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Movement of ablated high-Z plasmas

Liu Zhong-Heng Meng Guang-Wei Zhao Ying-Kui


Movement of ablated high-Z plasmas

Liu Zhong-Heng, Meng Guang-Wei, Zhao Ying-Kui
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • The energy leaking through a slot in the hohlraum filled with low-Z foams is a typical dynamic problem of the ablated high-Z plasmas. In this paper, we develop a simplified one-dimensional model to study the expansion-reverse process of the ablated Au plasmas, which corresponds to the closing-reopening process of a slot. Our work shows that its physical mechanism is the ablation pressure competing with radiation pressure difference and the material pressure of low-Z foams. The analytical formulas for the reverse time and reverse distance of the Au plasma are deduced, respectively, indicating that the cubic value for each of both peak temperatures is proportional to the density of the low-Z foams. The main conclusions of analytic theory are verified by numerical simulation through using the modified radiation-hydrodynamic program MULTI. It is shown that the power exponents of scaling law in high-Z plasma ablation keep unchanged in a wide range of density of low-Z foams. The range of validity of the model is discussed.
      Corresponding author: Meng Guang-Wei, ; Zhao Ying-Kui,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2017YFA0403200)

    Davidson R C 2004 National Task Force on High Energy Density Physics (Washington, DC: Office of Science and Technology Policy) pp1, 2


    Meng G W, Wang J G, Wang X R, Li J H, Zhang W Y 2016 Matter Rad. Extremes 1 249Google Scholar


    Lindl J D, Amendt P, Berger R L, Glendinning S G, Glenzer S H, Hann S W, Kauffman R L, Landen O L, Suter L J 2004 Phys. Plasmas 11 339Google Scholar


    Remington B A, Drake R P, Takabe H, Arnett D 2000 Phys. Plasmas 7 1641Google Scholar


    Ensman L, Burrows A 1992 Astrophys. J. 393 742Google Scholar


    Blondin J M, Wright E B, Borkowski K J, Reynolds S P 1998 Astrophys. J. 500 342Google Scholar


    Vink J 2012 Astron. Astrophys. Rev. 20 49Google Scholar


    Laming J M, Grun J 2002 Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 125002Google Scholar


    Pound M W, Kane J O, Ryutov D D, Remington B A, Mizuta A 2007 Astrophys. Space Sci. 307 187Google Scholar


    Mizuta A, Kane J O, Pound M W, Remington B A, Ryutov D D, Takabe H 2006 Astrophys. J. 647 1151Google Scholar


    Armitage P J, Livio M 1998 Astrophys. J. 493 898Google Scholar


    Maccarone T J 2014 Space Sci. Rev. 183 101Google Scholar


    Marshak R E 1958 Phys. Fluids 1 24Google Scholar


    Zeldovich Y B, Raizer Y P 1967 Physics of Shock Waves and High Temperature Hydrodynamics Phenomena, Part II (New York: Academic) pp238-240


    Meng G W, Li J H, Yang J M, Zhu T, Zou S Y, Wang M, Zhang W Y 2013 Phys. Plasmas 20 092704Google Scholar


    Pakula R, Sigel R 1985 Phys. Fluids 28 232Google Scholar


    Shussman T, Heizler S I 2015 Phys. Plasmas 22 082109Google Scholar


    Kaiser N, Meyer-ter-Vehn J, Sigel R 1989 Phys. Fluids B 1 1747


    Hammer J H, Rosen M D 2003 Phys. Plasmas 10 1829Google Scholar


    Hurricane O A, Hammer J H 2006 Phys. Plasmas 13 113303Google Scholar


    Back C A, Bauer J D, Landen O L, Turner R E, Lasinski B F, Hammer J H, Rosen M D, Suter L J, Hsing W H 2000 Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 274Google Scholar


    Back C A, Bauer J D, Hammer J H, Lasinski B F, Turner R E, Rambo P W, Landen O L, Suter L J, Rosen M D, Hsing W H 2000 Phys. Plasmas 7 2126Google Scholar


    Hoarty D, Willi O, Barringer L, Vickers C, Watt R, Nazarov W 1999 Phys. Plasmas 6 2171Google Scholar


    Guymer T M, Moore A S, Morton J, Kline J L, Allan S, Bazin N, Benstead J, Bentley C, Comley A J, Cowan J, Flippo K, Garbett W, Hamilton C, Lanier N E, Mussack K, Obrey K, Reed L, Schmidt D W, Stevenson R M, Taccetti J M, Workman J 2015 Phys. Plasmas 22 043303Google Scholar


    李三伟, 杨东, 李欣, 等 2018 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学 48 065202

    Li S W, Yang D, Li X, et al. 2018 Sci. Sin.: Phys. Mech. Astron. 48 065202


    蓝可, 贺贤土, 赖东显, 李双贵 2006 55 3789Google Scholar

    Lan K, He X T, Lai D X, Li S G 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 3789Google Scholar


    Jones O S, Schein J, Rosen M D, Suter L J, Wallace R J, Dewald E L, Glenzer S H, Campbell K M, Gunther J, Hammel B A, Landen O L, Sorce C M, Olson R E, Rochau G A, Wikens H L, Kaae J L, Kilkenny J D, Nikroo A, Regan S P 2007 Phys. Plasmas 14 056311Google Scholar


    Orzechowski T J, Rosen M D, Kornblum H N, Porter J L, Suter L J, Thiessen A R, Wallace R J 1996 Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 3545Google Scholar


    Yang J M, Meng G W, Zhu T, Zhang J Y, Li J H, He X A, Yi R Q, Xu Y, Hu Z M, Ding Y N, Liu S Y, Ding Y K 2010 Phys. Plasmas 17 062702Google Scholar


    Cooper A B R, Schneider M B, MacLaren S A, Moore A S, Young P E, Hsing W W, Seugling R, Foord M E, Sain J D, May M J, Marrs R E, Maddox B R, Lu K, Dodson K, Smalyuk V, Graham P, Foster J M, Back C A, Hund J F 2013 Phys. Plasmas 20 033301Google Scholar


    Moore A S, Cooper A B R, Schneider M B, MacLaren S, Graham P, Lu K, Seugling R, Satcher J, Klingmann J, Comely A J, Marrs R, May M, Widmann K, Glendinning G, Castor J, Sain J, Back C A, Hund J, Baker K, Hsing W W, Foster J, Young B, Young P 2014 Phys. Plasmas 21 063303Google Scholar


    Meng G W, Zou S Y, Wang M 2019 Phys. Plasmas 26 022708Google Scholar


    Hall G N, Jones O S, Strozzi D J, Moody J D, Turnbull D, Ralph J, Michel P A, Hohenberger M, Moore A S, Landen O L, Divol L, Bradley D K, Hinkel D E, Mackinnon A J, Town R P J, Meezan N B, Hopkins L B, Izumi N 2017 Phys. Plasmas 24 052706Google Scholar


    Schneider M B, MacLaren S A, Widmann K, Meezan N B, Hammer J H, Yoxall B E, Bell P M, Benedetti L R, Bradley D K, Callahan D A, Dewald E L, Doppner T, Eder D C, Edwards M J, Guymer T M, Hinkel D E, Hohenberger M, Hsing W W, Kervin M L, Kikenny J D, Landen O L, Lindl J D, May M J, Michel P, Milovich J L, Moody J D, Moore A S, Ralph J E, Regan S P, Thomas C A, Wan A S 2015 Phys. Plasmas 22 122705Google Scholar


    Lan K, Liu J, Li Z C, Xie X F, Huo W Y, Chen Y H, Ren G L, Zheng C Y, Yang D, Li S W, Yang Z W, Guo L, Li S, Zhang M Y, Han X Y, Zhai C L, Hou L F, Li Y K, Deng K L, Yuan Z, Zhan X Y, Wang F, Yuan G H, Zhang H J, Jiang B B, Huang L Z, Zhang W, Du K, Zhao R C, Li P, Wang W, Su J Q, Deng X W, Hu D X, Zhou W, Jia H T, Ding Y K, Zheng W G, He X T 2016 Matter Radiat. Extremes 1 8Google Scholar


    曾先才, 姜荣洪, 常铁强 1991 强激光与粒子束 3 477

    Zeng X C, Jiang R H, Chang T Q 1991 High Power and Particle Beams 3 477


    Ramis R, Schmalz R, Meyer-ter-Vehn J 1988 Comput. Phys. Commun. 49 475Google Scholar


    Ramis R, Meyer-ter-Vehn J 2016 Comput. Phys. Commun. 203 226Google Scholar


    Ramis R 2017 J. Comput. Phys. 330 173Google Scholar


    Pasley J, Nilson P, Willingale L, Haines M G, Notley M, Tolley M, Neely D, Nazarov W, Willi O 2006 Phys. Plasmas 13 032702Google Scholar

  • 图 1  (a)物理模型的简化; (b)一维模型的示意图; (c)波系示意图

    Figure 1.  (a) Simplification of physical model; (b) one-dimensional model; (c) the wave system.

    图 2  Au等离子体的左界面在不同${d_1}$${d_2}$条件下的(a)位移和(b)速度随时间的变化; 折返时间和折返距离分别随(c) ${d_1}$(取${d_2} = 1\;{\rm{cm}}$), (d) ${d_2}$(取${d_{\rm{1}}} = 50 \;{\rm{cm}}$)的变化

    Figure 2.  (a) Displacement and (b) velocity of the left interface of Au plasmas versus time under the condition of different ${d_1}$ and ${d_2}$. The reverse time and distance of Au plasmas versus (c) ${d_1}$ with ${d_2} = 1\;{\rm{cm}}$ and (d) ${d_2}$ with ${d_{\rm{1}}} = 50 \;{\rm{cm}}$.

    图 3  $T_{\rm{r}}^{} = 16 \;{\rm{MK}}$, ${\rho _{\rm{1}}} = 0.15\;{\rm{g}} \cdot {\rm{c}}{{\rm{m}}^{ - 3}}$条件下, ${\rm{0}}.02 \;{\text{μs}}$时网格的温度、速度、密度和压强随网格编号n的变化

    Figure 3.  Temperature, velocity, density and pressure versus cell number n at 0.02 μs under the condition of $T_{\rm{r}}^{} = 16 \;{\rm{MK}}$ and ${\rho _{\rm{1}}} = 0.15\;{\rm{g}} \cdot {\rm{c}}{{\rm{m}}^{ - 3}}$.

    图 4  理论预测(取$\xi = \eta = 1$)的(a)折返时间和(b)折返距离随辐射源温度${T_{\rm{r}}}$的变化

    Figure 4.  Theoretical prediction (with $\xi = \eta = 1$) of (a) reverse time and (b) reverse distance versus ${T_{\rm{r}}}$.

    图 5  折返时间和折返距离分别在不同的密度$ {\rho _{\rm{1}}}$(a) 0.05, (b) 0.5, (c) 1 g·cm–3下与辐射源温度Tr的变化关系; (d) 参数ξη$ {\rho _{\rm{1}}}$的变化

    Figure 5.  Reverse time and distance versus Tr under different density $ {\rho _{\rm{1}}}$ of (a) 0.05, (b) 0.5, and (c) 1 g·cm–3. (d) ξ and η versus $ {\rho _{\rm{1}}}$.

    图 6  折返时间和折返距离的(a)峰值温度${T_{\rm{m}}}$和(b)峰值温度的三次方$T_{\rm{m}}^{\rm{3}}$随密度${\rho _{\rm{1}}}$的变化

    Figure 6.  (a) The peak temperature ${T_{\rm{m}}}$ and (b) $T_{\rm{m}}^{\rm{3}}$ of reverse time and distance versus ${\rho _{\rm{1}}}$.

    图 A1  (a)辐射温度和Au等离子体密度的空间分布; (b)$ {t_{\rm{s}}} $随辐射源温度${T_{\rm{r}}}$的变化; (c)烧蚀压和(d)烧蚀质量随时间的变化

    Figure A1.  (a) Temperature and density versus distance; (b)${t_{\rm{s}}}$ versus ${T_{\rm{r}}}$; (c) ablation pressure versus time; (d) ablated mass versus time.

    表 A1  bl的拟合值随${T_{\rm{r}}}$的变化

    Table A1.  b and l versus ${T_{\rm{r}}}$

    ${T_{\rm{r}}}$/MKbl$l - b$
    DownLoad: CSV
  • [1]

    Davidson R C 2004 National Task Force on High Energy Density Physics (Washington, DC: Office of Science and Technology Policy) pp1, 2


    Meng G W, Wang J G, Wang X R, Li J H, Zhang W Y 2016 Matter Rad. Extremes 1 249Google Scholar


    Lindl J D, Amendt P, Berger R L, Glendinning S G, Glenzer S H, Hann S W, Kauffman R L, Landen O L, Suter L J 2004 Phys. Plasmas 11 339Google Scholar


    Remington B A, Drake R P, Takabe H, Arnett D 2000 Phys. Plasmas 7 1641Google Scholar


    Ensman L, Burrows A 1992 Astrophys. J. 393 742Google Scholar


    Blondin J M, Wright E B, Borkowski K J, Reynolds S P 1998 Astrophys. J. 500 342Google Scholar


    Vink J 2012 Astron. Astrophys. Rev. 20 49Google Scholar


    Laming J M, Grun J 2002 Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 125002Google Scholar


    Pound M W, Kane J O, Ryutov D D, Remington B A, Mizuta A 2007 Astrophys. Space Sci. 307 187Google Scholar


    Mizuta A, Kane J O, Pound M W, Remington B A, Ryutov D D, Takabe H 2006 Astrophys. J. 647 1151Google Scholar


    Armitage P J, Livio M 1998 Astrophys. J. 493 898Google Scholar


    Maccarone T J 2014 Space Sci. Rev. 183 101Google Scholar


    Marshak R E 1958 Phys. Fluids 1 24Google Scholar


    Zeldovich Y B, Raizer Y P 1967 Physics of Shock Waves and High Temperature Hydrodynamics Phenomena, Part II (New York: Academic) pp238-240


    Meng G W, Li J H, Yang J M, Zhu T, Zou S Y, Wang M, Zhang W Y 2013 Phys. Plasmas 20 092704Google Scholar


    Pakula R, Sigel R 1985 Phys. Fluids 28 232Google Scholar


    Shussman T, Heizler S I 2015 Phys. Plasmas 22 082109Google Scholar


    Kaiser N, Meyer-ter-Vehn J, Sigel R 1989 Phys. Fluids B 1 1747


    Hammer J H, Rosen M D 2003 Phys. Plasmas 10 1829Google Scholar


    Hurricane O A, Hammer J H 2006 Phys. Plasmas 13 113303Google Scholar


    Back C A, Bauer J D, Landen O L, Turner R E, Lasinski B F, Hammer J H, Rosen M D, Suter L J, Hsing W H 2000 Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 274Google Scholar


    Back C A, Bauer J D, Hammer J H, Lasinski B F, Turner R E, Rambo P W, Landen O L, Suter L J, Rosen M D, Hsing W H 2000 Phys. Plasmas 7 2126Google Scholar


    Hoarty D, Willi O, Barringer L, Vickers C, Watt R, Nazarov W 1999 Phys. Plasmas 6 2171Google Scholar


    Guymer T M, Moore A S, Morton J, Kline J L, Allan S, Bazin N, Benstead J, Bentley C, Comley A J, Cowan J, Flippo K, Garbett W, Hamilton C, Lanier N E, Mussack K, Obrey K, Reed L, Schmidt D W, Stevenson R M, Taccetti J M, Workman J 2015 Phys. Plasmas 22 043303Google Scholar


    李三伟, 杨东, 李欣, 等 2018 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学 48 065202

    Li S W, Yang D, Li X, et al. 2018 Sci. Sin.: Phys. Mech. Astron. 48 065202


    蓝可, 贺贤土, 赖东显, 李双贵 2006 55 3789Google Scholar

    Lan K, He X T, Lai D X, Li S G 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 3789Google Scholar


    Jones O S, Schein J, Rosen M D, Suter L J, Wallace R J, Dewald E L, Glenzer S H, Campbell K M, Gunther J, Hammel B A, Landen O L, Sorce C M, Olson R E, Rochau G A, Wikens H L, Kaae J L, Kilkenny J D, Nikroo A, Regan S P 2007 Phys. Plasmas 14 056311Google Scholar


    Orzechowski T J, Rosen M D, Kornblum H N, Porter J L, Suter L J, Thiessen A R, Wallace R J 1996 Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 3545Google Scholar


    Yang J M, Meng G W, Zhu T, Zhang J Y, Li J H, He X A, Yi R Q, Xu Y, Hu Z M, Ding Y N, Liu S Y, Ding Y K 2010 Phys. Plasmas 17 062702Google Scholar


    Cooper A B R, Schneider M B, MacLaren S A, Moore A S, Young P E, Hsing W W, Seugling R, Foord M E, Sain J D, May M J, Marrs R E, Maddox B R, Lu K, Dodson K, Smalyuk V, Graham P, Foster J M, Back C A, Hund J F 2013 Phys. Plasmas 20 033301Google Scholar


    Moore A S, Cooper A B R, Schneider M B, MacLaren S, Graham P, Lu K, Seugling R, Satcher J, Klingmann J, Comely A J, Marrs R, May M, Widmann K, Glendinning G, Castor J, Sain J, Back C A, Hund J, Baker K, Hsing W W, Foster J, Young B, Young P 2014 Phys. Plasmas 21 063303Google Scholar


    Meng G W, Zou S Y, Wang M 2019 Phys. Plasmas 26 022708Google Scholar


    Hall G N, Jones O S, Strozzi D J, Moody J D, Turnbull D, Ralph J, Michel P A, Hohenberger M, Moore A S, Landen O L, Divol L, Bradley D K, Hinkel D E, Mackinnon A J, Town R P J, Meezan N B, Hopkins L B, Izumi N 2017 Phys. Plasmas 24 052706Google Scholar


    Schneider M B, MacLaren S A, Widmann K, Meezan N B, Hammer J H, Yoxall B E, Bell P M, Benedetti L R, Bradley D K, Callahan D A, Dewald E L, Doppner T, Eder D C, Edwards M J, Guymer T M, Hinkel D E, Hohenberger M, Hsing W W, Kervin M L, Kikenny J D, Landen O L, Lindl J D, May M J, Michel P, Milovich J L, Moody J D, Moore A S, Ralph J E, Regan S P, Thomas C A, Wan A S 2015 Phys. Plasmas 22 122705Google Scholar


    Lan K, Liu J, Li Z C, Xie X F, Huo W Y, Chen Y H, Ren G L, Zheng C Y, Yang D, Li S W, Yang Z W, Guo L, Li S, Zhang M Y, Han X Y, Zhai C L, Hou L F, Li Y K, Deng K L, Yuan Z, Zhan X Y, Wang F, Yuan G H, Zhang H J, Jiang B B, Huang L Z, Zhang W, Du K, Zhao R C, Li P, Wang W, Su J Q, Deng X W, Hu D X, Zhou W, Jia H T, Ding Y K, Zheng W G, He X T 2016 Matter Radiat. Extremes 1 8Google Scholar


    曾先才, 姜荣洪, 常铁强 1991 强激光与粒子束 3 477

    Zeng X C, Jiang R H, Chang T Q 1991 High Power and Particle Beams 3 477


    Ramis R, Schmalz R, Meyer-ter-Vehn J 1988 Comput. Phys. Commun. 49 475Google Scholar


    Ramis R, Meyer-ter-Vehn J 2016 Comput. Phys. Commun. 203 226Google Scholar


    Ramis R 2017 J. Comput. Phys. 330 173Google Scholar


    Pasley J, Nilson P, Willingale L, Haines M G, Notley M, Tolley M, Neely D, Nazarov W, Willi O 2006 Phys. Plasmas 13 032702Google Scholar

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  • Received Date:  17 December 2018
  • Accepted Date:  15 July 2019
  • Available Online:  01 September 2019
  • Published Online:  20 September 2019

