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K-shell X-ray emission from high energy pulsed C6+ ion beam impacting on Ni target

Mei Ce-Xiang Zhang Xiao-An Zhou Xian-Ming Zhao Yong-Tao Ren Jie-Ru Wang Xing Lei Yu Sun Yuan-Bo Cheng Rei Xu Ge Zeng Li-Xia


K-shell X-ray emission from high energy pulsed C6+ ion beam impacting on Ni target

Mei Ce-Xiang, Zhang Xiao-An, Zhou Xian-Ming, Zhao Yong-Tao, Ren Jie-Ru, Wang Xing, Lei Yu, Sun Yuan-Bo, Cheng Rei, Xu Ge, Zeng Li-Xia
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  • Accurate measurement of the ionization cross section of the target atom induced by collision between ions and atoms is of great significance for studying the atomic shell process and establishing a suitable theoretical model. The experimental data and the theoretical models mostly concentrate on the cases in the low energy region at present. Only a few experimental data of high energy region are reported due to the limitation of experimental conditions. Which theory is more suitable to describe the ionization cross section of the inner shell of the target atom caused by the high energy heavy ions, is necessarily studied experimentally. The C6+ ions provided by the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou Electron Cooling Storage Ring, are used to bombard the Ni target, in which the K-shell X-ray of Ni is measured. The incident energies of C6+ ions are 165, 300, 350 and 430 MeV/u respectively. Through analyzing the intensity ratio of K/K X-ray of Ni, it is found that the influence of incident energy on the intensity ratio of K/K X-ray is not obvious. The intensity ratios of this experiment are greater than the experimental values of incident proton and the calculated values based on the Hartree-Slater theory, which may be caused by the multiple-ionization of the L shell. The production cross sections of Ni K-shell X-ray are calculated by the binary encounter approximation (BEA) model, the plane wave Born approximation (PWBA) model and the energy-loss coulomb-repulsion perturbed-stationary-state relativistic (ECPSSR) theory respectively, which are compared with the experimental results in this paper. It is found that the experimental cross section increases with the increasing incident energy, which is consistent with the trend of BEA model estimation, but the experimental value is obviously lower than the theoretical value. We think that BEA model needs to be modified when describing the ionization process in the high energy region.
      Corresponding author: Zhang Xiao-An,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11605147, 11505248) and the Scientific Research Program Funded by Shaanxi Provincial Education Department, China (Grant No. 15JK1793).

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  • [1]

    Dennerl K, Englhauser J, Trmper J 1997 Science 277 1625


    Hu Z M, Han X Y, Li Y M, Kato D J, Tong X M, Nakamura N 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 073002


    Zhou X M, Zhao Y T, Cheng R, Lei Y, Wang Y Y, Ren J R, Liu S D, Mei C X, Chen X M, Xiao G Q 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 027901 (in Chinese) [周贤明, 赵永涛, 程锐, 雷瑜, 王瑜玉, 任洁茹, 刘世东, 梅策香, 陈熙萌, 肖国青 2016 65 027901]


    Lapicki G, Murty G A V R, Raju G J N, Reddy B S, Reddy S B, Vijayan V 2004 Phys. Rev. A 70 062718


    Wang X, Zhao Y T, Chen R, Zhou X M, Xu G, Sun Y B, Lei Y, Wang Y Y, Ren J R, Yu Y, Li Y F, Zhang X A, Li Y Z, Liang C H, Xiao G Q 2012 Phys. Lett. A 376 1197


    Liang C H, Zhang X A, Li Y Z, Zhao Y T, Mei C X, Zhou X M, Xiao G Q 2013 Acta. Phys. Sin. 62 063202 (in Chinese) [梁昌慧, 张小安, 李耀宗, 赵永涛, 梅策香, 周贤明, 肖国青 2013 62 063202]


    Mei C X, Zhao Y T, Zhang X A, Ren J R, Zhou X M, Wang X, Lei Y, Liang C H, Li Y Z, Xiao G Q 2012 Laser Part. Beams 30 665


    Merzbacher E, Lewis H W 1958 Handbuch der Physik 6 166


    Lapicki G, Laubert R, Brandt W 1980 Phys. Rev. A 22 1889


    Brandt W, Lapicki G 1981 Phys. Rev. A 23 1717


    Lapicki G, Zander A R 1981 Phys. Rev. A 23 2072


    Lapicki G 2002 Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 19 8


    Kocbach L, Hansteen J M, Gundersen R 1980 Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 169 281


    McGuire J H, Richard P 1973 Phys. Rev. A 8 1374


    Fano U, Lichten W 1965 Phys. Rev. Lett 14 627


    Kessler J E G, Deslatts R D, Girard D, Schwitz W, Jacobs L, Renner O 1982 Phys. Rev. A 26 2696


    Thompson A C, Kirz J, Attwood D T, Gullikson E M, Howells M R, Kortright J B, Robinson A L, Underwood J M 2009 X-ray Data Booklet (3rd Ed.)


    Scofield J H 1974 Phys. Rev. A 9 1041


    Slabkowska K, Polasik M 2003 Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 205 123


    Zhou X M, Cheng R, Lei Y, Sun Y B, Wang Y Y, Wang X, Xu G, Mei C X, Zhang X A, Chen X M, Xiao G Q, Zhao Y T 2016 Chin. Phys. B 25 023402


    Gryzinski M 1965 Phys. Rev. A 138 336


    Liu Z, Cipolla S J 1996 Comp. Phys. Comm. 97 315


    Benka O, Kropf A 1978 Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 22 219


    Krause M O 1979 J. Phys. Chem. Ref. 8 307


    Tawara H, Richard P, Gray T J, Newcomb J, Jamison K A, Schmiedekamp C, Hall J M 1978 Phys. Rev. A 18 1373


    Czarnota M, Banaś D, Braziewicz J, Semaniak J, Pajek M 2009 Phys. Rev. A 79 032710

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  • Received Date:  30 March 2017
  • Accepted Date:  05 May 2017
  • Published Online:  05 July 2017

