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Retrieval method of cirrus microphysical parameters at terahertz wave based on multiple lookup tables

Li Shu-Lei Liu Lei Gao Tai-Chang Hu Shuai Huang Wei


Retrieval method of cirrus microphysical parameters at terahertz wave based on multiple lookup tables

Li Shu-Lei, Liu Lei, Gao Tai-Chang, Hu Shuai, Huang Wei
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  • Cirrus is an important regulator for the flow of radiant energy in the earth-atmosphere system through the processes of scattering and absorption of radiation. In order to satisfy the urgent requirement for accurate retrieval of cirrus microphysical properties, terahertz wave is expected to be the best waveband for inverting cirrus particle size and ice water path, with terahertz wavelengths on the order of the size of typical cirrus particles. There is an urgent need for establishing stable and accurate inversion method. A new retrieval method for particle size and ice water path is developed based on multiple lookup tables for spaceborne measurements of brightness temperature spectrum of 183 GHz, 325 GHz, 462 GHz, 664 GHz, and 874 GHz channels. Five parameters are derived to quantify the effects of particle size and ice water path on terahertz radiation spectrum due to the scattering of ice clouds, manifested by brightness temperature difference, brightness temperature difference slope, etc. To retrieve cirrus microphysical parameters, a weighted least square fit that matches the modeled parameters is used. The analysis of retrieval errors are conducted by a simulated data series and the results are compared with those retrieved by the other two methods, i. e., difference method and slope method. The results retrieved by the multiple lookup table method are much closer to the simulated data series than those from the other two methods. It is indicated that the method introduced here is a stable and valid method of inverting particles between 50 and 500 m and ice water path between 10 and 500 g/m2. Compared with the errors from the difference-featured method and slope-featured method, the retrieval errors are reduced by 68.78% and 60.28% for particle size, 78.17% and 49.01% for ice water path. The analyses of retrieval uncertainties show that, in general, uncertainties of particle size and ice water path vary with particle size and ice water path. The ice water path uncertainties mainly spread in a range of 0-15 g/m2. The particle size uncertainties fluctuate within a range of 0-20 m. In other words, for small particle size range, the uncertainties are 0-5 m for thick clouds and 5-20 m for thin clouds. However, for large particle size range, the uncertainties are 0-5 m for particles larger than 300 m and 5-15 m for those smaller than 300 m. The results will be helpful for further developing the terahertz wave remote sensing of cirrus microphysical parameter technology. Moreover, it is also an important reference to the improvement of cirrus retrieval accuracy.
      Corresponding author: Liu Lei,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41575024).

    Rossow W B, Schiffer R A 1991Bull.Am.Meteorol.Soc. 72 2


    Parry M L, Canziani O F, Palutikof J P 2007Climate change 2007:Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press) pp214-223


    Heymsfield A J 2003J.Atmos.Sci. 60 2592


    Davis C P, Evans K F, Buehler S A, Wu D L, Pumphrey H C 2006Atmos.Chem.Phys.Discuss. 6 12701


    Mendrok J, Baron P, Yasuko K 2008Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere XⅢ Cardiff, United Kingdom, September 15, 2008 p710704


    Mendrok J, Wu D L, Stefan A B 2009Sensors, Systems and Next-generation Satellites XⅢBerlin, Germany, August 31, 2009 p74740T-1


    Vanek M D, Nolt I G, Tappan N D, Peter A R, Gannaway F C, Hamilton P A, Lee C, Davis J E, Predko S 2001Appl.Opt. 40 2169


    Evans K F, Walter S J, Heymsfield A J, Mcfarquhar G 2002J.Geophys.Res. 107 4028


    Miao J, Johnsen K P, Buehler S A, Kokhanovsky A 2003Atmos.Chem.Phys. 3 39


    Buehler S A, Jimnez C, Evans K F, Eriksson P, Rydberg B, Heymsfield A J, Stubenrauch C J, Lohmann U, Emde C, John V O, Sreerekha T R, Davis C P 2007Q.J.R.Meteorolog.Soc. 133 109


    Zhao H B, Zheng C, Zhang Y F, Liang B, Ou N M, Miao J G 2014Prog.Electromagn.Res.M 35 183


    Buehler S A, Defer E, Evans K F, Eliasson S, Mendrok J, Eriksson P, Lee C, Jimenez C, Prigent C, Crewell S, Kasai Y, Bennartz R, Gasiewski A J 2012Atmos.Meas.Tech. 5 1529


    Moyna B, Lee C, Charlton J, Rule I, King R, Oldfield M, Kangas V 2010Twenty-First International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology Oxford, UK, March 23, 2010 185


    Evans K F, Stephens G L 1995J.Atmos.Sci. 52 2058


    Evans K F, Walter S J, Heymsfield A J, Deeter M N 1998J.Appl.Meteor. 37 184


    Jimnez C, Eriksson P, Murtagh D 2003J.Geophys.Res. 108 4791


    Jimnez C, Buehler S A, Rydberg B, Eriksson P, Evans K F 2007Q.J.R.Meteorolog.Soc. 133 129


    Evans K F, Walter S J, Heymsfield A J, McFarquhar G M 2002J.Geophys.Res. 107 4028


    Evans K F, Wang J R, Racette P E, Heymsfield G, Li L H 2004J.Appl.Meteorol. 44 839


    Evans K F, Wang J R, Starr D O, Heymsfield G, Li L H, Tian L, Lawson R P, Heymsfield A J, Bansemer A 2012Atmos.Meas.Tech. 5 2277


    Li S L, Liu L, Gao T C, Huang W, Hu S 2016Acta Phys.Sin. 65 134102(in Chinese)[李书磊, 刘磊, 高太长, 黄威, 胡帅2016 65 134102]


    Liou K N (translated by Guo C L, Zhou S J)2004An Introduction to Atmospheric Radiation(2nd Ed.)(Beijing:China Meteorology Press) pp170-176(in Chinese)[廖国男著(郭彩丽, 周诗健译)2004大气辐射导论(北京:气象出版社)第170-176页]


    Buehler S A, Eriksson P, Kuhna T 2005J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Transfer 91 65


    Eriksson P, Buehler S A, Davis C P 2011J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Transfer 112 1551


    Emde C, Buehler S A, Davis C, Eriksson P, Sreerekha T R, Teichmann C 2004J.Geophys.Res. 109 D24207


    Anderson G P, Clough S A, Kneizys F X 1986AFGL Atmospheric Constituent Profiles (0-120 km)(Hanscom Massachusetts:Optical Physics Division, Air Force Geophysics Laboratory) pp21-35


    Hong G, Yang P, Baum B A, Heymsfield A J, Weng F Z, Liu Q H, Heygster G, Buehler S A 2009J.Geophys.Res. 114 D06201


    Andrew J H, Aron B, Carl S 2004Am.Meteorol.Soc.61 982


    Jeffrey L S, Julie A H, Andrew J H 2004Am.Meteorol.Soc.43 779


    Baum B A, Heymsfield A J, Yang P, Bedka S T 2005J.Appl.Meteorol. 44 1885


    Sheng P X, Mao J T, Li J G, Ge Z M, Zhang A C, Sang J G, Pan N X, Zhang H S 2013Atmospheric Physics(2nd Ed.)(Beijing:Peking University Press) pp304-305(in Chinese)[盛裴轩, 毛节泰, 李建国, 葛正谟, 张霭琛, 桑建国, 潘乃先, 张宏升2013大气物理学第二版(北京:北京大学出版社)第304-305页]


    Henken C, Lindstrot R, Preusker R, Fischer J 2014Atmos.Meas.Tech. 7 3873


    Arnold C P 2009Cloud Property Retrievals Using ATSR-2Transfer of Status Report Trinity Term pp27-28


    Bevington P R, Robinson D K 2002Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences(3rd Ed.)(New York:McGraw-Hill Education) pp36-46

  • [1]

    Rossow W B, Schiffer R A 1991Bull.Am.Meteorol.Soc. 72 2


    Parry M L, Canziani O F, Palutikof J P 2007Climate change 2007:Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press) pp214-223


    Heymsfield A J 2003J.Atmos.Sci. 60 2592


    Davis C P, Evans K F, Buehler S A, Wu D L, Pumphrey H C 2006Atmos.Chem.Phys.Discuss. 6 12701


    Mendrok J, Baron P, Yasuko K 2008Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere XⅢ Cardiff, United Kingdom, September 15, 2008 p710704


    Mendrok J, Wu D L, Stefan A B 2009Sensors, Systems and Next-generation Satellites XⅢBerlin, Germany, August 31, 2009 p74740T-1


    Vanek M D, Nolt I G, Tappan N D, Peter A R, Gannaway F C, Hamilton P A, Lee C, Davis J E, Predko S 2001Appl.Opt. 40 2169


    Evans K F, Walter S J, Heymsfield A J, Mcfarquhar G 2002J.Geophys.Res. 107 4028


    Miao J, Johnsen K P, Buehler S A, Kokhanovsky A 2003Atmos.Chem.Phys. 3 39


    Buehler S A, Jimnez C, Evans K F, Eriksson P, Rydberg B, Heymsfield A J, Stubenrauch C J, Lohmann U, Emde C, John V O, Sreerekha T R, Davis C P 2007Q.J.R.Meteorolog.Soc. 133 109


    Zhao H B, Zheng C, Zhang Y F, Liang B, Ou N M, Miao J G 2014Prog.Electromagn.Res.M 35 183


    Buehler S A, Defer E, Evans K F, Eliasson S, Mendrok J, Eriksson P, Lee C, Jimenez C, Prigent C, Crewell S, Kasai Y, Bennartz R, Gasiewski A J 2012Atmos.Meas.Tech. 5 1529


    Moyna B, Lee C, Charlton J, Rule I, King R, Oldfield M, Kangas V 2010Twenty-First International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology Oxford, UK, March 23, 2010 185


    Evans K F, Stephens G L 1995J.Atmos.Sci. 52 2058


    Evans K F, Walter S J, Heymsfield A J, Deeter M N 1998J.Appl.Meteor. 37 184


    Jimnez C, Eriksson P, Murtagh D 2003J.Geophys.Res. 108 4791


    Jimnez C, Buehler S A, Rydberg B, Eriksson P, Evans K F 2007Q.J.R.Meteorolog.Soc. 133 129


    Evans K F, Walter S J, Heymsfield A J, McFarquhar G M 2002J.Geophys.Res. 107 4028


    Evans K F, Wang J R, Racette P E, Heymsfield G, Li L H 2004J.Appl.Meteorol. 44 839


    Evans K F, Wang J R, Starr D O, Heymsfield G, Li L H, Tian L, Lawson R P, Heymsfield A J, Bansemer A 2012Atmos.Meas.Tech. 5 2277


    Li S L, Liu L, Gao T C, Huang W, Hu S 2016Acta Phys.Sin. 65 134102(in Chinese)[李书磊, 刘磊, 高太长, 黄威, 胡帅2016 65 134102]


    Liou K N (translated by Guo C L, Zhou S J)2004An Introduction to Atmospheric Radiation(2nd Ed.)(Beijing:China Meteorology Press) pp170-176(in Chinese)[廖国男著(郭彩丽, 周诗健译)2004大气辐射导论(北京:气象出版社)第170-176页]


    Buehler S A, Eriksson P, Kuhna T 2005J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Transfer 91 65


    Eriksson P, Buehler S A, Davis C P 2011J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Transfer 112 1551


    Emde C, Buehler S A, Davis C, Eriksson P, Sreerekha T R, Teichmann C 2004J.Geophys.Res. 109 D24207


    Anderson G P, Clough S A, Kneizys F X 1986AFGL Atmospheric Constituent Profiles (0-120 km)(Hanscom Massachusetts:Optical Physics Division, Air Force Geophysics Laboratory) pp21-35


    Hong G, Yang P, Baum B A, Heymsfield A J, Weng F Z, Liu Q H, Heygster G, Buehler S A 2009J.Geophys.Res. 114 D06201


    Andrew J H, Aron B, Carl S 2004Am.Meteorol.Soc.61 982


    Jeffrey L S, Julie A H, Andrew J H 2004Am.Meteorol.Soc.43 779


    Baum B A, Heymsfield A J, Yang P, Bedka S T 2005J.Appl.Meteorol. 44 1885


    Sheng P X, Mao J T, Li J G, Ge Z M, Zhang A C, Sang J G, Pan N X, Zhang H S 2013Atmospheric Physics(2nd Ed.)(Beijing:Peking University Press) pp304-305(in Chinese)[盛裴轩, 毛节泰, 李建国, 葛正谟, 张霭琛, 桑建国, 潘乃先, 张宏升2013大气物理学第二版(北京:北京大学出版社)第304-305页]


    Henken C, Lindstrot R, Preusker R, Fischer J 2014Atmos.Meas.Tech. 7 3873


    Arnold C P 2009Cloud Property Retrievals Using ATSR-2Transfer of Status Report Trinity Term pp27-28


    Bevington P R, Robinson D K 2002Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences(3rd Ed.)(New York:McGraw-Hill Education) pp36-46

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  • Received Date:  05 August 2016
  • Accepted Date:  30 November 2016
  • Published Online:  05 March 2017

