本文报道一种基于双层介质界面极化机理的新型驻极体注极技术: 借助辅助层对PP薄膜进行注极. 采用表面电位测试方法考察了注极温度、注极电压对所获PP薄膜驻极体电荷存储性能的影响, 并利用热刺激放电技术研究了其高温电荷存储性能, 同时测试了PP薄膜驻极体在X和Y方向的静电场分布. 结果表明: 界面极化注极是一种比电晕注极更为优异的驻极体形成方法. 在一定温度下, 驻极体表面电位随注极电压的增加而增加, 而且两者呈线性关系, 这一结果与注极过程的电荷积聚方程的分析完全一致. 注极温度的影响研究表明, 在保持注极电压不变(注极电压范围为0.53.0 kV)的情况下, 温度低于75 ℃时, 温度的变化对于注极效果的影响不明显; 当注极温度大于75 ℃ 时, PP薄膜驻极体的表面电位随注极温度的增加而增加. 表面电位随时间的变化研究表明, PP薄膜驻极体具有良好的电荷存储稳定性. 对其表面电位分布的测试表明, 界面极化注极所形成的PP薄膜驻极体呈现均匀的静电场分布.Electret attracts increasing attention nowadays because of its lasting and stable electrostatic field. To achieve the widespread use of electret material, higher density and better stability of the electret charge storage as well as well-distributed electrostatic field must be ensured at the same time. Based on the mechanism of interface polarization on double-layer media, a novel charging technology for electret is reported in this paper; and PP film is successfully charged through an auxiliary layer to form electret by this proposed method. Effect of charging temperature and charging voltage on the charge storage performance of the as-prepared PP film electret is investigated by means of surface potential measurement. Also its charge storage performance at high temperatures is explored by thermally stimulated discharge technique. Furthermore, its electrostatic field distribution in the directions of X and Y is measured. Results show that the interface polarization charging is more excellent than the corona charging. At a certain temperature, the surface potential of PP film electret increases with increasing charging voltage and both are in a good linear relationship. This is in good agreement with the theoretical analysis in terms of the equation of electret charge accumulation during the charging process. It is shown that in the case of constant charging voltage within the range of 0.53.0 kV, the effect of charging temperature is not obvious when the temperature is below 75 ℃; however, when the temperature is higher than 75 ℃, the surface potential of PP film electret increases with increasing temperature. In addition, its surface potential may change a little with time so it has an excellent charge storage stability. The distribution of its surface potential shows that it exhibits an homogeneous electrostatic field due to interface polarization charging.
- electret /
- interface polarization charging /
- charge storage stability /
- electrostatic field distribution
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[17] Zhao Y H, Chen G J, Zhang D L, Zhou X 2009 J. Hangzhou Dianzi University 33 73 (in Chinese) [赵延海, 陈钢进, 张东林, 周霞 2009 杭州电子科技大学学报 33 73]
[1] Ko W C, Chen K W, Liou C H, Chen Y C, Wu W J, Lee C K 2012 IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electrl. Insul. 19 1226
[2] Suzuki Y 2011 IEEJ Trans. Electr. Electr. 6 101
[3] Altena G, Renaud M, Elfrink R, Goedbloed M H, Nooijer C D, Van S R 2013 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 476 012078
[4] Hoffmann D, Folkmer B, Manoli Y 2009 J. Micromech. Microeng. 19 094001
[5] Sakane Y, Suzuki Y, Kasagi N 2008 J. Micromech. Microeng. 18 104011
[6] Stark W, Harnisch F, Manthey W S 1990 J. Electrostat. 25 277
[7] Chen G J, Lei M F Xiao H M, Wu L 2014 Chin. Phys. Lett. 31 127702
[8] Sessler G M 1987 Electrets 2 nd Ed (New York: Springer-Verlag) p42
[9] Chen G J China Patent ZL201210145834.2 [陈钢进 2014 ZL201210145834.2] [2014-09-17]
[10] Jin W F 1995 Dielectric physics (China Machine Press) p82-83 [金维芳 1995 电介质物理学 机械工业出版社 第 82–83 页]
[11] Sessler G M, Alquie C, Lewiner J 1992 J. Appl. Phys. 71 2280
[12] Gross B, Sessler G M, West J E 1974 Appl. Phys. Lett. 24 351
[13] Jiang J, Xia Z F 1992 J. Funct. Mater.23 206 [江键, 夏钟福 1992 功能材料 23 206]
[14] Yovcheva T A, Mekishev G A, Marinov A T 2004 J. Phys. Condensed. Matter 16 455
[15] Viraneva A P, Yovcheva T A, Gencheva E A, Mekishev G A 2010 J. Non-Cryst. Solids 356 560
[16] Ono R, Nakazawa M, Oda T 2004 IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl. 40 1482
[17] Zhao Y H, Chen G J, Zhang D L, Zhou X 2009 J. Hangzhou Dianzi University 33 73 (in Chinese) [赵延海, 陈钢进, 张东林, 周霞 2009 杭州电子科技大学学报 33 73]
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