When light passes through an interface between two media with different refractive indices, part of light energy is reflected and thus causes an inevitable optical reflection. Optical anti-reflection is of great importance for applications in a wide range such as solar cells, optical lenses, infrared sensors, and photo-detectors, which has long been a research topic in the fields of optical systems and optoelectronic devices. In this article, the recent research progress of the optical anti-reflection based on subwavelength artificial engineering materials is reviewed. Having made a brief review of conventional anti-reflection methods, we focus on the overview of the newly developed techniques for optical anti-reflection, such as eliminating reflection by exciting the localized surface plasmons, the enhancement of transmission induced by the excitation of propagating surface plasmons, making metals transparent by the help of metamaterials, and the reduction of anti-reflection in long wavelength infrared and terahertz spectral ranges by using metasurfaces. Compared with the conventional anti-reflection methods, the new technique usually does not suffer the limitation of material, and it benefits from enhanced light absorption and wide incidence angle response. The new technique also enables the design of anti-reflection over wide or a multiple wavelength band. Finally, the future opportunities and challenges for further developing the subwavelength artificial engineering microstructures in optical anti-reflection are also predicted.
- antireflection /
- surface plasmons /
- metamaterials /
- destructive interference
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图 2 (a)两种不同配比下的有机聚合物混合的多纳米孔结构的原子力显微镜图; (b)等效折射率关于聚合物参比成分的函数曲线; (c)将不同配比的两种减反层覆盖于显微镜镜片两侧后, 镜片的透射率关于波长的曲线[62]
Figure 2. (a) Atomic force microscope images of two porous PMMA films, after spin-casting of a PS- PMMA-THF mixture onto silicon oxide surfaces; (b) variation of the refractive index as a function of polymer composition; (c) light transmission versus wavelength of microscope glass slides that were covered on both sides with AR layer[62].
图 3 (a)上图为利用快速原子束刻蚀过的硅表面的扫描显微镜图, 下图为不同周期的二维硅金字塔结构反射率的模拟计算结果[37]; (b)上图为表面平整的硅晶圆 (黑色实线)与高度L = 1.6 μm (绿色标记), 5.5 μm (蓝色标记)和16 μm (红色标记)的SiNTs在紫外-可见-近红外波段反射率的对比, 其中左侧插图为高度L = 1.6 μm SiNTs的SEM侧视图, 下图为表面平整的硅晶圆 (黑色实线)与高度L = 16 μm (红色标记)的SiNTs在远红外波段反射率的对比, 其中左上方插图为高度L = 16 μm SiNTs的SEM侧视图[53]
Figure 3. (a) Top panel is the scanning microscope photographs of the Si surface after FAB etching, bottom panel is the calculated spectral reflectivity of two-dimensional Si pyramid gratings with different periodicities[37]; (b) top panel is comparison of the reflectance as a function of wavelength for a planar Si wafer (solid line, black) and SiNTs (symbols) for L = 1.6 μm (green), 5.5 μm (blue) and 16 μm (red) at UV, VIS and NIR wavelengths, inset in top panel shows the cross-sectional SEM image of the L = 1.6 μm SiNTs; bottom panel is comparison of specular reflectance as a function of wavelength for a planar silicon wafer (solid line, black) and SiNTs with L = 16 μm (red) in the far-infrared regions, inset in bottom panel shows the cross-sectional SEM image of the L = 16 μm SiNTs[53].
图 4 (a)折射率随入射深度以线性、三次方、五次方形式渐变的曲线的对比[66]; (b)由三层TiO2纳米棒结构和两层SiO2纳米棒层构成的折射率成五次方形式渐变的多层膜的SEM截面图与结构示意图, 下面的表格中为五层膜体系中各层膜的详细信息; (c)正入射条件下的梯度折射率减反膜的反射谱, 其中实线为理论计算值, 虚线为实验测量值[67]
Figure 4. (a) Linear-, cubicandquintic-index profiles that have index matching with air[66]; (b) cross-sectional SEM image of graded-index coating with a modified-quintic-index profile, the graded-indexcoating consists of three TiO2 nanorod layers and two SiO2 nanorod layers; (c) wavelength dependence of theoretical (solid line) and measured (dashed line) reflectivity of graded-index coating at normal incidence[67].
图 5 (a) 金属纳米颗粒增强绝缘硅薄膜探测器的结构示意图; (b)不同金属纳米颗粒光电流增强系数的实验测量值, 增强系数定义为存在/不存在金属纳米颗粒的探测器的光电流之比[70]; (c)金属纳米颗粒制备生长于器件的表面, 光通过多重和高角度散射被诱捕进入了下层的硅材料中; (d)嵌埋半导体材料中的金属纳米颗粒引起的局域表面等离激元与半导体材料进行近场耦合, 从而增强了材料的光吸收[77]
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图 6 (a) 上图为周期性亚波长金属薄膜的扫描电子显微镜图, 下图是厚度为200 nm的银薄膜的正入射条件下的零阶透射谱(周期为900 nm, 孔直径为150 nm)[5]; (b)上图为周期性亚波长金属薄膜的正入射透射照片, 下图为三种不同几何结构孔阵列的透射谱, 其中蓝线、绿线和红线所对应的周期分别为300, 450和550 nm, 孔的直径分别为155, 180和255 nm, 而它们的透射峰值分别为436, 538和627 nm[6]
Figure 6. (a) Top panel is sample picture of an optically thick metal films perforated with a periodic array of subwavelength apertures, bottom panel is zero-order transmission of 200 nm thick Ag film (periodicity of air holes 900 nm; hole diameter 150 nm) at normal incidence[5]; (b) top panel is normal incidence transmission images for subwavelength holes, bottom panel is normal incidence transmission spectra for three square arrays of subwavelength holes. For the blue, green and red arrays, the periods were 300, 450 and 550 nm, respectively, the hole diameters were 155, 180 and 225 nm and the peak transmission wavelengths 436, 538 and 627 nm[6].
图 7 (a) 左图为斜入射条件下导电光栅的光透射的示意图, 其中
$E_{\rm{w}}^{{\rm{in}}}$ 和$E_\parallel ^{{\rm{in}}}$ 分别为Ein在表面和侧壁上的投影, 右图为不同周期下的金属光栅的透射率, 内置图为周期为10 µm时的光栅结构的反射图[105]; (b) 左图为光栅结构的光学照片, 其中右上方插图为截面图, 右图为实验测量的太赫兹波段的角分辨透射谱[100]; (c) 左图为金属光栅结构的几何示意图, 右图为为实验测量的微波波段的角分辨透射谱[103]Figure 7. (a) Left panel is light transmission through conducting gratings, oblique incidence under the flat transmission condition,
$E_{\rm{w}}^{{\rm{in}}}$ and$E_\parallel ^{{\rm{in}}}$ are the projections of Ein onto the surface and the slit wall, respectively, right panel is transmission spectra of a gold grating of different periods and the incidence angle is 84°, the inset shows the reflectivity for period of 10 μm[105]; (b) left panel is optical image of the grating, the insert shows the cross section, right panel is experimentally measured angular transmission spectra of the gold gratings in THz region[100]; (c) left panel is geometry of the metal grating, right panel is experimentally measured angular transmission spectra of the metal gratings in microwave region[103].图 8 (a) 氧化硅衬底上生长金属立方体阵列的结构示意图; (b) 在入射角分别为0°和68°时, 计算得到的透射谱, 其中几何结构为dx = dy = 320 nm, wx = wy = 80 nm, h = 320 nm, ns = 1.47; (c), (d) 金属立方体与氧化硅衬底结构中心位置的电场(|E|2)分布的截面图(c)入射角为0°, 此时入射波长为1020 nm, (d) 入射角为68°, 此时入射波长为1600 nm时[114]
Figure 8. (a) Schematic of metallic cuboids on a glass substrate; (b) calculated transmission spectra under incidence of 0° and 68°, dx = dy = 320 nm, wx = wy = 80 nm, h =320 nm, and ns = 1.47; (c), (d) the cross-sectional distribution of electric fields (|E|2) at the center of the cuboids (y = 120 nm): (c) θ = 0° at λ = 1020 nm; (d) θ = 68° at λ = 1600 nm[114].
图 9 (a) 通过有效媒质理论计算出来的高透射频段的ABA结构内的磁场分布图; (b) 实验测量 (圆圈)与计算得到(实线)的实际ABA结构样品的透射谱, 插图为遵循超构材料的基本精神构造的等效A, B材料的结构示意图, 其中金属网格和“工”字型分别代表在微波波段具有负介电常数ε的B材料与正介电常数ε的材料[153]
Figure 9. (a) Normalized magnetic field distribution inside the ABA structure at the high transmission frequency obtained by effective medium level calculation; (b) measured (circles) and calculated (lines) transmission spectra of a practical ABA sample, following the spirit of metamaterials, the subwavelength metallic mesh structures and H-shaped resonators (inset) are adopted to realize respectively the desired B layer with negative ε and A layers with positive ε at the working frequencies[153].
图 10 (a) 上图为太赫兹脉冲通过存在/不存在减反层硅衬底的示意图, 与实验测试一致; 中图为化学沉积方法生长的金薄膜; 下图为太赫兹时域光谱仪测得的透射信号[159]; (b)上图为太赫兹测试实验示意图; 中图为铬金属光栅的扫描电子显微镜图; 下图为正入射条件下的太赫兹时域光谱仪测得的透射谱[160]; (c) 上图为太赫兹测试实验示意图; 中图为铬金属正方形网格结构的扫描电子显微镜图; 下图为正入射条件下的太赫兹时域光谱仪测得的透射谱[161]
Figure 10. (a) Top panel is illustration of Terahertz-pulse propagation through the uncoated and coated silicon substrate, as measured in our experiment, middle panel is AFM images of a chemically deposited gold film, bottom panel is Terahertz time-domain spectrometer (TDS) transmission signals[159]; (b) top panel is schematic diagram of the THz measurement, middle panel is SEM picture of a Cr grating on Si, bottom panel is THz TDS transmission signals under normal incidence[160]; (c) top panel is a schematic of the THz measurement, middle panel is SEM picture of a Cr mesh on Si, bottom panel is THz TDS transmission signals under normal incidence[161]
图 12 (a) 左图为超材料减反层中干涉模型以及相关变量, 中图为超材料减反层的结构示意图, 右图为正入射条件下实验测得的反射谱与透射谱[163]; (b) 左图为覆盖介质层下埋入金属纳米结构的减反机理示意图, 中图为方块天线结构的SEM图, 展示了四层结构, 分别为L1刻蚀有图案的衬底、L2嵌入式纳米金属天线结构、L3覆盖介质层为100 nm的多晶硅、L4覆盖介质层为500 nm的多晶硅, 右图为实验测得的反射谱[170]; (c) 左图为超表面减反结构中的多重反射的示意图, 中图为锗衬底上的超表面减反结构示意图, 右图为金十字架共振体的数值模拟计算 (虚线)和实验测量 (实线)的透射谱 (T)与反射谱 (R), 其中内置图单元结构的SEM图[171]
Figure 12. (a) Left panel is illustration of interference model of the metamaterial antireflection coating and associated variables, middle panel is schematic design of the metamaterial antireflection coating, right panel is experimentally measured reflectance and transmittance under normal incidence.[163] (b) Left panel is schematic of antireflection mechanism, middle panel is SEM images for square nanoantennas. SEM images demonstrate the following four layers: L1, patterned substrate; L2, embedded nanoantennas; L3, covered amorphous silicon layer (100 nm); and L4, covered amorphous silicon (500 nm). Right panel is measured reflectance for square nanoantennas[170]. (c) Left panel is schematic of multireflection within the metasurface antireflection structure, middle panel: is schematic of the metasurface antireflection coating on a germanium substrate, right panel is experimentally measured and nume-rically simulated metasurface antireflection performance, the optical reflectance (R) and transmittance (T) spectra at normal inci-dence are plotted as solid curves for experiments and dotted curves for simulations. Insets: SEM images of the unit cells[171].
图 13 (a) 上图为双层超表面减反层的十字枕结构单元示意图, 每个单元由顶层的金的十字架共振体、底层的金十字槽和硅的十字枕三部分构成, 下图为十字枕结构单元SEM假色(false-colored)图(比例尺: 50 μm); (b) 中红外波段双层超表面结构的透射和反射谱的模拟计算值与实验测量值; (c) 太赫兹波段具有不同十字长度L的双层超表面结构对应的透射谱和反射谱的实验测量值(右侧); (b), (c)图中由小点构成的线是裸硅片的透射谱和反射谱[172]
Figure 13. (a) Top panel is unit cell schematic of the bilayer metasurface structure consisting of top gold cross resonator, bottom gold cross-slot, and silicon cross-pillar, bottom panel is false-colored SEM image of the unit cell (scale bar: 50 μm); (b) bilayer antireflection metasurface at mid-infrared wavelengths, measured reflection and transmission spectra; (c) bilayer antireflection metasurface at THz wavelengths, reflection and transmission measured in experiments for three different values of cross-length L; (b) and (c) dotted lines are reflection and transmission for a bare silicon surface[172].
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