Liquid droplets impacting on the solid surface is an ubiquitous phenomenon in natural, agricultural, and industrial processes. The maximum spreading diameter of a liquid droplet impacting on a solid surface is a significant parameter in the industrial applications such as inkjet printing, spray coating, and spray cooling. However, former models cannot accurately predict the maximum spreading diameter on a superhydrophilic surface, especially under low Weber number (We). In this work, the spreading characteristics of a water droplet impacting on a superhydrophilic surface are explored by high-speed technique. The spherical cap of the spreading droplet, gravitational potential energy, and auxiliary dissipation are introduced into the modified theoretical model based on the energy balance. The model includes two viscous dissipation terms: the viscous dissipation of the initial kinetic energy and the auxiliary dissipation in spontaneous spreading. The energy component analysis in the spreading process shows that the kinetic energy, surface energy, and gravitational potential energy are all transformed into the viscous dissipation on the superhydrophilic surface. The transformation of surface energy into viscous dissipation is dominant at lower We while the transformation of kinetic energy into viscous dissipation is dominant at higher We. It is found that the gravitational potential energy and auxiliary dissipation play a significant role in spreading performance at low We according to the energy component analysis. Moreover, the energy components predicted by the modified model accord well with the experimental data. As a result, the proposed model can predict the maximum spreading diameter of a droplet impacting on the superhydrophilic surface accurately. Furthermore, the model proposed in this work can predict the maximum spreading diameter of the droplet impacting on the hydrophilic surface and hydrophobic surface. The results of this work are of great significance for controlling droplet spreading diameter in spray cooling and falling film evaporation.
- superhydrophilic surfaces /
- maximum spreading diameter /
- gravitational potential energy /
- auxiliary dissipation
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图 1 液滴铺展实验系统(A: 高速摄像机(Photron APX RS); B: 高速摄像机(Photron Mini UX100); C: 微量注射泵(LSP01-1 BH); D: 液滴生成装置; E: 恒温台; F: 高亮光源; G: 数据采集设备; G: 精确自动控制位移的直线位移滑台)
Figure 1. The droplet spreading experiment platform. (A: high speed camera (Photron APX RS); B: high speed camera (Photron Mini UX100); C: micro syringe pump (LSP01-1 BH); D: droplet generating device; E: heating platform; F: diffuse light source; G: data acquisition computer; H: linear displacement slide.
表 1 基于能量守恒的最大铺展因子的预测模型
Table 1. Theoretical models for predicting the maximum spreading factor.
文献 最大铺展模型预测表达式 表面润湿
性/(°)We 液滴形态 Lee等[14] $\begin{aligned} \rho {V_0}{D_0} + 12\sigma\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\quad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad \\= 3\sigma (1 - \cos \theta )\beta _{\rm{m} }^2 + 8\sigma \dfrac{1}{ { {\beta _{\rm{m} } } } } + 3\sqrt { {b / c} } \rho V_{\rm{0} }^2{D_0}\beta _{\rm{m} }^{ {5 / 2} }\dfrac{1}{ {\sqrt {Re} } }\end{aligned}$ 60—115 1—290 圆饼 Chandra等[27] $\dfrac{3}{2}\dfrac{ {We} }{ {Re} }\beta _{\rm{m} }^4 + \left( {1 - \cos \theta } \right)\beta _{\rm{m} }^2 - \left( {\dfrac{1}{3}We + 4} \right) = 0$ ~32 ~43 圆饼 Pasandideh-
Fard等[28]${\beta _{\rm{m} } } = \sqrt {\dfrac{ {We + 12} }{ {3\left( {1 - \cos {\theta _{\rm{a} } } } \right) + 4\left( { { {We} / {\sqrt {Re} } } } \right)} } }$ 27—140 27—447 圆饼 Mao等[29] $\left( {\dfrac{ {1 - \cos \theta } }{4} + 0.35\dfrac{ {We} }{ {\sqrt {Re} } } } \right)\beta _{\rm{m} }^4 - \left( {\dfrac{ {We} }{ {12} } + 1} \right)\beta + \dfrac{2}{3} = 0$ 30—120 5—1000 圆饼 Ukiwe等[30] $\left( {We + 12} \right){\beta _{\rm{m} } } = 8 + \beta _{\rm{m} }^3\left[ {3\left( {1 - \cos \theta } \right) + 4\dfrac{ {We} }{ {\sqrt {Re} } } } \right]$ 57—90 18—370 圆饼 Huang等[31] $\begin{aligned}\frac{3}{4}\left( {\frac{ {We} }{ {\sqrt {Re} } } + \frac{ {We^*} }{ {\sqrt {Re^*} } } } \right)\beta _{\rm{m} }^4 + 3\left( {1 - \cos {\theta _{\rm{a} } } } \right)\beta _{\rm{m} }^3 \qquad\\ - \left( {We + 12} \right){\beta _{\rm{m} } } + 8 = 0, ~~{V_0} < V^* \qquad\qquad\qquad\end{aligned}$
$\begin{aligned} \frac{3}{4}\left( {\frac{ {We} }{ {\sqrt {Re} } } + \frac{ {We^*} }{ {\sqrt {Re^*} } }\frac{ {Re^*} }{ {Re} } } \right)\beta _{\rm{m} }^4 + 3\left( {1 - \cos {\theta _{\rm{a} } } } \right)\beta _{\rm{m} }^3 \\ - \left( {We + 12} \right){\beta _{\rm{m} } } + 8 = 0,~~ {V_0} > V^*\qquad\qquad\qquad \end{aligned}$64—110 2—500 圆饼 Park等[32] $\begin{aligned} \left( {0.33\frac{ {We} }{ {\sqrt {Re} } } - \frac{1}{4}\cos \theta + \frac{1}{2}\left( {\frac{ {1 - \cos {\theta _{\rm{a} } } } }{ { { {\sin }^2}{\theta _{\rm{a} } } } } } \right)} \right)\beta _{\rm{m} }^2 \\ - 1 - \frac{ {We} }{ {12} } + \frac{ {\Delta {E_{\rm{s} } } } }{ { {\text{π} }D_0^2\sigma } } = 0 \qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\quad\end{aligned}$ 31—113 0.2—180 球冠 Li等[33] $\dfrac{ {We} }{ {12} }\left( {1 - {C_{\rm{k} } } - \dfrac{3}{ {2\sqrt {Re} } }\displaystyle\int_{ {H_{\rm{m} } } }^{ {H_{\rm{s} } } } { {d^2}{\rm{d} }h} } \right) = {C_{\rm{S} } }P\left( { {D_{\rm{e} } } } \right) - P\left( { {D_{ {\rm{max} } } } } \right)$ 30—150 0—10 球冠 Gao等[34] $\begin{aligned} 1 + \frac{ {We} }{ {12} } = \frac{1}{6}\left[ {\frac{1}{ { { {\hat r}_{\rm{c} } } } } + \frac{1}{ { { {\hat R}_{\rm{c} } } } } } \right] + 4{\theta _{\rm{a} } }{ {\hat r}_{\rm{c} } }{ {\hat R}_{\rm{c} } } + {\left( { { {\hat R}_{\rm{c} } } - { {\hat r}_{\rm{c} } }\sin {\theta _{\rm{a} } } } \right)^2} \\ + {\left( { { {\hat R}_{\rm{c} } } + { {\hat r}_{\rm{c} } }\sin {\theta _{\rm{a} } } } \right)^2}\left( {\frac{4}{3}\frac{ {We} }{ {\sqrt {Re} } } - \cos {\theta _{\rm{a} } } } \right) \qquad\quad\end{aligned}$ 74—155 135—210 圆环 Wang等[35] $\begin{aligned} We + 12 =\qquad \qquad\qquad \qquad\qquad \qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad \qquad\\ \frac{3}{4}\left( {\frac{ {We} }{ {\sqrt {Re} } } + \alpha \frac{ {W{e_{\rm{c} } } } }{ {\sqrt {R{e_{\rm{c} } } } } } } \right)\beta _{\rm{m} }^3 + 3\left( {1 - \cos {\theta _{\rm{a} } } } \right)\beta _{\rm{m} }^2 + 12\bigg\{ \frac{ {\xi _{\rm{r} }^2} }{ { { {\left( {1 - \cos {\theta _{\rm{m} } } } \right)}^2} } } \\ \times \bigg[ {\sin ^2}{\theta _{\rm{m} } } - \frac{ { {\beta _{\rm{m} } } } }{ { {\xi _{\rm{r} } } } }\sin {\theta _{\rm{m} } }(1 - \cos {\theta _{\rm{m} } }) + 2(1 - \cos {\theta _{\rm{m} } }) \bigg] \qquad \qquad \qquad \\ \left. + 2{\xi _{\rm{r} } }\left( {\frac{ { {\beta _{\rm{m} } } } }{2} - {\xi _{\rm{r} } }\frac{ {\sin {\theta _{\rm{m} } } } }{ {1 - \cos {\theta _{\rm{m} } } } } } \right)\left( {\left| {1 - \kappa } \right| + \frac{ { {\theta _{\rm{m} } } } }{ {1 - \cos {\theta _{\rm{m} } } } } } \right) \right\}\qquad\qquad \quad \end{aligned}$ 34—100 0.1—427 环状-薄片 表 2 超亲水表面最大铺展因子βm实验结果与以往典型模型预测值[27-32]之间的比较
Table 2. Comparison of previous model[27-32] prediction value of βm with experimental data
V0/(m·s–1) We βm-exp Chandra 等[27] Pasandideh-Fard 等[28] Mao等[29] Park等[32] Ukiwe 等[30] Huang等[31] 0.25 1.91 3.41 2.4 6.37 3.05 11.31 5.84 0.58 0.44 5.90 3.46 2.1 4.82 2.55 7.93 4.42 0.44 0.60 10.77 3.60 1.97 4.37 2.41 6.67 4.02 0.35 0.71 15.26 3.82 1.93 4.20 2.37 6.09 3.90 0.29 0.93 25.59 3.93 1.89 4.07 2.35 5.41 3.82 0.20 130 51.17 4.08 1.90 4.08 2.38 4.9 3.93 0.12 1.50 68.59 4.26 1.91 4.13 2.41 4.78 3.93 0.10 1.89 109.3 4.43 1.93 4.26 2.47 4.67 4.07 0.06 2.35 168.98 4.70 1.97 4.42 2.54 4.66 4.24 0.04 2.8 239.89 4.90 2.00 4.57 2.60 4.72 4.39 0.03 3.08 290.08 5.00 2.02 4.67 2.64 4.76 4.48 0.02 表 3 本文模型预测值与文献[28,29]中不同润湿性表面的最大铺展因子的实验值对比
Table 3. Comparison of current theoretical model of βm with experimental data in literature[28,29].
固体/液体 D0, mm V0/(m·s–1) We θ/(°) βm-exp βm-model (βm-exp–βm-model)/ βm-model 玻璃/水 2.7 0.55 11.21 37 1.77 2.41 0.26 玻璃/水 2.7 0.82 24.91 37 2.20 2.74 0.19 玻璃/水 2.7 1.00 37.05 37 2.53 2.94 0.14 玻璃/水 2.7 1.58 92.48 37 3.11 3.51 0.11 玻璃/水 2.7 1.86 128.17 37 3.70 3.81 0.03 玻璃/水 2.7 2.77 284.26 37 4.50 4.48 0.00 玻璃/水 2.7 3.72 512.67 37 4.94 4.89 0.01 不锈钢/水 2.7 0.55 11.21 67 1.67 1.95 0.14 不锈钢/水 2.7 0.82 24.91 67 2.16 2.28 0.05 不锈钢/水 2.7 1.00 37.05 67 2.34 2.51 0.06 不锈钢/水 2.7 1.58 92.48 67 3.09 3.13 0.01 不锈钢/水 2.7 1.86 128.17 67 3.67 3.38 0.08 不锈钢/水 2.7 2.77 284.26 67 4.42 4.15 0.06 不锈钢/水 2.7 3.72 512.67 67 4.88 4.65 0.05 石蜡/水 2.7 0.55 11.21 97 1.65 1.58 0.04 石蜡/水 2.7 0.82 24.91 97 2.10 1.91 0.10 石蜡/水 2.7 1.00 37.05 97 2.26 2.13 0.06 石蜡/水 2.7 1.58 92.48 97 3.01 2.79 0.07 石蜡/水 2.7 1.86 128.17 97 3.60 3.09 0.16 石蜡/水 2.7 2.77 284.26 97 4.32 3.89 0.11 石蜡/水 2.7 3.72 512.67 97 4.78 4.44 0.08 蜂蜡/水 0.62 2.61 59 111 2.65 2.19 0.21 蜂蜡/水 0.78 3.29 118 111 3.18 2.76 0.15 蜂蜡/水 0.89 3.71 171 111 3.45 3.09 0.11 蜂蜡/水 0.98 4.00 219 111 3.79 3.33 0.14 蜂蜡/水 1.05 4.28 271 111 3.91 3.53 0.10 -
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