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Based on the molecular dynamics characteristic research of heat conduction of graphyne nanoribbons with vacancy defects

Lan Sheng Li Kun Gao Xin-Yun


Based on the molecular dynamics characteristic research of heat conduction of graphyne nanoribbons with vacancy defects

Lan Sheng, Li Kun, Gao Xin-Yun
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  • As a kind of nano-material, graphyne nanoribbon has some physical properties and its properties should be studied for its better usage. In the process of preparing graphyne nanoribbons, it is possible that vacancy defects exist in the lattice structure, which will affect the physical properties of the graphyne nanoribbons. The flotation of graphyne is closer to the actual situation in engineering than the complete graphyne nanoribbons, and the diversity of vacancy defects can lead to various thermal conductivities, so it is very important to simulate the effects of various vacancy defects on thermal conductivity. In order to better predicte and control heat transfer characteristics of graphyne nanoribbons, this paper focuses on the effects of vacancy defects on the heat transfer characteristics of graphyne nanoribbons. According to the different cutting directions of graphyne nanoribbons, two different types of graphyne nanoribbons are obtained, i.e., armchair type and zigzag type. We compare the effects of vacancy defects on the thermal conductivity of two different chiral graphynes nanoribbons to improve the persuasiveness of the conclusion. In this paper, non-equilibrium molecular dynamics method is adopted, by applying periodic boundary conditions in the length direction of the nanoribbons, the interaction between the carbon-carbon atoms is described based on a potential function of adaptive intermolecular reactive empirical bond order (AIREBO). At 300 K, the effects of single vacancy defect in the acetylene chain, single vacancy defect in the benzene ring or double vacancy defects in the acetylene chain on the thermal conductivities of single-layer graphyne nanoribbons are simulated. Fourier's law is used to calculate the thermal conductivities of graphyne nanoribbons. The simulation results show that for the thermal conductivity of graphyne nanoribbons in a-few-dozen nanometer range:1) as a result of the phonon scattering and enhanced phonon Umklapp process, the graphyne nanoribbons with vacancy defects will cause the thermal conductivity to decrease and becomes lower than that of the complete graphyne nanoribbons; 2) due to the difference in phonon density-of-states matching degree, the vacancy defect in the benzene ring of graphyne nanoribbons has a greater effect on the thermal conductivity than that of vacancy defect in the acetylene chain of graphyne nanoribbons, the vacancy defects have a strong influence on the thermal conductivity of in the acetylene chain of graphyne nanoribbons; 3) because of the influence of size effect, the thermal conductivity of graphyne nanoribbon increases with length increasing. In this paper, the research of the thermal conductivity of graphyne nanoribbon provides the reference for controlling their thermal conductivity on a certain scale.
      Corresponding author: Lan Sheng,; ; Li Kun,;
    • Funds: Project supported by the Science Foundation of the Fujian Province,China (Grant No.2015J01194) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.61174117).

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  • Received Date:  10 April 2017
  • Accepted Date:  09 May 2017
  • Published Online:  05 July 2017

