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Numerical simulation of a spinning sphere moving in granular matter

Cheng Qi Ran Xian-Wen Liu Ping Tang Wen-Hui Raphael Blumenfeld


Numerical simulation of a spinning sphere moving in granular matter

Cheng Qi, Ran Xian-Wen, Liu Ping, Tang Wen-Hui, Raphael Blumenfeld
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  • Recently, how the desert lizards run, hide or swim in the sand has attracted much attention of many scientists in granular matter field, and many valuable results have been published, except for the Phrynocephalus mystaceus, a type of the desert lizard, which can embeds itself into the sand through a motion mode which is completely different from other types of desert lizards. To illuminate the roles played by the spinning-mode in the Phrynocephalus mystaceus' motion in the sand, the three-dimentional (3D) numerical simulation using the Hertz model on the system, in which one sphere is spinning in the granular matter, is carried out with the open-source code LIGGGHTS released by the Sandia National Laboratory in USA. In the numerical simulations for all the cases, the initial conditions are the same and the sphere spins around X-axis while the X-Y plane is the horizontal plan and the Z axis is the vertical direction. According to the numerical results and analyses, for the spinning sphere deeply embedded in the granular matter we can draw some conclusions. 1) The X-axis spinning motion can cause the sphere embedded in the granular to notably displace along the Z-axis and Y-axis, but the displacement along the spinning direction is smaller than the sphere diameter. 2) The friction coefficient between the sphere and the granular matter has a notable influence on the motion of the sphere in granular matter, the spinning sphere can move vertically and horizontally only when the friction coefficient between the sphere and the granular matter is larger than that of the granular matter; and the bigger the , the more violent the movement of the sphere is. This can be used to explain why most of the desert creatures each have a coarse skin. 3) On the premise that the friction coefficient between the sphere and the granular matter is larger than that of the granular matter, the spinning velocity of the sphere also has a great influence on the movement of the sphere in the granular matter. In a spinning velocity range between 10 rad/s and 640 rad/s, the larger the , the more obvious the movement of the sphere is. When the spinning velocity reaches 1280 rad/s, the movement of the sphere slightly decreases compared with when the spinning velocity is 640 rad/s. 4) For the spining sphere in granular matter, the sphere always moves upward in the Z direction, but in the Y direction the sphere may move in a positive or negative direction depending on the and . The sphere moves in the positive direction of Y axis if the and are relatively small, while it moves in the negative direction if the and are larger.
      Corresponding author: Ran Xian-Wen,; ; Tang Wen-Hui,;
    • Funds: Project supported by the Advanced Project of National School of Defense Technology, China (Grant No. ZK16-03-01).

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    Soller R, Koehler S A 2006 Phys. Rev. E. Stat. Nonlin. Soft Matter Phys. 74 021305


    Guillard F, Forterre Y, Pouliquen O 2013 Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 138303


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    Guillard F, Forterre Y, Pouliquen O 2015 Phys. Rev. E: Stat. Nonlin. Soft Matter Phys. 91 022201


    Knight J B, Ehrichs E E, Kuperman V Y, Flint J K, Jaeger H M, Nagel S R 1996 Phys. Rev.. 54 5726


    Eshuis P, van der Meer D, Alam M, van Gerner H J, van der Weele K, Lohse D 2010 Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 038001


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    Clark A H, Petersen A J, Kondic L, Behringer R P 2015 Phys. Rev. Lett. 114 144502


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    Percier B, Manneville S, Mcelwaine J N, Morris S W, Taberlet N 2011 Phys. Rev. E: Stat. Nonlin. Soft Matter Phys. 84 051302


    Wassgren C R, Cordova J A, Zenit R, Karion A 2003 Phys. Fluids 15 3318


    Chehata D, Zenit R, Wassgren C R 2003 Phys. Fluids 15 1622


    Ding Y, Gravish N, Goldman D I 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 028001


    Maladen R D, Umbanhowar P B, Ding Y, Masse A, Doldman D I 2011 Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2011 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE Shanghai, China, May 9-13, 2011 p1398


    Potiguar F Q, Ding Y 2013 Phys. Rev.. 88 012204


    Huang L, Ran X, Blumenfeld R 2016 Phys. Rev.. 94 062906


    Kloss C, Goniva C, Hager A, Amberger S, Pirker S 2012 Prog. Comput. Fluid Dyn. 12 140


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  • Received Date:  26 June 2017
  • Accepted Date:  12 October 2017
  • Published Online:  05 January 2018

