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Performance analysis of thermoelectric system based on radiative cooling and greenhouse effects

Chen Hao Wang Cun-Hai Cheng Zi-Ming Wei Lin-Yang Wang Fu-Qiang Zhang Xin-Xin


Performance analysis of thermoelectric system based on radiative cooling and greenhouse effects

Chen Hao, Wang Cun-Hai, Cheng Zi-Ming, Wei Lin-Yang, Wang Fu-Qiang, Zhang Xin-Xin
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  • Electricity power has served as an essential source in our daily life. However, some remote areas that are difficult to be covered by the power grid, are still facing a serious shortage of electricity for outdoor equipment such as field monitors. Off-grid power is the alternative power in such areas, but there arise apparently economic and environmental problems. Therefore, the development of portable, pollution-free and sustainable power supply equipment has vital research significance. In this paper, based on the radiative cooling and greenhouse effects, a passive thermoelectric system without any active energy input is proposed. A square copper plate coated with a thin film of acrylic acid doped with SiO2 particles, with an average emissivity value of 0.937, is selected as a radiative cooling material. The commercial polyolefin film with a thickness of 0.12 mm is selected as a greenhouse material. The radiative cooling effect cools the cold end of the thermoelectric generator (TEG) during the nighttime, the greenhouse effect during the daytime is utilized to increase the temperature of the hot end of the TEG. The radiative cooling effect and the greenhouse effect both result in the increase of the temperature difference between the cold and hot ends, and thus obtaining the output power. During the period of time from June 17 to June 21, 2020, the performance of the designed system at the location of Shaanxi, China was evaluated experimentally, and the weather condition effects were also studied. The experimental results show that a stable temperature drop of ~1.1 ℃ of the cold end is achieved via the radiative cooling effect at night. Owing to the greenhouse effect, the temperature increase of the hot end reaches a maximum value of 13.9 ℃. When the average ambient humidity decreases from 45% to 20%, the average temperature difference between the hot end and cold end of the thermoelectric module increased from 1.6 to 1.9 ℃ throughout the day, and the average power increased from 47.8 to 67.3 mW/m2, indicating that the equipment can have better power generation performance under the condition of 20% ambient humidity. The device developed in this work realizes all-day passive output and shows that it has potential applications in off-grid power supplies.
      Corresponding author: Wang Cun-Hai,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51906014) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China (Grant No. FRF-BD-20-09A)

    Champier D 2017 Energy Convers. Manage. 140 167Google Scholar


    He W, Wang D, Wu H, Xiao Y, Zhang Y, He D, Feng Y, Hao Y J, Dong J F, Chetty R, Hao L, Chen D, Qin J, Yang Q, Li X, Song J M, Zhu Y, Xu W, Niu C, Li X, Wang G, Liu C, Ohta M, Pennycook S J, He J, Li J F, Zhao L D 2019 Science 365 1418Google Scholar


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  • 图 1  基于辐射制冷-温室效应温差发电系统 (a)示意图; (b) 实物图

    Figure 1.  Thermoelectric system based on radiative cooling and greenhouse effects: (a) Sketch; (b) real setup.

    图 2  辐射制冷结构 (a) 实物图; (b) SiO2/丙烯酸薄膜的电子显微图; (c) 大气窗口范围内的光谱发射率

    Figure 2.  Radiative cooling structure: (a) The real structure; (b) the electron micrograph of the SiO2/acrylic film; (c) the spectral emissivity within the atmosphere window.

    图 3  (a) 2020年6月17日至18日热端温度、环境温度和温差的分布; (b) 6月18日8:00—12:00时间段内热端温度低于环境温度的数据点分布

    Figure 3.  (a) Distributions of the hot side temperature, ambient temperature, and the temperature difference during June 17–18, 2020; (b) data points at which the hot end temperature is lower than the ambient temperature during the time from 8:00 to 12:00 on the day of June 18, 2020.

    图 4  (a) 2020年6月19日至21日热电模块的冷热端温度和温差; (b) 热电模块冷热端温差在2020年6月20日12:00到17:00时间段内的分布

    Figure 4.  (a) Temperature of the hot and cold sides of the thermoelectric generator, as well as the temperature difference during June 19–21, 2020; (b) temperature difference between the time of 12:00 and 17:00 on June 20, 2020.

    图 5  不同环境湿度条件下温度对比 (a)冷热端温度分布; (b) 温差分布

    Figure 5.  Temperature comparisons under different ambient humidity: (a) Temperature of the cold and hot ends of the thermoelectric module; (b) temperature difference.

  • [1]

    Champier D 2017 Energy Convers. Manage. 140 167Google Scholar


    He W, Wang D, Wu H, Xiao Y, Zhang Y, He D, Feng Y, Hao Y J, Dong J F, Chetty R, Hao L, Chen D, Qin J, Yang Q, Li X, Song J M, Zhu Y, Xu W, Niu C, Li X, Wang G, Liu C, Ohta M, Pennycook S J, He J, Li J F, Zhao L D 2019 Science 365 1418Google Scholar


    Kraemer D, Jie Q, Mcenaney K, Cao F, Liu W, Weinstein LA, Loomis J, Chen G 2016 Nat. Energy 1 1272


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    Babu C, Ponnambalam P 2017 Energy Convers. Manage. 151 368Google Scholar


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    Catalanotti S, Cuomo V, Piro G, Ruggi D, Silvestrini V, Troise G 1975 Sol. Energy 17 83Google Scholar


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    Li Z, Chen Q, Song Y, Zhu B, Zhu J 2020 Adv. Mater. Technol. 5 1901007Google Scholar


    Prakash B J, Jahar S, Pralay M 2020 Renewable Sustainable Energy Rev. 133 110263Google Scholar


    刘扬, 潘登, 陈文, 王文强, 沈昊, 徐红星 2020 69 036501Google Scholar

    Liu Y, Pan D, Chen W, Wang W Q, Shen H, Xu H X 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 036501Google Scholar


    刘士彦, 姚博, 谭永胜, 徐海涛, 冀婷, 方泽波 2017 66 248801Google Scholar

    Liu S Y, Yao B, Tan Y S, Xu H T, Ji T, Fang Z B 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 248801Google Scholar


    于海童, 刘东, 杨震, 段远源 2018 67 024209Google Scholar

    Yu H T, Liu D, Yang Z, Duan Y Y 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 024209Google Scholar


    贾博仑, 邓玲玲, 陈若曦, 张雅男, 房旭民 2017 66 237801Google Scholar

    Jia B L, Deng L L, Chen R X, Zhang Y N, Fang X M 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 237801Google Scholar


    杜玮, 尹格, 马云贵 2020 69 204203Google Scholar

    Du W, Yin G, Ma Y G 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 204203Google Scholar


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    Fang H, Zhao D, Yuan J, Aili A, Yin X, Tan G 2019 Appl. Energy 248 589Google Scholar


    Zhao D, Aili A, Yin X, Yang R 2019 Energy Build. 203 109453Google Scholar


    Hosseinzadeh E, Taherian H 2012 Int. J. Green Energy 9 766Google Scholar


    Cai L, Song Y A, Li W, Hsu P C, Lin D, Catrysse P B, Liu Y, Peng Y, Chen J, Wang H, Xu J, Yang A, Cui Y 2018 Adv. Mater. 30 1802152Google Scholar


    Cai L, Peng Y, Xu J, Zhou C, Zhou C, Wu P, Lin D, Cui Y 2019 Joule 3 1478Google Scholar


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    Mu E, Wu Z, Wu Z, Chen X, Liu Y, Fu X, Hu Z 2019 Nano Energy 55 494Google Scholar


    Rephaeli E, Raman A, Fan S 2013 Nano Lett. 13 1457Google Scholar


    Raman1 A P, Anoma M A, Zhu L, Rephaeli E, Fan S 2014 Nature 515 540Google Scholar


    Zhou K, Li W, Patel B B, Tao R, Chang Y, Fan S, Diao Y, Cai L 2021 Nano Lett. 21 1493Google Scholar


    Li T, Gao Y, Zheng K, Ma Y, Ding D, Zhang H 2019 ES Energy Environ. 5 102


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    Chen S, Wang X, Nie G, Liu Q, Sui J, Song C, Zhu J, Fu J, Zhang J, Yan X, Long Y 2019 Chin. Phys. B 28 064401Google Scholar


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    Seebeck T 1826 Ann. Phys. 82 253Google Scholar

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  • Received Date:  23 February 2021
  • Accepted Date:  29 June 2021
  • Available Online:  19 October 2021
  • Published Online:  05 November 2021

