Adshead P, Ahmed Z, Allen S W, Alonso D, Alvarez M, Amin M A, Anderson A, Arnold K S, Baccigalupi C, Bailey K, Barkats D, Barron D, Barry P S, Bartlett J G, Thakur R B, Battaglia N, Baxter E, Bean R 2019 arXiv: 1908.01062 [astro-ph]


    Hu W, White M 1997 New Astron. 2 323Google Scholar


    Ade P A R, Aghanim N, Alves M I R, Armitage-Caplan C, Arnaud M, Ashdown M, Atrio-Barandela F, Aumont J, Aussel H, Baccigalupi C, Banday A J, Barreiro R B, Barrena R, Bartelmann M, Bartlett J G, Bartolo N, Basak S, Battaner E, Battye R, Benabed K 2014 A&A 571 A1


    Ade P A R, Ahmed Z, Amiri M, Barkats D, Basu T R, Bischoff C A, Beck D, Bock J J, Boenish H, Bullock E, Buza V, Cheshire IV J R, Connors J, Cornelison J, Crumrine M, Cukierman A, Denison E V, Dierickx M, Duband L, Eiben M 2022 Astrophys. J. 927 77Google Scholar


    Enss C 2005 Cryogenic Particle Detection (Heidelberg: Springer) pp2–5


    张青雅, 董文慧, 何根芳, 李铁夫, 刘建设, 陈炜 2014 63 200303Google Scholar

    Zhang Q Y, Dong W H, He G F, Li T F, Liu J S, Chen W 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 200303Google Scholar


    Gao H, Liu C, Li Z, Liu Y, Li Y, Li S, Li H, Gao G, Lu F, Zhang X 2017 Radiat. Detect. Technol. Methods 1 12Google Scholar


    Kuo C L, Bock J J, Bonetti J A, Brevik J, Zmuidzinas J 2008 Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IV SPIE Marseille, France, August 18, 2008 p415


    Ahmed Z, Amiri M, Benton S J, Bock J J, Bowensrubin R, Buder I, Bullock E, Connors J, Filippini J P, Grayson J A, Halpern M, Hilton G C, Hristov V V, Hui H, Irwin K D, Kang J, Karkare K S, Karpel E, Kovac J M, Kuo C L 2014 Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VII SPIE Montréal, Quebec, Canada, August 19, 2014 p540


    Kermish Z D, Ade P, Anthony A, Arnold K, Zahn O 2012 Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI SPIE Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 24, 2012 p84521C


    Gualtieri R, Filippini J P, Ade P A R, Amiri M, Benton S J, Bergman A S, Bihary R, Bock J J, Bond J R, Bryan S A, Chiang H C, Contaldi C R, Doré O, Duivenvoorden A J, Eriksen H K, Farhang M, Fissel L M, Fraisse A A, Freese K, Galloway M 2018 J. Low Temp. Phys. 193 1112Google Scholar


    Thornton R J, Ade P A R, Aiola S, Angilè F E, Amiri M, Beall J A, Becker D T, Cho H M, Choi S K, Corlies P, Coughlin K P, Datta R, Devlin M J, Dicker S R, Dünner R, Fowler J W, Fox A E, Gallardo P A, Gao J, Grace E 2016 Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 227 21Google Scholar


    Henderson S W, Allison R, Austermann J, Baildon T, Battaglia N, Beall J A, Becker D, De Bernardis F, Bond J R, Calabrese E, Choi S K, Coughlin K P, Crowley K T, Datta R, Devlin M J, Duff S M, Dunkley J, Dünner R, Engelen A V, Gallardo P A 2016 J. Low Temp. Phys. 184 772Google Scholar


    Koopman B J, Cothard N F, Choi S K, Crowley K T, Duff S M, Henderson S W, Ho S P, Hubmayr J, Gallardo P A, Nati F, Niemack M D, Simon S M, Staggs S T, Stevens J R, Vavagiakis E M, Wollack E J 2018 J. Low Temp. Phys. 193 1103Google Scholar


    Ding J J, Ade P A R, Anderson A J, Avva J, Ahmed Z, Arnold K, Austermann J E, Bender A N, Benson B A, Bleem L E, Byrum K, Carlstrom J E, Carter F W, Chang C L, Cho H M, Cliche J F, Cukierman A, Czaplewski D, Divan R, Haan T D 2017 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 27 1


    Mather J C 1982 Appl. Opt. 21 1125Google Scholar


    Ullom J N, Bennett D A 2015 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 28 084003Google Scholar


    Suen J Y, Fang M T, Lubin P M 2014 EEE Trans. Terahertz Sci. Technol. 4 86Google Scholar


    Feshchenko A V, Saira O P, Peltonen J T, Pekola J P 2017 Sci. Rep. 7 1Google Scholar


    Wang G, Yefremenko V, Novosad V, Datesman A, Pearson J, Divan R, Chang C L, Bleem L, Crites A T, Mehl J, Natoli T, McMahon J, Sayre J, Ruhl J, Meyer S S, Carlstrom J E 2010 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 21 232


    Watson S K, Pohl R O 2003 Phys. Rev. B 68 104203Google Scholar


    Bruls R J, Hintzen H T, De With G, Metselaar R 2001 J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 21 263Google Scholar


    Stephens R B 1973 Phys. Rev. B 8 2896Google Scholar


    华钰超, 曹炳阳 2015 64 146501Google Scholar

    Hua Y C, Cao B Y 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 146501Google Scholar


    Sultan R, Avery A D, Underwood J M, Mason S J, Bassett D, Zink B L 2013 Phys. Rev. B 87 214305Google Scholar


    Johnson B R, Flanigan D, Abitbol M H, Ade P A R, Bryan S, Cho H M, Datta R, Day P, Doyle S, Irwin K, Jones G, Li D, Mauskopf P, McCarrick H, McMahon J, Miller A, Pisano G, Song Y, Surdi H, Tucker C 2018 J. Low Temp. Phys. 193 103Google Scholar

  • 图 1  (a)超导薄膜理想R-T曲线; (b) AlMn材料实测R-T曲线

    Figure 1.  (a) Ideal R-T curve of superconducting thin films; (b) measured R-T curve of AlMn alloy

    图 2  TES探测器框架示意图

    Figure 2.  Schematic diagram of TES detector system

    图 3  (a) TES探测器立体结构图; (b)梁架结构横截面示意图

    Figure 3.  (a) Three dimensional (3D) structure of TES detector; (b) cross section of beam structure

    图 4  不同梁架宽度下声子有效平均自由程与材料表面漫反射概率的关系

    Figure 4.  Relationship between the effective mean free path of phonons and the probability of diffuse reflection on the material surface under different beam widths

    图 5  TES探测器加工过程横截面示意图

    Figure 5.  Schematic diagram of cross-section of TES detector fabricating process

    图 6  (a) TES探测器芯片整体实物照片; (b) TES探测器局部放大照片

    Figure 6.  (a) Overall physical photo of TES detector chip; (b) partially enlarged photo of TES detector

    图 7  (a)绝热去磁制冷机照片; (b)装载TES的样品托的照片; (c)样品托在制冷机内安装状态的照片

    Figure 7.  (a) Adiabatic demagnetization refrigerator; (b) sample holder loaded with TES; (c) sample holder installed in the refrigerator

    图 8  不同尺寸TES探测器发热功率$ P_{\rm TES} $随热沉温度变化曲线 (a)样品梁架长度为1100 ${\text{μm}}$; (b)样品梁架长度为900 ${\text{μm}} $; (c)样品梁架长度为700 ${\text{μm}} $.

    Figure 8.  Curves of heating power as a function of heat sink temperature with different beam sizes: (a) The length of beams is 1100 μm; (b) the length of beams is 900 μm; (c) the length of beams is 700 μm

    图 9  不同尺寸下TES探测器饱和功率$ P_{\rm \text{饱和}} $随热沉温度变化曲线 (a) 样品梁架长度为1100 $ {\text{μm}}$; (b)样品梁架长度为900 ${\text{μm}}$; (c)样品梁架长度为700 $ {\text{μm}}$

    Figure 9.  Curve of saturation power of TES detector with heat sink temperature under different sizes: (a) The length of beams is 1100 μm; (b) the length of beams is 900 μm; (c) the length of beams is 700 μm

    图 10  (a)不同尺寸TES探测器实际饱和功率与预测饱和功率之比随热沉温度的变化; (b)不同尺寸TES探测器实际饱和功率与修正后预测饱和功率之比随热沉温度的变化

    Figure 10.  (a) Ratio of actual saturation power to predicted saturation power for TES detectors of different sizes as a function of heat sink temperature; (b) the ratio of the actual saturation power to the corrected predicted saturation power of TES detectors with different sizes as a function of heat sink temperature

  • [1]

    Mather J C, Fixsen D J, Shafer R A, Mosier C, Wilkinson D T 1999 Astrophys. J. 512 511Google Scholar


    Hinshaw G, Spergel D N, Verde L, Hill R S, Meyer S S, Barnes C, Bennett C L, Halpern M, Jarosik N, Kogut A 2003 Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 148 135Google Scholar


    Ade P A R, Aghanim N, Armitage-Caplan C, Arnaud M, Ashdown M, Atrio-Barandela F, Aumont J, Baccigalupi C, Banday A J, Barreiro R B, Bartlett J G, Battaner E, Benabed K, Benoît A, Benoit-Lévy A, Bernard J P, Bersanelli M, Bertincourt B, Bethermin M, Bielewicz P 2014 A&A 571 16


    Abazajian K, Addison G, Adshead P, Ahmed Z, Allen S W, Alonso D, Alvarez M, Amin M A, Anderson A, Arnold K S, Baccigalupi C, Bailey K, Barkats D, Barron D, Barry P S, Bartlett J G, Thakur R B, Battaglia N, Baxter E, Bean R 2019 arXiv: 1908.01062 [astro-ph]


    Hu W, White M 1997 New Astron. 2 323Google Scholar


    Ade P A R, Aghanim N, Alves M I R, Armitage-Caplan C, Arnaud M, Ashdown M, Atrio-Barandela F, Aumont J, Aussel H, Baccigalupi C, Banday A J, Barreiro R B, Barrena R, Bartelmann M, Bartlett J G, Bartolo N, Basak S, Battaner E, Battye R, Benabed K 2014 A&A 571 A1


    Ade P A R, Ahmed Z, Amiri M, Barkats D, Basu T R, Bischoff C A, Beck D, Bock J J, Boenish H, Bullock E, Buza V, Cheshire IV J R, Connors J, Cornelison J, Crumrine M, Cukierman A, Denison E V, Dierickx M, Duband L, Eiben M 2022 Astrophys. J. 927 77Google Scholar


    Enss C 2005 Cryogenic Particle Detection (Heidelberg: Springer) pp2–5


    张青雅, 董文慧, 何根芳, 李铁夫, 刘建设, 陈炜 2014 63 200303Google Scholar

    Zhang Q Y, Dong W H, He G F, Li T F, Liu J S, Chen W 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 200303Google Scholar


    Gao H, Liu C, Li Z, Liu Y, Li Y, Li S, Li H, Gao G, Lu F, Zhang X 2017 Radiat. Detect. Technol. Methods 1 12Google Scholar


    Kuo C L, Bock J J, Bonetti J A, Brevik J, Zmuidzinas J 2008 Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IV SPIE Marseille, France, August 18, 2008 p415


    Ahmed Z, Amiri M, Benton S J, Bock J J, Bowensrubin R, Buder I, Bullock E, Connors J, Filippini J P, Grayson J A, Halpern M, Hilton G C, Hristov V V, Hui H, Irwin K D, Kang J, Karkare K S, Karpel E, Kovac J M, Kuo C L 2014 Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VII SPIE Montréal, Quebec, Canada, August 19, 2014 p540


    Kermish Z D, Ade P, Anthony A, Arnold K, Zahn O 2012 Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI SPIE Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 24, 2012 p84521C


    Gualtieri R, Filippini J P, Ade P A R, Amiri M, Benton S J, Bergman A S, Bihary R, Bock J J, Bond J R, Bryan S A, Chiang H C, Contaldi C R, Doré O, Duivenvoorden A J, Eriksen H K, Farhang M, Fissel L M, Fraisse A A, Freese K, Galloway M 2018 J. Low Temp. Phys. 193 1112Google Scholar


    Thornton R J, Ade P A R, Aiola S, Angilè F E, Amiri M, Beall J A, Becker D T, Cho H M, Choi S K, Corlies P, Coughlin K P, Datta R, Devlin M J, Dicker S R, Dünner R, Fowler J W, Fox A E, Gallardo P A, Gao J, Grace E 2016 Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 227 21Google Scholar


    Henderson S W, Allison R, Austermann J, Baildon T, Battaglia N, Beall J A, Becker D, De Bernardis F, Bond J R, Calabrese E, Choi S K, Coughlin K P, Crowley K T, Datta R, Devlin M J, Duff S M, Dunkley J, Dünner R, Engelen A V, Gallardo P A 2016 J. Low Temp. Phys. 184 772Google Scholar


    Koopman B J, Cothard N F, Choi S K, Crowley K T, Duff S M, Henderson S W, Ho S P, Hubmayr J, Gallardo P A, Nati F, Niemack M D, Simon S M, Staggs S T, Stevens J R, Vavagiakis E M, Wollack E J 2018 J. Low Temp. Phys. 193 1103Google Scholar


    Ding J J, Ade P A R, Anderson A J, Avva J, Ahmed Z, Arnold K, Austermann J E, Bender A N, Benson B A, Bleem L E, Byrum K, Carlstrom J E, Carter F W, Chang C L, Cho H M, Cliche J F, Cukierman A, Czaplewski D, Divan R, Haan T D 2017 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 27 1


    Mather J C 1982 Appl. Opt. 21 1125Google Scholar


    Ullom J N, Bennett D A 2015 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 28 084003Google Scholar


    Suen J Y, Fang M T, Lubin P M 2014 EEE Trans. Terahertz Sci. Technol. 4 86Google Scholar


    Feshchenko A V, Saira O P, Peltonen J T, Pekola J P 2017 Sci. Rep. 7 1Google Scholar


    Wang G, Yefremenko V, Novosad V, Datesman A, Pearson J, Divan R, Chang C L, Bleem L, Crites A T, Mehl J, Natoli T, McMahon J, Sayre J, Ruhl J, Meyer S S, Carlstrom J E 2010 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 21 232


    Watson S K, Pohl R O 2003 Phys. Rev. B 68 104203Google Scholar


    Bruls R J, Hintzen H T, De With G, Metselaar R 2001 J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 21 263Google Scholar


    Stephens R B 1973 Phys. Rev. B 8 2896Google Scholar


    华钰超, 曹炳阳 2015 64 146501Google Scholar

    Hua Y C, Cao B Y 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 146501Google Scholar


    Sultan R, Avery A D, Underwood J M, Mason S J, Bassett D, Zink B L 2013 Phys. Rev. B 87 214305Google Scholar


    Johnson B R, Flanigan D, Abitbol M H, Ade P A R, Bryan S, Cho H M, Datta R, Day P, Doyle S, Irwin K, Jones G, Li D, Mauskopf P, McCarrick H, McMahon J, Miller A, Pisano G, Song Y, Surdi H, Tucker C 2018 J. Low Temp. Phys. 193 103Google Scholar

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  • Received Date:  25 February 2022
  • Accepted Date:  18 March 2022
  • Available Online:  19 July 2022
  • Published Online:  05 August 2022

