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Single molecule transverse magnetic tweezers based on light sheet illumination

Ma Jian-Bing Zhai Yong-Liang Nong Da-Guan Li Jing-Hua Fu Hang Zhang Xing-Hua Li Ming Lu Ying Xu Chun-Hua


Single molecule transverse magnetic tweezers based on light sheet illumination

Ma Jian-Bing, Zhai Yong-Liang, Nong Da-Guan, Li Jing-Hua, Fu Hang, Zhang Xing-Hua, Li Ming, Lu Ying, Xu Chun-Hua
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  • Magnetic tweezers are a high precision single-molecule manipulation instrument. A gradient magnetic field is used to generate a force on the order of pN, acting on biomolecule-tethered superparamagnetic beads and to manipulate them. By tracking the bead with an inverted microscope, an imaging system and an image process software, one can obtain the extension length information of the biomolecules, thus can study the mechanism and dynamics of the molecules at a single molecule level. Magnetic tweezers include transverse magnetic tweezers (TMT) which are cheap and simple, and longitudinal magnetic tweezers (LMT) which are expensive and complicated. As the traditional TMT can only track the long biomolecule-tethered beads and their spatial resolution is poorer than that of the LMT according to the error theory of magnetic tweezers and the experimental results, the TMT is not so widely used. To solve this problem, we utilize a light sheet to illuminate the beads only in TMT, and then observe the bead sticking on the lateral surface. The tracking error on the extension axis is 4 nm, which is very small. Then we track and obtain the “folding-unfolding” state transition trace of a hairpin DNA. The hairpin DNA is inserted into a 0.5 μm dsDNA. This experiment proves its ability to study short DNA, RNA or protein. Instead of the fully folded and unfolded state, we observe a semi-stable state at the 1/3 length of the hairpin. The semi-stable state is precisely at the place of the CG rich area of the hairpin, so the CG rich area should be the reason for the semi-stable state. Then we use the 16 μm λ -DNA to further test the novel TMT system. Having obtained the stretching curve of the dsDNA, we fit the length-force data with the worm-like-chain model. The fitted persistence length of the dsDNA is (47±2) nm, which is consistent with the result in the literature. Finally, we compare the noise of traditional TMT, novel TMT and LMT with that of short and long dsDNA at weak and strong force, and we find that at weak force, the novel TMT distinctly enhances the resolution to the LMT level; while at strong force, the resolution of the novel TMT is about half that of the LMT. The results above prove that (1) the short DNA, RNA or protein can be studied by the novel TMT, which extends the application scope of the instrument; (2) the resolution of TMT is enhanced distinctly under weak and strong force, making the novel TMT competent of more experiments.
      Corresponding author: Xu Chun-Hua,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11574381, 11574382).

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    Righini M, Lee A, Canari-Chumpitaz C, Lionberger T, Gabizon R, Coello Y Tinoco I, Bustamante C 2018 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 115 1286


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    Yuan G, Le S, Yao M, Qian H, Zhou X, Yan J, Chen H 2017 Angew. Chem. Int. Edit. 56 5490


    Zhang X, Chen H, Fu H, Doyle P S, Yan J 2012 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 109 8103


    Zhang X H, Chen H, Le S M, Rouzina I, Doyle P S, Yan J 2013 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 110 3865


    Sun B, Wei K J, Zhang B, Zhang X H, Dou S X, Li M, Xi X G 2008 EMBO J. 27 3279


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    Lee C Y, Lou J Z, Wen K K, McKane M, Eskin S G, Ono S, Chien S, Rubenstein P A, Zhu C, McIntire L V 2013 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 110 5022


    Lin W X, Ma J B, Nong D G, Xu C H, Zhang B, Li J H, Jia Q, Dou S X, Ye F F, Xi X G, Lu Y, Li M 2017 Phys. Rev. Lett. 119 138102


    Blosser T R, Yang J G, Stone M D, Narlikar G J, Zhuang X 2009 Nature 462 1022


    Yasuda R, Noji H, Kinosita K, Yoshida M 1998 Cell 93 1117


    Qi Z, Redding S, Lee J Y, Gibb B, Kwon Y, Niu H, Gaines W A, Sung P, Greene E C 2015 Cell 160 856


    Sun Y, Sato O, Ruhnow F, Arsenault M E, Ikebe M, Goldman Y E 2010 Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 17 485


    Lu H P, Xun L, Xie X S 1998 Science 282 1877


    Danilowicz C, Coljee V W, Bouzigues C, Lubensky D K, Nelson D R, Prentiss M 2003 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100 1694


    Smith S B, Finzi L, Bustamante C 1992 Science 258 1122


    Smith S B, Cui Y, Bustamante C 1996 Science 271 795


    Marko J F, Siggia E D 1995 Macromolecules 28 8759


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    Sarkar R, Rybenkov V V 2016 Front. Phys. 4 48


    Li J H, Lin W X, Zhang B, Nong D G, Ju H P, Ma J B, Xu C H, Ye F F, Xi X G, Li M, Lu Y, Dou S X 2016 Nucleic Acids Res. 44 4330


    Kim K, Saleh O A 2009 Nucleic Acids Res. 37 e136


    Bosco A, Camunas-Soler J, Ritort F 2014 Nucleic Acids Res. 42 2064


    Strick T R, Allemand J F, Bensimon D, Bensimon A, Croquette V 1996 Science 271 1835


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  • [1]

    Ha T, Enderle T, Ogletree D F, Chemla D S, Selvin P R, Weiss S 1996 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93 6264


    Neuman K C, Nagy A 2008 Nat. Methods 5 491


    Wang S, Zheng H Z, Zhao Z Y, Lu Y, Xu C H 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 168703 (in Chinese) [王爽, 郑海子, 赵振业, 陆越, 徐春华 2013 62 168703]


    Qian H, Chen H, Yan J 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 188706 (in Chinese) [钱辉, 陈虎, 严洁 2016 65 188706]


    Madariaga-Marcos J, Hormeno S, Pastrana C L, Fisher G L M, Dillingham M S, Moreno-Herrero F 2018 Nanoscale 10 4579


    Cheng W, Arunajadai S G, Moffitt J R, Tinoco I J, Bustamante C 2011 Science 333 1746


    Comstock M J, Whitley K D, Jia H, Sokoloski J, Lohman T M, Ha T, Chemla Y R 2015 Science 348 352


    Arslan S, Khafizov R, Thomas C D, Chemla Y R, Ha T 2015 Science 348 344


    Neupane K, Foster D A N, Dee D R, Yu H, Wang F, Woodside M T 2016 Science 352 239


    Righini M, Lee A, Canari-Chumpitaz C, Lionberger T, Gabizon R, Coello Y Tinoco I, Bustamante C 2018 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 115 1286


    Sun B, Johnson D S, Patel G, Smith B Y, Pandey M, Patel S S, Wang M D 2011 Nature 478 132


    Yuan G, Le S, Yao M, Qian H, Zhou X, Yan J, Chen H 2017 Angew. Chem. Int. Edit. 56 5490


    Zhang X, Chen H, Fu H, Doyle P S, Yan J 2012 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 109 8103


    Zhang X H, Chen H, Le S M, Rouzina I, Doyle P S, Yan J 2013 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 110 3865


    Sun B, Wei K J, Zhang B, Zhang X H, Dou S X, Li M, Xi X G 2008 EMBO J. 27 3279


    Li W, Chen P, Yu J, Dong L, Liang D, Feng J, Yan J, Wang P Y, Li Q, Zhang Z, Li M, Li G 2016 Mol. Cell 64 120


    Lee C Y, Lou J Z, Wen K K, McKane M, Eskin S G, Ono S, Chien S, Rubenstein P A, Zhu C, McIntire L V 2013 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 110 5022


    Lin W X, Ma J B, Nong D G, Xu C H, Zhang B, Li J H, Jia Q, Dou S X, Ye F F, Xi X G, Lu Y, Li M 2017 Phys. Rev. Lett. 119 138102


    Blosser T R, Yang J G, Stone M D, Narlikar G J, Zhuang X 2009 Nature 462 1022


    Yasuda R, Noji H, Kinosita K, Yoshida M 1998 Cell 93 1117


    Qi Z, Redding S, Lee J Y, Gibb B, Kwon Y, Niu H, Gaines W A, Sung P, Greene E C 2015 Cell 160 856


    Sun Y, Sato O, Ruhnow F, Arsenault M E, Ikebe M, Goldman Y E 2010 Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 17 485


    Lu H P, Xun L, Xie X S 1998 Science 282 1877


    Danilowicz C, Coljee V W, Bouzigues C, Lubensky D K, Nelson D R, Prentiss M 2003 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100 1694


    Smith S B, Finzi L, Bustamante C 1992 Science 258 1122


    Smith S B, Cui Y, Bustamante C 1996 Science 271 795


    Marko J F, Siggia E D 1995 Macromolecules 28 8759


    Wang X L, Zhang X H, Wei K J, Sun B, Li M 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 3905 (in Chinese) [王晓玲, 张兴华, 魏孔吉, 孙博, 李明 2008 57 3905]


    Sarkar R, Rybenkov V V 2016 Front. Phys. 4 48


    Li J H, Lin W X, Zhang B, Nong D G, Ju H P, Ma J B, Xu C H, Ye F F, Xi X G, Li M, Lu Y, Dou S X 2016 Nucleic Acids Res. 44 4330


    Kim K, Saleh O A 2009 Nucleic Acids Res. 37 e136


    Bosco A, Camunas-Soler J, Ritort F 2014 Nucleic Acids Res. 42 2064


    Strick T R, Allemand J F, Bensimon D, Bensimon A, Croquette V 1996 Science 271 1835


    Abels J A, Moreno-Herrero F, van der Heijden T, Veenhuizen P T M, Bruinink M M, Dekker C, Dekker N H 2005 Biophys. J. 88 2737

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  • Received Date:  14 March 2018
  • Accepted Date:  08 April 2018
  • Published Online:  20 July 2019

