Superhydrophobic surfaces resulting from nanoarrays have good performance in anti-condensation. However, the study of droplet nucleation during water vapor condensation is a challenge because of the limitation of observation on a nanoscale, and therefore the fundamental understanding of the influence of geometrical parameters of nanoarrays on the condensation behavior is still less clear. In this work a three-dimensional (3D) multiphase lattice Boltzmann (LB) model is employed to simulate the phenomenon of droplet condensation on the superhydrophobic nanostructured surface. The model validation is carried out through the comparison of the simulations with the results from the Laplace's law and the intrinsic contact angle theory. The LB simulations accord well with the results from Laplace's law. The relative deviation between the simulated intrinsic contact angle and the theoretical value is less than 0.14%, demonstrating the validity of the LB model. Then, the 3D LB model is used to simulate the different preferential nucleation positions and final wetting states of condensate droplets by changing the geometrical parameters, including interpost space, post height and post width, and local wettability of the nanoarrays on superhydrophobic surfaces. It is found that for the nanostructured surfaces patterned with tall posts, the droplets nucleate in the upside interpost space and at the bottom of nanostructures simultaneously. By designing wider and thinner interpost spaces at the downside and upside of the tall nanostructures, respectively, the phenomenon of droplet nucleation at the bottom can be avoided. The simulation results show that the condensate droplets nucleated in the upside interpost space of tall nanostructures migrate upwards during growth, producing a Wenzel-to-Cassie wetting state transition. On the other hand, the condensate droplets nucleated at the bottom of nanostructured surface patterned with short posts produce the Wenzel state. However, by setting non-uniform hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions on the top of the short nanostructures, the condensate droplets are found to nucleate on the hydrophilic top and generate a Cassie state. The simulated final wetting states of condensate droplets on the nanostructures, having various geometrical parameters, compare reasonably well with the experimental observations reported in the literature. It is demonstrated that the migration of condensate droplets is correlated with the evolution of the statistical average force. If the direction of the statistical average force acting on the droplet is upward, the condensate droplets nucleated in the upside interpost space move upward during growth. The 3D LB simulations provide an insight into the physical mechanism of droplet nucleation, growth and wetting state transitions on superhydrophobic nanostructured surfaces.
- nanostructure /
- condensation /
- superhydrophobic /
- lattice Boltzmann method
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表 1 取Gc = −6.5时液滴本征接触角设定值与模拟值对比
Table 1. Comparison of intrinsic contact angles between the targeted data and the simulated results (Gc = −6.5).
Gads $\theta_{\rm c0} $ $\theta_{\rm c1} $ $\operatorname{Re} {\rm{lative \;error = }}\dfrac{{{\theta _{{\rm{c}}1}} - {\theta _{{\rm{c0}}}}}}{{{\theta _{{\rm{c}}0}}}}$/% −5.68 0° 0° 0 −3.33 90° 90.13° 0.14 −0.39 180° 180° 0 -
[1] Zhang X, Shi F, Niu J, Jiang Y G, Wang Z Q 2008 J. Mater. Chem. 18 621
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He Y L, Wang Y, Li Q 2009 Lattice Boltzmann Method: Theory and Applications (Beijing: Science Press) pp49−52 (in Chinese)
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Wu W 2012 M. S. Thesis (Nanjing: Southeast University) (in Chinese)
[29] Sukop M C, Jr Thorne D T 2005 Lattice Boltzmann Modeling-An Introduction for Geoscientists and Engineers (2nd Ed.) (New York: Springer) p89
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