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张志鹏 刘帅 张玉琼 熊影 韩伟静 陈同生 王爽



张志鹏, 刘帅, 张玉琼, 熊影, 韩伟静, 陈同生, 王爽

Rotation manipulation of single-molecule magnetic trapping and gene transcription regulation dynamics

Zhang Zhi-Peng, Liu Shuai, Zhang Yu-Qiong, Xiong Ying, Han Wei-Jing, Chen Tong-Sheng, Wang Shuang
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 基因转录调控是生命体调节基因表达的重要过程, 是保证遗传信息可控传递和维持基因组稳定性的关键步骤. 单分子技术的发展为分子水平上探索基因转录调控动力学机制提供了新的研究范式, 有力地推动了基因转录调控规律方面的研究进展. 本文着重介绍了依据单分子磁镊旋转操控技术发展起来的操控超螺旋DNA的技术, 借助超螺旋DNA的“放大”特点, 实现了对DNA双螺旋动态打开过程的高通量、单碱基精度的测量; 随后, 介绍了单分子磁镊旋转操控技术在基因转录调控动力学研究中的应用情况, 通过实时监测转录泡结构, 实现对转录起始、延伸和终止等阶段的动力学表征, 建立了一系列新的转录调控模型; 最后, 介绍了单分子磁镊旋转操控和单分子荧光成像技术联用方案, 为研究复杂体系中的基因转录调控动力学机制提供了新的范式和范例.
    Gene transcription regulation is a key step for gene expression in all organisms and responsible for the transmission of genetic information and genome integrity. As one of the most important mechanisms in gene transcription, an RNA polymerase (RNAP) specifically interacts with and unwinds genome DNA to form a transcription bubble where a nascent RNA transcript is polymerized, taking one of the unwound DNA strands as its template. The RNAP translocates along the DNA to transcribe the whole gene by carrying the transcription bubble. In such a way, an RNAP completes its biological task of gene expression by physically acting as a molecular machinery. Thus, an RNAP molecule can be considered as a research object for physicists who are willing to uncover the mechanisms of life processes in a physical view. To achieve this, single-molecule method has been invented and used widely. As one of these methods, single-molecule magnetic trapping manipulates biological molecules by applying extension force or torque to the magnetic beads tethered through biological molecule to pre-coated glass surfaces by manipulating the position or rotation of a pair of magnets. A linear DNA molecule can be manipulated in such a way to generate plectonemes, i.e. DNA supercoils, under an extension force of 0.3 pN (1 pN = 10–12 N), possessing the feature that the number of unwound base pairs of a supercoiled DNA can be observed by the changes in the number of supercoils reflected by the DNA extension changes. Thus, the DNA unwound by RNAP, i.e. the transcription bubble, during transcription can be observed in this way. By monitoring the kinetics of the transcription bubble in real time, this method thus allows single-molecule detection with single-base resolution and a high-throughput data collection fashion in the kinetic studies of transcription. Owing to the advantages of the manipulation of DNA supercoils with single-molecule magnetic trapping, one can mimic the mechanistic feature of DNAs in vivo and characterize the kinetics of transcription under such conditions. This method can also be combined with single-molecule fluorescence method which can be applied to studying the mechanism of transcription regulation while monitoring the behaviors of fluorescently labeled biological molecules that interact with functional RNAP molecules, providing examples for studying the mechanisms of transcription regulations in more complex systems.
      通信作者: 王爽, shuangwang@iphy.ac.cn
      王爽, 中国科学院物理研究所副研究员. 2008年于吉林大学获得材料物理学士学位, 2014年于中国科学院物理研究所获得凝聚态物理博士学位. 2015年至2019年在法国法国雅克莫诺研究所(Institut Jacques Monod)和巴黎高等师范学院(Ecole Normale Superieure)从事博士后研究. 目前主要研究方向是基因转录调控的单分子动力学, 相关研究成果发表在Nat. Commun., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USANucleic Acids Res.等期刊, 主持国家自然科学基金项目2项, 中国科学院青年创新促进会员项目1项
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 12004420, 32071228, 12004271, 12274308, 62135003)、中国科学院战略先导科技专项(B 类)(批准号: XDB37000000)、中国科学院青年创新促进会(批准号: 2021009)、广东省重点领域研发计划(批准号: 21202107221900001, 2022B0303040003)和广东省基础与应用基础研究基金(批准号: 2019A1515110186)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Wang Shuang, shuangwang@iphy.ac.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 12004420, 32071228, 12004271, 12274308, 62135003), the Strategic Priority Research Program (B) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (Grant No. XDB37000000), the Youth Innovation Promotion Association of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (Grant No. 2021009), the Key-Area Research and Development Program of Guangdong Province, China (Grant Nos. 21202107221900001, 2022B0303040003), the Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation of Guangdong Province, China (Grant No. 2019A1515110186).

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    Jiao F, Cannon K S, Lin Y C, Gladfelter A S, Scheuring S 2020 Nat. Commu. 11 5062Google Scholar


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    Seol Y, Neuman K C 2017 Combined Magnetic Tweezers, Micro-mirror Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscope for Single-molecule Manipulation and Visualization Single Molecule Analysis (New York: Springer) pp297–316


    Fan J, Leroux-Coyau M, Savery N J, Strick T R 2016 Nature 536 234Google Scholar


    Comstock M J, Whitley K D, Jia H, Sokoloski J, Lohman T M, Ha T, Chemla Y R 2015 Science 348 352Google Scholar


    Lionnet T, Allemand J F, Revyakin A, Strick T R, Saleh O A, Bensimon D, Croquette V 2011 Cold Spring Harb. Protoc. 2012 133Google Scholar


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    Chen H, Yuan G, Winardhi R S, Yao M, Popa I, Fernandez J M, Yan J 2015 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 137 3540Google Scholar


    Guo Z, Hong H, Yuan G, Qian H, Li B, Cao Y, Wang W, Wu C X, Chen H 2020 Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 198101Google Scholar


    Strick T, Allemand J F, Bensimon D, Croquette V 1998 Biophys. J. 74 2016Google Scholar


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    Revyakin A, Ebright R H, Strick T R 2005 Nat. Methods 2 127Google Scholar


    Yu L, Winkelman J T, Pukhrambam C, Strick T R, Nickels B E, Ebright R H 2017 eLife 6 e32038Google Scholar


    Smith S B, Cui Y, Bustamante C 1996 Science 271 795Google Scholar


    Roeder R G 2019 Nat Struct. Mol. Biol. 26 783Google Scholar


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    Tomko E J, Fishburn J, Hahn S, Galburt E A 2017 Nat Struct. Mol. Biol. 24 1139Google Scholar


    Revyakin A, Liu C, Ebright R H, Strick T R 2006 Science 314 1139Google Scholar


    Kapanidis A N, Margeat E, Ho S O, Kortkhonjia E, Weiss S, Ebright R H 2006 Science 314 1144Google Scholar


    Lerner E, Chung S, Allen B L, et al. 2016 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 113 6562Google Scholar


    Wang D, Bushnell D A, Huang X, Westover K D, Levitt M, Kornberg R D 2009 Science 324 1203Google Scholar


    Zhang Y, Han W, Wang L, Wang H, Jia Q, Chen T, Wang S, Li M 2023 J. Phys. Chem. B 127 2909Google Scholar


    Zhu C, Guo X, Dumas P, Takacs M, Abdelkareem M, Broeck A V, Saint-André C, Papai G, Crucifix C, Ortiz J, Weixlbaumer A 2022 Nat. Commun. 13 1546Google Scholar


    Ray-Soni A, Bellecourt M J, Landick R 2016 Annu. Rev. Biochem. 85 319Google Scholar


    Kim M, Vasiljeva L, Rando O J, Zhelkovsky A, Moore C, Buratowski S 2006 Mol. Cell 24 723Google Scholar


    Arndt K M, Reines D 2015 Annu. Rev. Biochem. 84 381Google Scholar


    Fazal F M, Meng C A, Murakami K, Kornberg R D, Block S M 2015 Nature 525 274Google Scholar


    Wang S, Han Z, Libri D, Porrua O, Strick T R 2019 Nat. Commun. 10 1545Google Scholar


    Klein H L, Ang K K, Arkin M R, et al. 2019 Microbial. Cell 6 65Google Scholar


    王爽, 郑海子, 赵振业, 陆越, 徐春华 2013 62 168703Google Scholar

    Wang S, Zheng H Z, Zhao Z Y, Lu Y, Xu C H 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 168703Google Scholar


    Graves E T, Duboc C, Fan J, Stransky F, Leroux-Coyau M, Strick T R 2015 Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 22 452Google Scholar

  • 图 1  单分子磁镊操控技术示意图

    Fig. 1.  Schematic for single-molecule magnetic trap.

    图 2  单分子磁镊旋转操控DNA超螺旋

    Fig. 2.  Manipulation of DNA supercoils via single-molecule magnetic trap.

    图 3  单分子磁镊旋转操控方法研究转录动力学 (a) 研究方法示意图; (b) 典型转录曲线(起始(RPitc)、延伸(RDe)和终止)

    Fig. 3.  Transcription kinetics characterized via single-molecule magnetic trap: (a) Schematic of the methodology; (b) a typical transcription trajectory showing initiation (RPitc), elongation (RDe) and termination.

    图 4  单分子磁镊操控技术和单分子荧光成像技术联用方案 (a)方案示意图; (b)磁镊监测转录动力学过程; (c)单分子荧光方法同步观测RNAP、Mfd和RNA的时空分布[68]

    Fig. 4.  Schematic for combination of single-molecule magnetic trap and single-molecule fluorescence imaging: (a) Schematic of the assay; (b) transcription kinetics characterized via single-molecule magnetic trap; (c) simultaneous detection of RNAP, Mfd and RNA via single-molecule fluorescence assay[68].

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    Guo Z, Hong H, Yuan G, Qian H, Li B, Cao Y, Wang W, Wu C X, Chen H 2020 Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 198101Google Scholar


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  • 收稿日期:  2023-07-04
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  • 上网日期:  2023-09-08
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