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Thermal smart materials and their applications in space thermal control system

Cao Bing-Yang Zhang Zi-Tong


Thermal smart materials and their applications in space thermal control system

Cao Bing-Yang, Zhang Zi-Tong
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Effective thermal control technologies are increasingly demanded in various application scenarios like spacecraft systems. Thermal conductivities of materials play a key role in thermal control systems, and one of the basic requirements for the materials is their reversibly tunable thermal properties. In this paper, we briefly review the recent research progress of the thermal smart materials in the respects of fundamental physical mechanisms, thermal switching ratio, and application value. We focus on the following typical thermal smart materials: nanoparticle suspensions, phase change materials, soft materials, layered materials tuned by electrochemistry, and materials tuned by specific external field. After surveying the fundamental mechanisms of thermal smart devices, we present their applications in spacecraft and other fields. Finally, we discuss the difficulties and challenges in studying the thermal smart materials, and also point out an outlook on their future development.
      Corresponding author: Cao Bing-Yang,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51825601, U20A20301).

    Wehmeyer G, Yabuki T, Monachon C, Wu J, Dames C 2017 Appl. Phys. Rev. 4 41304Google Scholar


    Moore A L, Shi L 2014 Mater. Today 17 163Google Scholar


    Zhu W, Deng Y, Wang Y, Shen S, Gulfam R 2016 Energy 100 91Google Scholar


    侯增棋, 胡金刚 2007 航天器热控制技术 (第 2 版) (北京: 中国科学技术出版社) 第1−11页

    Hou Z Q, Hu J G 2007 Thermal Control Technology of Spacecraft (2nd Ed.) (Beijing: Science and technology of China press) pp1−11 (in Chinese)


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    Lyeo H K, Cahill D G, Lee B S, Abelson J R, Kwon M H, Kim K B, Bishop S G, Cheong B K 2006 Appl. Phys. Lett. 89 151904Google Scholar


    Reifenberg J P, Panzer M A, Kim S, Gibby A M, Zhang Y, Wong S, Wong H S P, Pop E, Goodson K E 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 91 111904Google Scholar


    Yang L, Cao B Y 2021 J. Phys. D:Appl. Phys. 54 505302Google Scholar


    Batdalov A B, Aliev A M, Khanov L N, Buchel’nikov v d, Sokolovskii V V, Koledov V V, Shavrov V G, Mashirov A V, Dil’mieva E T 2016 J. Exp. Theor. Phys. 122 874Google Scholar


    Zheng Q, Zhu G, Diao Z, Banerjee D, Cahill D G 2019 Adv. Eng. Mater. 21 1801342Google Scholar


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    Angayarkanni S A, Philip J 2015 J. Appl. Phys. 118 094306Google Scholar


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    Zhu G, Liu J, Zheng Q, Zhang R, Li D, Banerjee D, Cahill D G 2016 Nat. Commun. 7 13211Google Scholar


    Qian X, Gu X, Dresselhaus M S, Yang R 2016 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 7 4744Google Scholar


    Sood A, Xiong F, Chen S, Wang H, Selli D, Zhang J, McClellan C J, Sun J, Donadio D, Cui Y, Pop E, Goodson K E 2018 Nat. Commun. 9 1267Google Scholar


    Cho J, Losego M D, Zhang H G, Kim H, Zuo J, Petrov I, Cahill D G, Braun P V 2014 Nat. Commun. 5 4035Google Scholar


    Kang J S, Ke M, Hu Y 2017 Nano Lett. 17 1431Google Scholar


    Lu Q, Huberman S, Zhang H, Song Q, Wang J, Vardar G, Hunt A, Waluyo I, Chen G, Yildiz B 2020 Nat. Mater. 19 655Google Scholar


    Barnes H A 2000 Chem. Eng. J. 79 84Google Scholar


    Hu H Q, Gopinadhan M, Osuji C O 2014 Soft Matter 10 3867Google Scholar


    Shin J, Sung J, Kang M, Xie X, Lee B, Lee K M, White T J, Leal C, Sottos N R, Braun P V, Cahill D G 2019 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 116 5973Google Scholar


    Li C, Ma Y, Tian Z 2018 ACS Macro Lett. 7 53Google Scholar


    Shrestha R, Luan Y, Shin S, Zhang T, Luo X, Lundh J S, Gong W, Bockstaller M R, Choi S, Luo T, Chen R, Hippalgaonkar K, Shen S 2019 Sci. Adv. 5 eaax3777Google Scholar


    Zhang T, Luo T 2013 ACS Nano 7 7592Google Scholar


    Shin J, Kang M, Tsai T, Leal C, Braun P V, Cahill D G 2016 ACS Macro Lett. 5 955Google Scholar


    Tomko J A, Pena-Francesch A, Jung H, Tyagi M, Allen B D, Demirel M C, Hopkins P E 2018 Nat. Nanotechnol. 13 959Google Scholar


    Feng H, Tang N, An M, Guo R L, Ma D K, Yu X X, Zang J F, Yang N 2019 J. Phys. Chem. C. 123 31003Google Scholar


    Hopkins P E, Adamo C, Ye L H, Huey B D, Lee S R, Schlom D G, Ihlefeld J F 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 102 121903Google Scholar


    Ihlefeld J F, Foley B M, Scrymgeour D A, Michael J R, McKenzie B B, Medlin D L, Wallace M, Trolier-McKinstry S, Hopkins P E 2015 Nano Lett. 15 1791Google Scholar


    Chynoweth A G 1956 J. Appl. Phys. 27 78Google Scholar


    Kalaidjiev K N, Mikhailov M P, Bozhanov G I, St. Stoyanov R 1982 Phys. Status Solidi A 69 K163Google Scholar


    Deng S C, Yuan J L, Lin Y L, Yu X X, Ma D K, Huang Y W, Ji R C, Zhang G Z, Yang N 2021 Nano Energy 82 105749


    Deng S, Ma D, Zhang G, Yang N 2021 J. Mater. Chem. A 9 24472Google Scholar


    Ziman J M 1960 Electrons and Phonons (Britain: Oxford University Press) pp483−523


    Yim W M, Amith A 1972 Solid-State Electron. 15 1141Google Scholar


    Yang F Y 1999 Science 284 1335Google Scholar


    Kimling J, Wilson R B, Rott K, Kimling J, Reiss G, Cahill D G 2015 Phys. Rev. B 91 144405Google Scholar


    Ismail K, Nelson S F, Chu J O, Meyerson B S 1993 Appl. Phys. Lett. 63 660Google Scholar


    Chu M, Sun Y K, Aghoram U, Thompson S E 2009 Annu. Rev. Mater. Res. 39 203Google Scholar


    Vogelsang T, Hofmann K R 1993 Appl. Phys. Lett. 63 186Google Scholar


    Li X, Maute K, Dunn M L, Yang R 2010 Phys. Rev. B 81 245318Google Scholar


    Meng H, Ma D, Yu X, Zhang L, Sun Z, Yang N 2019 Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 145 118719Google Scholar


    Meng H, Maruyama S, Xiang R, Yang N 2021 Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 180 121773Google Scholar


    Wan X, Demir B, An M, Walsh T R, Yang N 2021 Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 180 121821Google Scholar


    Li S H, Yu X X, Bao H, Yang N 2018 J. Phys. Chem. C 122 13140Google Scholar


    Yu D, Liao Y, Song Y, Wang S, Wan H, Zeng Y, Yin T, Yang W, He Z 2020 Adv. Sci. 7 2000177Google Scholar


    Du T, Xiong Z, Delgado L, Liao W, Peoples J, Kantharaj R, Chowdhury P R, Marconnet A, Ruan X 2021 Nat. Commun. 12 163Google Scholar


    Ma R, Zhang Z, Tong K, Huber D, Kornbluh R, Ju Y S, Pei Q 2017 Science 357 1130Google Scholar


    Smullin S J, Wang Y, Schwartz D E 2015 Appl. Phys. Lett. 107 093903Google Scholar


    McKay I S, Wang E N 2013 Energy 57 632Google Scholar


    Puga J B, Bordalo B D, Silva D J, Dias M M, Belo J H, Araújo J P, Oliveira J C R E, Pereira A M, Ventura J 2017 Nano Energy 31 278Google Scholar


    Yang N, Ni X X, Jiang J W, Li B W 2012 Appl. Phys. Lett. 100 093107Google Scholar


    Song Q C, An M, Chen X D, Peng Z, Zang J F, Yang N 2016 Nanoscale 8 14943Google Scholar


    Cao B Y, Qiao D S 2018 ZL201810298324.6


    胡帼杰, 曹桂兴, 乔德山, 曹炳阳 2019 工程热 40 1380

    Hu G J, Cao G X, Qiao D S, Cao B Y 2019 J. Eng. Thermophys. 40 1380

  • 图 1  开关式及连续调节式热智能材料示意图

    Figure 1.  Skematic of switching and gradual thermal smart materials.

    图 2  不同热智能材料响应机理示意图 (a)纳米颗粒悬浮液; (b)相变材料; (c)层状材料; (d)软物质材料; (e)受电磁场调控的材料

    Figure 2.  Skematic of physical mechanisms of thermal smart materials: (a) Nanoparticle suspensions; (b) phase change materials; (c) layered materials; (d) soft materials; (e) materials tuned by electric and magnetic field.

  • [1]

    Wehmeyer G, Yabuki T, Monachon C, Wu J, Dames C 2017 Appl. Phys. Rev. 4 41304Google Scholar


    Moore A L, Shi L 2014 Mater. Today 17 163Google Scholar


    Zhu W, Deng Y, Wang Y, Shen S, Gulfam R 2016 Energy 100 91Google Scholar


    侯增棋, 胡金刚 2007 航天器热控制技术 (第 2 版) (北京: 中国科学技术出版社) 第1−11页

    Hou Z Q, Hu J G 2007 Thermal Control Technology of Spacecraft (2nd Ed.) (Beijing: Science and technology of China press) pp1−11 (in Chinese)


    Baughman R H 2002 Science 297 787Google Scholar


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    Cao B Y, Dong R Y 2014 J. Chem. Phys. 140 034703Google Scholar


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    Zhang Z T, Dong R Y, Qiao D S, Cao B Y 2020 Nanotechnology 31 465403Google Scholar


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    Lee S, Hippalgaonkar K, Yang F, Hong J, Ko C, Suh J, Liu K, Wang K, Urban J J, Zhang X, Dames C, Hartnoll S A, Delaire O, Wu J 2017 Science 355 371Google Scholar


    Lyeo H K, Cahill D G, Lee B S, Abelson J R, Kwon M H, Kim K B, Bishop S G, Cheong B K 2006 Appl. Phys. Lett. 89 151904Google Scholar


    Reifenberg J P, Panzer M A, Kim S, Gibby A M, Zhang Y, Wong S, Wong H S P, Pop E, Goodson K E 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 91 111904Google Scholar


    Yang L, Cao B Y 2021 J. Phys. D:Appl. Phys. 54 505302Google Scholar


    Batdalov A B, Aliev A M, Khanov L N, Buchel’nikov v d, Sokolovskii V V, Koledov V V, Shavrov V G, Mashirov A V, Dil’mieva E T 2016 J. Exp. Theor. Phys. 122 874Google Scholar


    Zheng Q, Zhu G, Diao Z, Banerjee D, Cahill D G 2019 Adv. Eng. Mater. 21 1801342Google Scholar


    Zheng R, Gao J, Wang J, Chen G 2011 Nat. Commun. 2 550Google Scholar


    Angayarkanni S A, Philip J 2014 J. Phys. Chem. C 118 13972Google Scholar


    Angayarkanni S A, Philip J 2015 J. Appl. Phys. 118 094306Google Scholar


    Harish S, Ishikawa K, Chiashi S, Shiomi J, Maruyama S 2013 J. Phys. Chem. C 117 15409Google Scholar


    Sun P C, Wu Y L, Gao J W, Cheng G A, Chen G, Zheng R T 2013 Adv. Mater. 25 4938Google Scholar


    Warzoha R J, Weigand R M, Fleischer A S 2015 Appl. Energy 137 716Google Scholar


    Wu Y, Yan X, Meng P, Sun P, Cheng G, Zheng R 2015 Carbon 94 417Google Scholar


    Issi J P, Heremans J, Dresselhaus M S 1983 Phys. Rev. B 27 1333Google Scholar


    Zhu G, Liu J, Zheng Q, Zhang R, Li D, Banerjee D, Cahill D G 2016 Nat. Commun. 7 13211Google Scholar


    Qian X, Gu X, Dresselhaus M S, Yang R 2016 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 7 4744Google Scholar


    Sood A, Xiong F, Chen S, Wang H, Selli D, Zhang J, McClellan C J, Sun J, Donadio D, Cui Y, Pop E, Goodson K E 2018 Nat. Commun. 9 1267Google Scholar


    Cho J, Losego M D, Zhang H G, Kim H, Zuo J, Petrov I, Cahill D G, Braun P V 2014 Nat. Commun. 5 4035Google Scholar


    Kang J S, Ke M, Hu Y 2017 Nano Lett. 17 1431Google Scholar


    Lu Q, Huberman S, Zhang H, Song Q, Wang J, Vardar G, Hunt A, Waluyo I, Chen G, Yildiz B 2020 Nat. Mater. 19 655Google Scholar


    Barnes H A 2000 Chem. Eng. J. 79 84Google Scholar


    Hu H Q, Gopinadhan M, Osuji C O 2014 Soft Matter 10 3867Google Scholar


    Shin J, Sung J, Kang M, Xie X, Lee B, Lee K M, White T J, Leal C, Sottos N R, Braun P V, Cahill D G 2019 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 116 5973Google Scholar


    Li C, Ma Y, Tian Z 2018 ACS Macro Lett. 7 53Google Scholar


    Shrestha R, Luan Y, Shin S, Zhang T, Luo X, Lundh J S, Gong W, Bockstaller M R, Choi S, Luo T, Chen R, Hippalgaonkar K, Shen S 2019 Sci. Adv. 5 eaax3777Google Scholar


    Zhang T, Luo T 2013 ACS Nano 7 7592Google Scholar


    Shin J, Kang M, Tsai T, Leal C, Braun P V, Cahill D G 2016 ACS Macro Lett. 5 955Google Scholar


    Tomko J A, Pena-Francesch A, Jung H, Tyagi M, Allen B D, Demirel M C, Hopkins P E 2018 Nat. Nanotechnol. 13 959Google Scholar


    Feng H, Tang N, An M, Guo R L, Ma D K, Yu X X, Zang J F, Yang N 2019 J. Phys. Chem. C. 123 31003Google Scholar


    Hopkins P E, Adamo C, Ye L H, Huey B D, Lee S R, Schlom D G, Ihlefeld J F 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 102 121903Google Scholar


    Ihlefeld J F, Foley B M, Scrymgeour D A, Michael J R, McKenzie B B, Medlin D L, Wallace M, Trolier-McKinstry S, Hopkins P E 2015 Nano Lett. 15 1791Google Scholar


    Chynoweth A G 1956 J. Appl. Phys. 27 78Google Scholar


    Kalaidjiev K N, Mikhailov M P, Bozhanov G I, St. Stoyanov R 1982 Phys. Status Solidi A 69 K163Google Scholar


    Deng S C, Yuan J L, Lin Y L, Yu X X, Ma D K, Huang Y W, Ji R C, Zhang G Z, Yang N 2021 Nano Energy 82 105749


    Deng S, Ma D, Zhang G, Yang N 2021 J. Mater. Chem. A 9 24472Google Scholar


    Ziman J M 1960 Electrons and Phonons (Britain: Oxford University Press) pp483−523


    Yim W M, Amith A 1972 Solid-State Electron. 15 1141Google Scholar


    Yang F Y 1999 Science 284 1335Google Scholar


    Kimling J, Wilson R B, Rott K, Kimling J, Reiss G, Cahill D G 2015 Phys. Rev. B 91 144405Google Scholar


    Ismail K, Nelson S F, Chu J O, Meyerson B S 1993 Appl. Phys. Lett. 63 660Google Scholar


    Chu M, Sun Y K, Aghoram U, Thompson S E 2009 Annu. Rev. Mater. Res. 39 203Google Scholar


    Vogelsang T, Hofmann K R 1993 Appl. Phys. Lett. 63 186Google Scholar


    Li X, Maute K, Dunn M L, Yang R 2010 Phys. Rev. B 81 245318Google Scholar


    Meng H, Ma D, Yu X, Zhang L, Sun Z, Yang N 2019 Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 145 118719Google Scholar


    Meng H, Maruyama S, Xiang R, Yang N 2021 Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 180 121773Google Scholar


    Wan X, Demir B, An M, Walsh T R, Yang N 2021 Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 180 121821Google Scholar


    Li S H, Yu X X, Bao H, Yang N 2018 J. Phys. Chem. C 122 13140Google Scholar


    Yu D, Liao Y, Song Y, Wang S, Wan H, Zeng Y, Yin T, Yang W, He Z 2020 Adv. Sci. 7 2000177Google Scholar


    Du T, Xiong Z, Delgado L, Liao W, Peoples J, Kantharaj R, Chowdhury P R, Marconnet A, Ruan X 2021 Nat. Commun. 12 163Google Scholar


    Ma R, Zhang Z, Tong K, Huber D, Kornbluh R, Ju Y S, Pei Q 2017 Science 357 1130Google Scholar


    Smullin S J, Wang Y, Schwartz D E 2015 Appl. Phys. Lett. 107 093903Google Scholar


    McKay I S, Wang E N 2013 Energy 57 632Google Scholar


    Puga J B, Bordalo B D, Silva D J, Dias M M, Belo J H, Araújo J P, Oliveira J C R E, Pereira A M, Ventura J 2017 Nano Energy 31 278Google Scholar


    Yang N, Ni X X, Jiang J W, Li B W 2012 Appl. Phys. Lett. 100 093107Google Scholar


    Song Q C, An M, Chen X D, Peng Z, Zang J F, Yang N 2016 Nanoscale 8 14943Google Scholar


    Cao B Y, Qiao D S 2018 ZL201810298324.6


    胡帼杰, 曹桂兴, 乔德山, 曹炳阳 2019 工程热 40 1380

    Hu G J, Cao G X, Qiao D S, Cao B Y 2019 J. Eng. Thermophys. 40 1380

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  • Received Date:  11 October 2021
  • Accepted Date:  29 November 2021
  • Available Online:  24 December 2021
  • Published Online:  05 January 2022

