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Research progress of small low-frequency transmitting antenna

Cui Yong Wu Ming Song Xiao Huang Yu-Ping Jia Qi Tao Yun-Fei Wang Chen


Research progress of small low-frequency transmitting antenna

Cui Yong, Wu Ming, Song Xiao, Huang Yu-Ping, Jia Qi, Tao Yun-Fei, Wang Chen
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Low-frequency electromagnetic waves have the characteristics of long propagation distance, strong resistance to electromagnetic pulse interference, and slow attenuation in seawater and other media. However, conventional low-frequency transmitting antennas have problems such as bulkiness, high power consumption, and low efficiency, which are not conducive to the performance of low-frequency electromagnetic waves. The mechanical antenna is a new type of low-frequency transmitting antenna that generates time-varying electromagnetic field radiation through the mechanical movement of electric charges or magnetic dipoles. The new radiation principle enables mechanical antennas to break the constraints on the physical size of electromagnetic waves in the traditional antenna field, thereby achieving low-frequency communication with a smaller size and higher efficiency, providing a subversive solution to scenarios such as submarine communication and through-the-earth communication. In recent years, mechanical antennas have attracted much attention and become a hot research topic in the field of low-frequency communication. In this paper, we briefly review the development history, development direction, and existing problems of traditional large-scale land-based low-frequency transmit antennas and persistent mobile low-frequency transmit antennas; we mention the details of the working principles and recent research progress of different mechanical antenna implementations including electret, permanent magnet and piezoelectric mechanical antennas; we compare and analyze the radiation performance, innovations, advantages and disadvantages of each specific implementation scheme; and we also discuss the characteristics of the existing frequency modulation, amplitude modulation, polarization modulation and other signal modulation methods of mechanical antennas and the application schemes of several signal modulation methods of different types of mechanical antennas; finally, we prospect the research direction of mechanical antennas in the next stage. At present, the feasibility of the mechanical antenna scheme has been verified theoretically and experimentally, but it is limited by the antenna volume, power consumption, driving device and other factors, and the radiation intensity of the mechanical antenna is limited. We believe that the research in the field of mechanical antennas in the next stage will focus on the design of antennas for achieving longer communication distances at the sacrifice of certain small and light weight indicators, and innovative signal loading and modulation methods to improve communication rates will also be worth paying attention to in the field of mechanical antennas.
      Corresponding author: Song Xiao,
    • Funds: Project supported by the Military Commission Equipment Development Pre-research Field Fund during the 13rd Five-Year Plan Period of China (Grant No. 61405180302), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51707006), and the Natural Science Foundation of Beijing, China (Grant No. 4192033)

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  • 图 1  大规模陆基低频对潜通信系统 (a) 位于Nizhny Novgorod的“歌利亚”对潜通信天线阵列; (b) 位于美国Upper Peninsula的美国海军对潜低频通信基地; (c) ZEVS低频对潜通信系统天线分布

    Figure 1.  Large-scale land-based low-frequency submarine communication system: (a) Antenna array of "Golia" pair submarine communication in Nizhny Novgorod; (b) U.S. Navy's low-frequency submarine communication base on the Upper Peninsula of the United States; (c) ZEVS antenna distribution of low frequency submarine communication system.

    图 2  双波束幅度调制形成两个 “ELF/VLF 偶极子天线” 示意图[13]

    Figure 2.  Schematic diagram of dual beam amplitude modulation to form two “ELF/VLF dipole antennas”[13].

    图 3  顽存机动式低频天线 (a)气球升举式; (b)机载双拖曳式

    Figure 3.  Stubborn mobile low-frequency antenna: (a) Balloon lift; (b) airborne double tow.

    图 4  旋转驻极体式机械天线原理模型[36]

    Figure 4.  Principle model of rotating electret mechanical antenna[36].

    图 5  多瓣驻极体天线结构[38] (a) 二分布驻极体天线; (b) 六分布驻极体天线

    Figure 5.  Multi-block electret antenna structure[38]: (a) Two distributed electret antenna; (b) six distributed electret antenna.

    图 6  典型永磁体式机械天线 (a)佛罗里达大学方案[39]; (b)西安电子科技大学方案[40]; (c)科罗拉多大学丹佛分校方案[47]; (d)犹他大学方案[48]; (e)密歇根大学方案[49]; (f)加州大学洛杉矶分校方案[51]

    Figure 6.  Typical permanent magnet type mechanical antenna: (a) University of Florida[39]; (b) Xidian University[40]; (c) University of Colorado Denver[47]; (d) University of Utah[48]; (e) University of Michigan[49]; (f) University of California, Los Angeles[51].

    图 7  压电式机械天线结构模型 (a)斯坦福大学方案[57]; (b)伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校方案[58]

    Figure 7.  Structural model of piezoelectric mechanical antenna: (a) SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory[57]; (b) University of Illinois at Urbana-champaign[58].

    图 8  磁电式机械天线结构模型[59] (a)磁电天线结构; (b)磁电天线俯视图; (c)磁电天线侧视图; (d)发射天线与接收天线

    Figure 8.  Structural model of piezoelectric mechanical antenna[59]: (a) Schematic of the ME antenna; (b) top view of a fabricated ME antenna prototype; (c) side view of the schematic and fabricated ME antenna; (d) one pair of ME transmitter and receiver packed in plastic boxes.

    图 9  中国船舶重工集团七二二所机械天线结构模型[61]

    Figure 9.  Mechanical antenna structure model of 722 nd Research Institute of CSIC[61].

    图 10  常见调制方案示意图 (a) 频率调制示意图; (b) 幅度调制示意图

    Figure 10.  Schematic diagram of common modulation schemes: (a) FSK; (b) ASK.

    图 11  压电谐振式机械天线频率调制示意图 (a)美国斯坦福大学频率调制方案[57]; (b)美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校频率调制方案[58]

    Figure 11.  Schematic diagram of frequency modulation of piezoelectric resonant mechanical antenna: (a) SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory[57]; (b) University of Illinois at Urbana-champaign[58].

    图 12  美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校幅度调制方案[64]

    Figure 12.  Amplitude modulation scheme of the University of Wisconsin-Madison[64].

    表 1  各团队机械天线性能对比

    Table 1.  Performance comparison of mechanical antennas of various teams.

    FEP5.00—200 Hz[35]
    单永磁体美国佛罗里达大学N42钕铁硼1.6100—500 Hz800 fT (100 m)[39]
    美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校N42钕铁硼1.930 Hz10 μT (0.3 m)[64]
    美国科罗拉多大学丹佛分校钕铁硼 钢0—1.6 kHz50 pT (5 m)[47]
    美国犹他大学钕铁硼135.047 μT (50 m)[48]
    西安电子科技大学钕铁硼15.030 Hz1 nT (0.6 m)[40]
    美国加州大学洛杉矶分校N55钕铁硼13.01031 Hz[51]
    压电式美国斯坦福大学SLAC实验室LiNbO39.435.5 kHz[57]
    美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校PZT8.033.2 kHz40 fT (6 m)[58]
    磁电式美国弗吉尼亚理工大学PZT Metglas10.030 kHz1 nT (0.9 m)[60]
    美国波士顿东北大学PZT Metglas10.023.95 kHz0.1 nT (120 m)[59]
    DownLoad: CSV
  • [1]

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    Lu J X 2013 Extreme Low Frequency and Super Low Frequency Radio Technology (Harbin: Harbin Engineering University press) p22 (in Chinese)


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    Li F 2014 M. S. Thesis (Xi’an: Xidian University) (in Chinese)


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    Jia Q 2014 M. S. Thesis (Beijing: University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) (in Chinese)


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  • Received Date:  26 May 2020
  • Accepted Date:  19 June 2020
  • Available Online:  19 October 2020
  • Published Online:  20 October 2020

