在能量为154 – 424 MeV/u的高能区域, 研究了C6+离子轰击W靶时激发W的L壳层X射线. 本文中, 由于L X射线发射时M、N等外壳层处于多空穴的状态, 观测到了相应谱线能量的蓝移, 以及分支Lı、 Lβ1, 3, 4、 Lβ2, 15与Lα1, 2 X射线相对强度比的增大. 另外, 利用优化的厚靶截面公式,并考虑多电离对X射线荧光产额的影响, 计算了L X射线的发射截面,并与PWBA、ECPSSR和BEA理论计算进行了对比. 分析表明, 在本实验能区内ECPSSR对PWBA的修正作用可以忽略,两者计算结果几乎相同且均大于实验截面; BEA估算整体上与实验结果符合较好.The L-shell X-ray emissions of tungsten has been investigated under the bombardment of C6+ ions in the high energy region of 154 - 424 MeV/u. Compared to the atomic data, the energy of the X-ray is enlarged, and the relative intensity ratios of Lı, Lβ1, 3, 4 and Lβ2, 15 to Lα1, 2 X-rays are enhanced. The L-subshell and the total X-ray production cross sections were calculated by a well corrected thick target formula and compared with the theoretical estimation of BEA, PWBA and ECPSSR. On the whole, the experimental cross sections are all smaller than the prediction of PWBA and ECPSSR, but in agreement roughly with that of BEA. It is indicated that the inner-shell ionization of W can be considered to be a binary process between the high energy C6+ ions acting as a point charge and the independent target electrons. With the L-shell ionization, the outer-shells are multiply ionized. The multi-ionization degree is regard to be almost constant in the present work. This results in the X-ray energy blue shift and the enhancement of the relative intensity ratios of Lı and Lβ to Lα X-ray. Using the atomic parameters corrected by multi-ionization, the X-ray production cross section can be estimated by the BEA model.
- High energy heavy ions /
- Ion-atom collision /
- X-ray /
- Multiple ionization
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