Wave-wave resonance mechanism plays a fundamental and prominent role in the process of energy transfer and distribution, whether it is in microscopic or macroscopic matter. For the most extensive and intuitive ocean surface wave motion on earth, it is bound to be even more so. Can we extract the general wave-wave resonance law from it, especially the most special and brief resonance law for single wave train? To this end, according to a set of classical methods proposed by Phillips for initiating modern water wave dynamics with the specific 4-wave resonance conditions, and starting from the basic governing equations of ocean deep-water surface capillary-gravity waves, the first-order differential equation, and the second-, third- and fourth-order integral differential ones, which are becoming more and more complex but tend to be complete, of the Fourier components of free surface displacement are respectively given by the Fourier-Stieltjes transformation and perturbation method. Under a set of symbol system, which is self-created, self-evident and concise, these equations are solved in turn to obtain the first-order free surface displacement of single wave train, the Fourier coefficients of the second-, third- and fourth-order non-resonant and resonant free surface displacements, and the second-, third- and fourth-order resonant conditions, thus leading to the general nth-order self-resonance law of single wave train. This completely reveals the rich connotation of single wave resonance dynamics of ocean surface capillary-gravity waves, effectively expands the application range of the classical single wave resonance solutions given by Phillips for ocean surface gravity waves, lays the foundation for depicting single and multiple resonance interaction mechanisms of double and multi-wave trains of ocean surface waves, and so provides a typical example for the exploration of single-wave resonance law in all wave fields.
- self-resonance law /
- single wave train /
- deep-water capillary-gravity waves /
- Fourier-Stieltjes transform
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图 1 深水海洋表面张力波-重力波的单波自共振定律, ρ = 1000 kg/m3,
$g = 9.81{\kern 1 pt} {\kern 1 pt} {\kern 1 pt} {\text{m}}/{{\text{s}}^2}$ ,$T' = 0.074{\kern 1 pt} {\kern 1 pt} {\kern 1 pt} {{\text{N}}} /{{\text{m}}} $ ,$T = 7.4 \times $ $ {10^{ - 5}}~{{{\text{m}}} ^3}/{{{\text{s}}} ^2}$ Figure 1. Self-resonance law of one wave for ocean surface waves in deep water:
$\rho = 1000\;{{\text{kg}}}/{{{\text{m}}} ^{3}}$ ,$g = 9.81{\kern 1 pt} {\kern 1 pt} {\kern 1 pt} {\text{m}}/{{\text{s}}^2}$ ,$T' = $ $ 0.074~{{\text{N}}} /{{\text{m}}}$ ,$T = 7.4 \times {10^{ - 5}}~{{{\text{m}}} ^3}/{{{\text{s}}} ^2}$ . -
[1] Whitham G B 1974 Linear and Nonlinear Waves (New York: Wiley) pp2–4
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Gowers T (translated by Qi M Y) 2014 The Princeton Companion to Mathematics (Beijing: Science Press) pp333–334 (in Chinese)
[31] 梅凤翔 2003 52 1048
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Newton I (translated by Wang K D) 2006 Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (Beijing: Peking University Press) (in Chinese)
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[50] Huang H 2009 Dynamics of Surface Waves in Coastal Waters: Wave-Current-Bottom Interactions (Beijing, Berlin: Higher Education Press, Springer)
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