Based on the linear hardening plastic constitutive model, the theoretical solution of the elastic-plastic spherical stress wave field under impact load is established. Firstly, the influence of the impact load unloading rate on the propagation of the spherical stress wave is analyzed, and three different types of propagation images are obtained. On this basis, the method of theoretically calculating the spherical wave equation in elastic stage, plastic loading stage and unloading stage is established separately, and the calculation scheme of particle displacement, particle velocity, stress and strain is given. Compared with the existing theoretical methods, this method takes into account the different propagation patterns of the stress waves under different unloading rates, and shows how to calculate the stress wave parameters in unloading stage, which is more applicable. This method is used to calculate the elastic-plastic spherical stress wave field under constant shock load and exponential attenuation shock load. The calculated results are in good agreement with those from the existing theoretical method and numerical simulation results in the elastic stage and also in the plastic loading stage. In the unloading stage, the existing theoretical method is no longer applicable, while the results obtained in this paper are in good agreement with the numerical simulation results, which verifies the correctness of the theoretical method.
- elastic-plastic /
- spherical stress wave /
- linear hardening model /
- unloading rate
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图 4 径向应力时间历程 (a) r = 0.5 m; (b) r = 0.8 m; (c) r = 1.4 m和径向应力空间分布 (d) t = 0.1 ms; (e) t = 0.2 ms; (f) t = 0.3 ms (恒定冲击载荷)
Figure 4. Time history of the radial stress: (a) r = 0.5 m; (b) r = 0.8 m; (c) r = 1.4 m and the radial stress distribution: (d) t = 0.1 ms; (e) t = 0.2 ms; (f) t = 0.3 ms (constant impact loading).
图 5 径向应力时间历程 (a) r = 0.3 m; (b) r = 0.5 m; (c) r = 0.6 m和径向应力空间分布 (d) t = 0.05 ms; (e) t = 0.2 ms; (f) t = 0.6 ms (T0 = 0.01 ms)
Figure 5. Time history of the radial stress: (a) r = 0.3 m; (b) r = 0.5 m; (c) r = 0.6 m and the radial stress distribution: (d) t = 0.05 ms; (e) t = 0.2 ms; (f) t = 0.6 ms (T0 = 0.01 ms).
图 7 径向应力时间历程 (a) r = 0.4 m; (b) r = 0.6 m; (c) r = 0.7 m和径向应力空间分布 (d) t = 0.1 ms; (e) t = 0.2 ms; (f) t = 0.6 ms (T0 = 0.03 ms)
Figure 7. Time history of the radial stress: (a) r = 0.4 m; (b) r = 0.6 m; (c) r = 0.7 m; and the radial stress distribution: (d) t = 0.1 ms; (e) t = 0.2 ms; (f) t = 0.6 ms (T0 = 0.03 ms).
图 6 径向应力时间历程 (a) r = 0.5 m; (b) r = 0.75 m; (c) r = 1.25 m和径向应力空间分布 (d) t = 0.1 ms; (e) t = 0.2 ms; (f) t = 0.6 ms (T0 = 0.2 ms)
Figure 6. Time history of the radial stress: (a) r = 0.5 m; (b) r = 0.75 m; (c) r = 1.25 m and the radial stress distribution: (d) t = 0.1 ms; (e) t = 0.2 ms; (f) t = 0.6 ms (T0 = 0.2 ms).
[1] Wlodarczyk E, Zielenkiewicz M 2009 J. Theor. App. Mech. 47 127
[2] Wlodarczyk E, Zielenkiewicz M 2009 J. Theor. App. Mech. 47 761
[3] Wlodarczyk E, Zielenkiewicz M 2009 Shock Waves 18 465
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[4] Wlodarczyk E, Zielenkiewicz M 2011 J. Theor. App. Mech. 49 457
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Lu Q, Wang Z J, Wang L L, Lai H W, Yang L M 2013 Explo. Shock Waves 33 463
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[14] 邓德全, 李兆权 1992 第三届全国岩石动力学学术会议论文集, 桂林, 1992, 第152页
Deng D Q, Li Z Q 1992 Proceedings of the 3rd National Conference on Rock Dynamics Guilin, 1992 p152 (in Chinese)
[15] 赖华伟, 王占江, 杨黎明, 王礼立 2013 爆炸与冲击 33 1
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Lai H W, Wang Z J, Yang L M, Wang L L 2013 Explo. Shock Waves 33 1
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[16] Yang C Y 1970 Int. J. Solids Struct. 6 757
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[22] 肖建华, 孙文涛 1997 石油地球物理勘探 32 809
Xiao J H, Sun W T 1997 Oil Geophys. Prospect. 32 809
[23] Chen S, Wu J, Zhang Z 2017 J. Eng. Mech. 143 04017034
Google Scholar
[24] 王礼立 2005 应力波基础 (第二版) (北京: 国防工业出版社) 第236页
Wang L L 2005 Foundation of Stress Waves (2nd Ed.) (Beijing: National Defense Industry Press) p236 (in Chinese)
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