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A broadband polarization converter based on resonant ring in terahertz region

Fu Ya-Nan Zhang Xin-Qun Zhao Guo-Zhong Li Yong-Hua Yu Jia-Yi


A broadband polarization converter based on resonant ring in terahertz region

Fu Ya-Nan, Zhang Xin-Qun, Zhao Guo-Zhong, Li Yong-Hua, Yu Jia-Yi
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  • The terahertz polarization converter has potential applications in the field of terahertz spectroscopy and imaging. A broadband and high conversion rate of terahertz linear polarization converter based on the metasurface of resonant ring is proposed. The designed structure consists of three layers, i.e., the top layer, which is a metasurface of resonant ring; the bottom layer, which is a metal film of aluminum; a dielectric layer of polyethylene terephthalate, which is sandwiched in between. In order to obtain the best performance, the simulation and optimization are performed by using CST microwave studio. At the same time, the preparation conditions are also taken into account. The optimized geometric parameters of device are obtained. The samples are prepared by using the photolithography and wet etching. The performance of the designed polarization converter is demonstrated experimentally by using the terahertz time domain spectroscopy. The experimental results show that the proposed device can rotate 90° the polarization state of incident terahertz wave of linear polarization in a frequency range from 0.59 THz to 1.24 THz. The polarization conversion rate is more than 80%. The experimental result is in good agreement with the simulated one. By calculating the polarization angle and elliptical angle of the reflected terahertz wave, it is proved that this device can achieve a high-efficiency linear polarization conversion in a wide frequency range. The distributions of surface currents and electric fields are simulated at the frequency with the high polarization conversion rate. The mechanism of high polarization conversion rate is analyzed based on the distribution of surface currents. The performances of broadband and high conversion rate of the designed structure are derived from the third-order electromagnetic resonance. At the same time, the dependence of the polarization conversion rate on incident angle and polarization angle is stimulated and analyzed. The results show that this device has a good polarization conversion performance in an incidence angle range of 0°-30° and a polarization angle range of-10°-10°.
      Corresponding author: Zhao Guo-Zhong,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61575130, 61575131, 50971094) and the Natural Science Foundation of Beijing, China (Grant No. KZ201310028032).

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    Zhang Z W, Zhao Y M, Li C Y, Zhang C L 2015 Sci. China:Phys. Mech. Astron. 58 124202


    Sibik J, Axel Zeitler J 2016 Adv. Drug Deliv. Rev. 100 147


    Huang Z, Park H, Parrott E P J, Chan H P, Pickwell-MacPherson E 2013 IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett. 25 81


    Hofmann T, Schade U, Herzinger C, Esquinazi P, Schubert M 2006 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 77 063902


    Brucherseifer M, Nagel M, Bolivar P H, Kurz H, Bosserhoff A, Bttner R 2000 Appl. Phys. Lett. 77 4049


    Bolivar P, Brucherseifer M, Nagel M, Kurz H, Bosserhoff A, Bttner R 2002 Phys. Med. Biol. 47 3815


    Wang X, Cui Y, Sun W, Ye J, Zhang Y 2010 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 27 2387


    Chen H, Bian H, Li J, Guo X, Wen X, Zheng J 2013 J. Phys. Chem. B 117 15614


    Smith D R, Pendry J B, Wiltshire M C 2004 Science 305 788


    Chen H T, Hara J F O, Azad A K, Taylor A J, Averitt R D, Shrekenhamer D B, Padilla W J 2008 Nat. Photon. 2 295


    Chen H T, Hara J F O, Taylor A J, Averitt R D, Highstrete C, Lee M, Padilla W J 2007 Opt. Express 15 1084


    Dong J W, Zheng H H, Lai Y, Wang H Z, Chan C 2011 Phys. Rev. B 83 115124


    Dolling G, Wegener M, Soukoulis C M, Linden S 2007 Opt. Lett. 32 53


    Singh R, Plum E, Menzel C, Rockstuhl C, Azad A, Cheville R, Lederer F, Zhang W, Zheludev N 2009 Phys. Rev. B 80 153104


    Strikwerda A C, Fan K, Tao H, Pilon D V, Zhang X, Averitt R D 2009 Opt. Express 17 136


    Ma X, Huang C, Pu M, Hu C, Feng Q, Luo X 2012 Opt. Express 20 16050


    Kanda N, Konishi K, Kuwata-Gonokami M 2007 Opt. Express 15 11117


    Huang C, Ma X, Pu M, Yi G, Wang Y, Luo X 2013 Opt. Commun. 291 345


    Cong L, Cao W, Zhang X Q, Tian Z, Gu J Q, Singh R, Han J G, Zhang W L 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 103 171107


    Tang J G, Xiao Z Y, Xu K K, Ma X L, Liu D J, Wang Z H 2016 Opt. Quant Electron 48 111


    Yang L, Fan F, Chen M, Zhang X Z, Chang S J 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 080702(in Chinese)[杨磊, 范飞, 陈猛, 张选洲, 常胜江2016 65 080702]


    Li Y F, Zhang J Q, Qu S B, Wang J F, Zheng L, Pang Y Q, Xu Z, Zhang A X 2015 J. Appl. Phys. 117 044501

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  • Received Date:  12 April 2017
  • Accepted Date:  01 June 2017
  • Published Online:  05 September 2017

