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Photodissociation dynamics of Br2 in wavelength range of 360-610 nm

Qin Chao-Chao Huang Yan Peng Yu-Feng


Photodissociation dynamics of Br2 in wavelength range of 360-610 nm

Qin Chao-Chao, Huang Yan, Peng Yu-Feng
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  • We study the photodissociation of Br2 in a wavelength range from 360 nm to 610 nm in the near-visible UV continuum band based on the calculation of time-dependent quantum wave packet including the rotational degree of freedom. We calculate four representative samples of two-dimensional (2D) slice images taken from photolysis of Br2 molecules, in which the different rings in the 2D slice images are corresponding to the different photodissiation channels. The radius of each 2D slice image ring is positively related to kinetic energy of photofragment. The maximum photofragment flux perpendicular or parallel to the photolysis polarization is also related to photodissiation channel. Furthermore, we calculate the total kinetic energy distribution P(E) and the P(E) distribution from the respective electronic excited states A, B and C in the wavelength range of 360-610 nm, from which we find that the wavelengths corresponding to the maximum dissociation probability from respective electronic excited states A, B and C are 510 nm, 469 nm, and 388 nm, respectively. As is well known, not only the total dissociation probability, but also the respective dissociation probability of electronic excited states is dependent on the laser wavelength. We also calculate the dissociation probabilities from electronic excited states A, B and C, respectively. We find that the dissociation probability of electronic excited state A is not significant when 480 nm and that the peak intensity of the dissociation probability to the A state is about 13.0\% of that to the C state, while that to the B state is about 43.4\%. In addition, because the electronic excited states A and C are related to the photodissociation channel Br + Br, and the electronic excited state B is corresponding to the photodissociation channel Br + Br*, the images which reveal the involvement of more than one product channel can be analyzed by the respective channel branching ratios. At the short wavelength ( 400 nm) the branching ratio (Br*/(Br+Br*)) is small, even near to zero, which reflects that electronic state C transition gives rise to many Br + Br over Br + Br*. However, within the wavelength range (=440-500 nm) Br + Br* photofragments are excess of Br + Br, so the electronic state B transition is dominant. At longer wavelength ( 530 nm) the branching ratio (Br*/(Br+Br*)) is also low, near to zero, indicating the prevalence of electronic state A transition. Ignoring the dissociation from electronic state C, the maximum dissociation probability 469 nm is consistent with branching ratio maximum 462 nm. Because the electronic excited state C is related to the photodissociation channel Br + Br, the branching ratio will be reduced. So the maximum wavelength of branching ratio is blue shifted.
      Corresponding author: Qin Chao-Chao,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. U1404112, 11404411), the Advanced Technology Research Program of Henan Province, China (Grant Nos. 142102310274, 172102210340), and the Foundation for Key Program of Education Department of Henan Province, China (Grant No. 17A140021).

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    Liu Y Z, Xiao S R, Wang J F, He Z F, Qiu X J, Knopp G 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 113301 (in Chinese)[刘玉柱, 肖韶荣, 王俊锋, 何仲福, 邱学军, Knopp Gregor 2016 65 113301]


    Liu Y Z, Deng X L, Li S, Guan Y, Li J, Long J Y, Zhang B 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 193301 (in Chinese)[刘玉柱, 邓绪兰, 李帅, 管跃, 李静, 龙金友, 张冰 2016 65 193301]


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    Davies J A, LeClaire J E, Continetti R E, Hayden C C 1999 J. Chem. Phys. 111 1


    Ashfold M N R, Baggott J E 1989 Molecular Photodissociation Dynamics (Letchorth:Wiley Press) p243


    Demyanenko A V, Potter A B, Dribinski V, Reisler H 2002 J. Chem. Phys. 117 2568


    Rakitzis T P, Kitsopoulos T N 2002 J. Chem. Phys 116 9228


    Nugent-Glandorf L, Scheer M, Samuels D A, Mulhisen A M, Grant E R, Yang X M, Bierbaum V M, Leone S R 2001 Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 1103


    Nugent-Glandorf L, Scheer M, Samuels D A, Bierbaum V M, Leone S R 2002 J. Chem. Phys. 117 1063


    Klemm A, Kimmich R, Weber M 2001 Phys. Rev. E 63 041514


    Han S I, Pierce K L, Pines A 2006 Phys. Rev. E 74 016302


    Rogers L J, Ashfold M N R, Matsumi Y, Kawasaki M Whitaker B J 1996 Chem. Phys. Lett. 258 159


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    Kato H, Baba M 1995 Chem. Rev. 95 2311


    Asano Y, Yabushita S 2003 Chem. Phys. Lett. 372 348


    Liu Y Z, Xiao S R, Zhang C Y, Zheng G G, Chen Y Y 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 193301 (in Chinese)[刘玉柱, 肖韶荣, 张成义, 郑改革, 陈云云 2012 61 193301]


    Zhang J, Zhang S A, Yang Y, Sun S Z, Wu H, Li J, Chen Y T, Jia T Q, Wang Z G, Kong F N, Sun Z R 2014 Phys. Rev. A 90 053428


    Kettunen J A, Sankari A, Partanen L, Urpelainen S, Kivimki A, Huttula M 2012 Phys. Rev. A 85 062703


    Liu Y Z, Chen Y Y, Zheng G G, Jin F, Knopp G 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 053302 (in Chinese)[刘玉柱, 陈云云, 郑改革, 金峰, Knopp Gregor 2016 65 053302]


    Liu Y Z, Xiao S R, Wang J F, He Z F, Qiu X J, Knopp G 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 113301 (in Chinese)[刘玉柱, 肖韶荣, 王俊锋, 何仲福, 邱学军, Knopp Gregor 2016 65 113301]


    Liu Y Z, Deng X L, Li S, Guan Y, Li J, Long J Y, Zhang B 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 193301 (in Chinese)[刘玉柱, 邓绪兰, 李帅, 管跃, 李静, 龙金友, 张冰 2016 65 193301]


    Liu Y Z, Long J Y, Xu L X, Zhang X Y, Zhang B 2017 Chin. Phys. Lett. 34 033301


    Orr-Ewing A J 2015 Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem. 66 119


    Orlando J J, Burkholder J B 1995 J. Phys. Chem. 99 1143


    Tellinghuisen J 2001 J. Chem. Phys. 115 10417


    Gomes J D, Gargano R, Martins J B L, de Macedo L G M 2014 J. Phys. Chem. A 118 5818


    Focsa C, Li H, Bernath P F 2000 J. Mol. Spectrosc. 200 104


    Yukiya T, Nishimiya N, Samejima Y, Yamaguchi K, Suzuki M, Boone C D, Ozier I, Le Roy R J 2013 J. Mol. Spectrosc. 283 32


    Jung Y J, Park M S, Kim Y S, Jung K H 1999 J. Chem. Phys. 111 4005


    Kim T K, Park M S, Lee K W, Jung K H 2001 J. Chem. Phys. 115 10745


    Zhu R S, Tang B F, Zhang X, Zhang B 2010 J. Phys. Chem. A 114 6188


    Han Y C, Yuan K J, Hu W H, Yan T M, Cong S L 2008 J. Chem. Phys. 128 134303


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    Willner K, Dulieu O, Masnou-Seeuwsa F 2004 J. Chem. Phys. 120 548


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  • Received Date:  08 May 2017
  • Accepted Date:  05 July 2017
  • Published Online:  05 October 2017

