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Biological effects of terahertz waves

Peng Xiao-Yu Zhou Huan


Biological effects of terahertz waves

Peng Xiao-Yu, Zhou Huan
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • There are numerous applications of terahertz (THz) waves in biomedicine due to their properties that can be absorbed strongly by water in biological systems and resonant with biological macromolecules and weak interactions among them in the biological systems. Though there is no direct ionization damage to the biological tissues due to their low photon energy, the THz waves can give rise to a series of biological effects on the biological cells and tissues with the increase of the intensity of the THz beam. Different irradiation conditions such as the different parameters of the THz waves and the different biological systems will result in different biological effects, including mainly the thermal effects and non-thermal effects. In this paper, we discuss first the physical mechanisms of these two kinds of effects, then introduce the existing main THz sources suitable for studying the biological effects, and summarize the typical biological effects in detail and the research progress in this field. Finally we prospect the potential applications and challenges of the THz wave biological effects.
      Corresponding author: Peng Xiao-Yu,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2017YFA0701000) and the NSAF Joint Fund, China (Grant No. U2030119).

    Yi W T, Yu J P, Xu Y T, Wang F, Yu Q, Sun H J, Xu L, Liu Y F, Jiang L 2016 Instrum. Sci. Technol. 45 423Google Scholar


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    Ladanyi B M, Skaf M S 1993 Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 44 335Google Scholar


    Russo D, Hura G, Head-Gordon T 2004 Biophys. J. 86 1852Google Scholar


    Yada H, Nagai M, Tanaka K 2008 Chem. Phys. Lett. 464 166Google Scholar


    Kristensen T T, Withayachumnankul W, Jepsen P U, et al. 2010 Opt. Express 18 4727Google Scholar


    Yu M, Yan S, Sun Y Q, Sheng W, Tang F, Peng X Y, Hu Y 2019 Sensors 19 1148Google Scholar


    Pal S K, Zewail A H 2004 Chem. Rev. 104 2099Google Scholar


    Alexandrov B S, Gelev V, Bishop A R, Usheva A, Rasmussen K Ø 2010 Phys. Lett. A 374 1214Google Scholar


    Fischer B M, Walther M, Uhd J P 2002 Phys. Med. Biol. 47 3807Google Scholar


    Cherkasova O P, Fedorov V I, Nemova E F, Pogodin A S 2009 Opt. Spectrosc. 107 534Google Scholar


    Borovkova M, Serebriakova M, Fedorov V, Sedykh E, Vaks V, Lichutin A, Salnikova A, Khodzitsky M 2017 Biomed. Opt. Express 8 273Google Scholar


    Perera P G T, Appadoo D R T, Cheeseman S, Wandiyanto J V, Linklater D, Dekiwadia C, Truong V K, Tobin M J, Vongsvivut J, Bazaka O, Bazaka K, Croft R J, Crawford R J, Ivanova E P 2019 Cancers 11 162Google Scholar


    Kampfrath T, Tanaka K, Nelson K A 2013 Nat. Photonics 7 680Google Scholar


    Liao G, Li Y, Liu H, Scott G G, Neely D, Zhang Y, Zhu B, Zhang Z, Armstrong C, Zemaityte E, Bradford P, Huggard P G, Rusby D R, McKenna P, Brenner Ce M, Woolsey N C, Wang W, Sheng Z, Zhang J 2019 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 116 3994Google Scholar


    Zhang D, Fakhari M, Cankaya H, Calendron A L, Matlis N H, Kärtner F X 2020 Phys. Rev. X 10 011067Google Scholar


    Williams R, Schofield A, Holder G, Downes J, Edgar D, Harrison P, Siggel-King M, Surman M, Dunning D, Hill S, Holder D, Jackson F, Jones J, McKenzie J, Saveliev Y, Thomsen N, Williams P, Weightman P 2013 Phys. Med. Biol. 58 373


    Miyoshi N, Idehara T, Khutoryan E, Fukunaga Y, Bibin A B, Ito S, Sabchevski S P 2016 J. Infrared Millimeter Terahz Waves 37 805Google Scholar


    Song T, Qi X, Yan Z, Liang P S, Zhang C, Huang J, Wang W, Zhang K C, Hu M, Wu Z H, Zhao T, Liu D W 2021 IEEE Electron. Device Lett. 42 1232Google Scholar


    Doria A, Gallerano G P, Giovenale E, Messina G, Spassovsky I 2004 Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 264801Google Scholar


    Grosse E 2002 Phys. Med. Biol. 47 3755Google Scholar


    Glyavin M Y, Luchiniin A G, Golubiatnikov G Y 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 015101Google Scholar


    Daranciang D, Goodfellow J, Fuchs M, Wen H, Ghimire S, Reis D A, Loos H, Fisher A S, Lindenberg A M 2011 Appl. Phys. Lett. 99 141117Google Scholar


    Tian Q L, Xu H X, Wang Y, Liang Y F, Tan Y M, Ning X N, Yan L X, Du Y C, Li R K, Hua J F, Huang W H, Tang C X 2021 Opt. Express 29 9624Google Scholar


    Zhang B H, Ma Z Z, Ma J L, Wu X J, Ouyang C, Kong D Y, Hong T S, Wang X, Yang P D, Chen L M, Li Y T, Zhang J 2021 Laser & Photonics Rev. 15 2000295Google Scholar


    Sheng W, Tang F, Zhang Z L, Chen Y P, Peng X Y, Sheng Z M 2021 Opt. Express 29 8676Google Scholar


    Oh T I, You Y S, Jhajj N, Rosenthal E W, Milchberg H M, Kim K Y 2013 New J. Phys. 15 075002Google Scholar


    余争平, 张蕾 2020 第三军医大学学报 42 2259Google Scholar

    Yu Z P, Zhang L 2020 J. Third Mil. Med. Univ. 42 2259Google Scholar


    Bondar N P, Kovalenko I L, Avgustinovich D F, Khamoyan A G, Kudryavtseva N N 2008 Bull. Exp. Biol. Med. 145 401


    Kirichuk V F, Antipova O N, Krylova Y A 2014 Bull. Exp. Biol. Med. 157 184Google Scholar


    Kirichuk V F, Efimova N V, Andronov E V 2009 Bull. Exp. Biol. Med. 148 746Google Scholar


    Ostrovskiy N V, Nikituk C M, Kirichuk V F, Krenitskiy A P, Majborodin A V, Tupikin V D, Shub G M 2005 Joint 30th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 13 th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics Williamsburg, USA, September 19–23, 2005 p301


    Weismana N Y, Fedorov V I, Nemovab E F, Nikolaev N A 2013 Adv. Gerontology 26 631Google Scholar


    Wilmink G J, Grundt J E 2011 J. Infrared. Millimeter Terahz Waves 32 1074Google Scholar


    Bottauscio O, Chiampi M, Zilberti L 2015 IEEE 3 51Google Scholar


    Dalzell D R, Quade J M, Vincelette R, Ibey B, Payne J, Thomas R, Roach W P, Roth C L, Wilmink G J 2010 Proc. SPIE 7562 75620Google Scholar


    陈纯海, 马秦龙, 陶嘉雯, 卢永辉, 林敏, 高鹏, 邓平, 何旻蒂, 皮会丰, 张蕾, 张彦文, 余争平 2020 第三军医大学学报 42 2282Google Scholar

    Chen C H, Ma Q L, Tao J W, Lu Y H, Lin M, Gao P, Deng P, He M D, Pi H F, Zhang L, Zhang Y W, Yu Z P 2020 J. Third Mil. Med. Univ. 42 2282Google Scholar


    高鹏, 卢永辉, 马秦龙, 李敏, 陈纯海, 何旻蒂, 余争平 2020 第三军医大学学报 42 2290Google Scholar

    Gao P, Lu Y H, Ma Q L, Li M, Chen C H, He M D, Yu Z P 2020 J. Third Mil. Med. Univ. 42 2290Google Scholar


    Hwang Y, Ahn J, Mun J, Bae S, Uk J Y, Vinokurov N A, Kim P 2014 Opt. Express 22 11465Google Scholar


    Zhou J, Ge Z Z, Jiang P D, Rao X, Wu S T, Qian J J, Wu D, Li P, Zhang P, Yan L G, Li M 2021 Proc. SPIE 11909 119090ZGoogle Scholar


    Ge Z Z, Zhou J, Wu S T, Rao X, Qian J J, Zhu Z 2021 Proc. SPIE 11909 119090YGoogle Scholar


    Alexandrov B S, Rasmussen K Ø, Bishop A R, Usheva A, Alexandrov L B, Chong S, Dagon Y, Booshehri L G, Mielke C H, Phipps M L, Martinez J S, Chen H T, Rodriguez G 2011 Biomed. Opt. Express 2 2679Google Scholar


    马秦龙, 陈纯海, 林敏, 陶嘉雯, 邓平, 高鹏, 卢永辉, 皮会丰, 何旻蒂, 张蕾, 张彦文, 余争平 2020 第三军医大学学报 42 2267Google Scholar

    Ma Q L, Chen C H, Lin M, Tao J W, Deng P, Gao P, Lu Y H, Pi H F, He M D, Zhang L, Zhang Y W, Yu Z P 2020 J. Third Mil. Med. Univ. 42 2267Google Scholar


    Ramundo-Orlando A, Gallerano G P, Stano P, Doria A, Giovenale E, Messina G, Cappelli M, D’Arienzo M, Spassovsky I 2007 Bioelectromagnetics 28 587Google Scholar


    Ramundo-Orlando A, Gallerano G P 2009 J. Infrared Millimeter Terahz Waves 30 1308Google Scholar


    Fedorov V I, Khamoyan A G, Shevela E Y, Chernykh E R 2007 Proc. SPIE. 6734 673404Google Scholar


    Olshevskaya J S, Ratushnyak A S, Petrov A K, Kozlov A S, Zapara T A 2008 IEEE Region 8 International Conference on Computational Technologies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Novosibirsk, Russia, July 21–25, 2008 p210


    Hintzsche H, Jastrow C, Kleine-Ostmann T, Stopper H, Schmidc E, Schrader T 2011 Radiat. Res. 175 569Google Scholar


    Wei C, Zhang Y C, Li R, Wang S G, Wang T, Liu J H, Liu Z, Wang K J, Liu J S, Liu X M 2018 Biomed. Opt. Express 9 3998Google Scholar


    Wilmink G J, Ibey B L, Roth C L, Vincelette R L, Rivest B D, Horn C B, Bernhard J, Roberson D, Roach W P 2010 Proc. SPIE 7562 75620KGoogle Scholar


    Govorun V M, Tretiakov V E, Tulyakov N N, Fleurov V B, Demin A I, Volkov A Y, Batanov V A, Kapitanov A B 1991 Intl J. Infra. Millimeter. Waves 12 1469Google Scholar


    Lundholm I V, Rodilla H, Wahlgren W Y, Duelli A, Bourenkov I G, Vukusic J, Friedman R, Stake J, Schneider T, Katona G 2015 Struct. Dyn. 2 054702Google Scholar


    Wang K C, Yang L X, Wang S M, Guo L H, Ma J L, Tang J C, Bo W F, Wu Z, Zeng B Q, Gong Y B 2020 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22 9316Google Scholar


    Korenstein-Ilan A, Barbul A, Hasin P, Eliran A, Govern A, Korenstein R 2008 Radiat. Res. 170 224Google Scholar


    Homenko A, Kapilevich B, Kornstein R, Firer M A 2009 Bioelectromagnetics 30 167Google Scholar


    Titova L V, Ayesheshim A K, Golubov A, Rodriguez-Juarez R, Woycicki R, Hegmann F A, Kovalcuk O 2013 Sci. Rep. 3 2363Google Scholar


    Echchgadda I, Cerna C Z, Sloan M A, Elam D P, Ibey B L 2014 Proc. SPIE. 9321 93210QGoogle Scholar


    Zhao J W, He M X, Dong L J, Li S X, Liu L Y, Bu S C, Ouyang C M, Wang P F, Sun L L 2019 Chin. Phys. B 28 048703Google Scholar


    Shang S, Wu X J, Zhang Q, Zhao J P, Hu E L, Wang L L, Lu X Y 2021 Biomed. Opt. Express 12 3729Google Scholar


    Titova L V, Ayesheshim A K, Golubov A, Fogen D, Rodriguez-Juarez R, Hegmann F A, Kovalchuk O 2013 Biomed. Opt. Express 4 559Google Scholar


    Cheon H, Paik J H, Choi M, Yang H J, Son J H 2019 Sci. Rep. 9 6413Google Scholar


    Cheon H, Yang H J, Choi M, Son J H 2019 Biomed. Opt. Express 10 4931Google Scholar


    Romanenko S, Begley R, Harvey A R, Hool L, Wallace V P 2017 J. R. Soc. Interface 14 0585

  • 图 1  DNA/RNA其中3种碱基的太赫兹波吸收光谱[8] (a) 腺嘌呤; (b)鸟嘌呤 ; (c) 胞嘧啶

    Figure 1.  Absorption spectra of three DNA/RNA nucleobases [8]: (a) Adenine; (b) Guanine; (c) Cytosine.

    图 2  肿瘤分别受频率为(a) 0.203 THz和(b) 0.107 THz的太赫兹波辐照后与对照肿瘤的生长曲线图[19]

    Figure 2.  Growth curves of the tumors after the irradiation at (a) 0.203 THz and (b) 0.107 THz compared with that of the control tumors, respectively [19].

    图 3  小鼠干细胞受太赫兹辐照后发生形态变化的显微镜照片 (a)对照组; (b) 宽带太赫兹波辐照2 h; (c) 宽带太赫兹波辐照9 h; (d) 单频连续波太赫兹波辐照2 h; 图(c)中的箭头表示细胞中含有大量的脂滴包涵含物 [43]

    Figure 3.  Light microscopy image: (a) Control cultures; mouse stem cells after (b) 2 h and (c) 9 hours of pulsed broad-band irradiation; (d) mouse stem cells after 2 h of irradiation from the CW laser source. The arrows in panel (c) indicate cells with an elevated number of lipid droplets inclusions [43].

    图 4  PC12细胞受太赫兹波辐照10 min后纳米球的摄入情况. 共聚焦激光扫描显微图像显示受太赫兹波辐照的细胞中摄入了纳米球, 而未受辐照的对照组细胞没有摄入任何纳米球[14]

    Figure 4.  Nanosphere internalization of PC12 cells following a 10 min exposure of THz radiation. Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) images illustrate the uptake of silica nanospheres by the THz treated cells whereas the untreated control does not exhibit any nanosphere uptake[14].

    图 5  太赫兹波辐照效应对精子细胞内钙浓度的影响[50]

    Figure 5.  Effect of terahertz irradiation on the intracellular calcium concentration in sperm[50].

    图 6  样品中存活细胞、早凋亡细胞、晚凋亡细胞与太赫兹波辐照时间的关系[13]

    Figure 6.  Number of live cells and cells at early and late stages of apoptosis in the sample in relation of the THz radiation exposure time[13].

    图 7  强太赫兹脉冲诱导的人类皮肤的基因表达. 维恩图概括了EpiDermFT组织受1.0 μJ或者0.1 μJ太赫兹脉冲辐照后基因表达的变化[57]

    Figure 7.  Intense THz-pulse-induced gene expression in human skin. Venn diagrams summarizing differentially-expressed genes in EpiDermFT tissues exposed to either 1.0 μJ or 0.1 μJ THz pulses[57].

    图 8  黑色素瘤细胞内DNA去甲基化程度随太赫兹波辐照时间的变化曲线[63]

    Figure 8.  THz demethylation dependence on exposure time in M-293T DNA[63].

    图 9  包括太赫兹波主要生物效应的本文逻辑结构图

    Figure 9.  Logical structure diagram including the main bio-effects of THz waves summarized in this paper.

  • [1]

    Yi W T, Yu J P, Xu Y T, Wang F, Yu Q, Sun H J, Xu L, Liu Y F, Jiang L 2016 Instrum. Sci. Technol. 45 423Google Scholar


    Shi C C, Ma Y T, Zhang J, Wei D S, Wang H B, Peng X Y, Tang M J, Yan S H, Zuo G K, Du C L, Cui H L 2018 Biomed. Opt. Express 9 1350Google Scholar


    El-Shenawee M, Vohra N, Bowman T, Bailey K 2019 Biomed. Spectrosc. Imaging 8 1Google Scholar


    Ladanyi B M, Skaf M S 1993 Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 44 335Google Scholar


    Russo D, Hura G, Head-Gordon T 2004 Biophys. J. 86 1852Google Scholar


    Yada H, Nagai M, Tanaka K 2008 Chem. Phys. Lett. 464 166Google Scholar


    Kristensen T T, Withayachumnankul W, Jepsen P U, et al. 2010 Opt. Express 18 4727Google Scholar


    Yu M, Yan S, Sun Y Q, Sheng W, Tang F, Peng X Y, Hu Y 2019 Sensors 19 1148Google Scholar


    Pal S K, Zewail A H 2004 Chem. Rev. 104 2099Google Scholar


    Alexandrov B S, Gelev V, Bishop A R, Usheva A, Rasmussen K Ø 2010 Phys. Lett. A 374 1214Google Scholar


    Fischer B M, Walther M, Uhd J P 2002 Phys. Med. Biol. 47 3807Google Scholar


    Cherkasova O P, Fedorov V I, Nemova E F, Pogodin A S 2009 Opt. Spectrosc. 107 534Google Scholar


    Borovkova M, Serebriakova M, Fedorov V, Sedykh E, Vaks V, Lichutin A, Salnikova A, Khodzitsky M 2017 Biomed. Opt. Express 8 273Google Scholar


    Perera P G T, Appadoo D R T, Cheeseman S, Wandiyanto J V, Linklater D, Dekiwadia C, Truong V K, Tobin M J, Vongsvivut J, Bazaka O, Bazaka K, Croft R J, Crawford R J, Ivanova E P 2019 Cancers 11 162Google Scholar


    Kampfrath T, Tanaka K, Nelson K A 2013 Nat. Photonics 7 680Google Scholar


    Liao G, Li Y, Liu H, Scott G G, Neely D, Zhang Y, Zhu B, Zhang Z, Armstrong C, Zemaityte E, Bradford P, Huggard P G, Rusby D R, McKenna P, Brenner Ce M, Woolsey N C, Wang W, Sheng Z, Zhang J 2019 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 116 3994Google Scholar


    Zhang D, Fakhari M, Cankaya H, Calendron A L, Matlis N H, Kärtner F X 2020 Phys. Rev. X 10 011067Google Scholar


    Williams R, Schofield A, Holder G, Downes J, Edgar D, Harrison P, Siggel-King M, Surman M, Dunning D, Hill S, Holder D, Jackson F, Jones J, McKenzie J, Saveliev Y, Thomsen N, Williams P, Weightman P 2013 Phys. Med. Biol. 58 373


    Miyoshi N, Idehara T, Khutoryan E, Fukunaga Y, Bibin A B, Ito S, Sabchevski S P 2016 J. Infrared Millimeter Terahz Waves 37 805Google Scholar


    Song T, Qi X, Yan Z, Liang P S, Zhang C, Huang J, Wang W, Zhang K C, Hu M, Wu Z H, Zhao T, Liu D W 2021 IEEE Electron. Device Lett. 42 1232Google Scholar


    Doria A, Gallerano G P, Giovenale E, Messina G, Spassovsky I 2004 Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 264801Google Scholar


    Grosse E 2002 Phys. Med. Biol. 47 3755Google Scholar


    Glyavin M Y, Luchiniin A G, Golubiatnikov G Y 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 015101Google Scholar


    Daranciang D, Goodfellow J, Fuchs M, Wen H, Ghimire S, Reis D A, Loos H, Fisher A S, Lindenberg A M 2011 Appl. Phys. Lett. 99 141117Google Scholar


    Tian Q L, Xu H X, Wang Y, Liang Y F, Tan Y M, Ning X N, Yan L X, Du Y C, Li R K, Hua J F, Huang W H, Tang C X 2021 Opt. Express 29 9624Google Scholar


    Zhang B H, Ma Z Z, Ma J L, Wu X J, Ouyang C, Kong D Y, Hong T S, Wang X, Yang P D, Chen L M, Li Y T, Zhang J 2021 Laser & Photonics Rev. 15 2000295Google Scholar


    Sheng W, Tang F, Zhang Z L, Chen Y P, Peng X Y, Sheng Z M 2021 Opt. Express 29 8676Google Scholar


    Oh T I, You Y S, Jhajj N, Rosenthal E W, Milchberg H M, Kim K Y 2013 New J. Phys. 15 075002Google Scholar


    余争平, 张蕾 2020 第三军医大学学报 42 2259Google Scholar

    Yu Z P, Zhang L 2020 J. Third Mil. Med. Univ. 42 2259Google Scholar


    Bondar N P, Kovalenko I L, Avgustinovich D F, Khamoyan A G, Kudryavtseva N N 2008 Bull. Exp. Biol. Med. 145 401


    Kirichuk V F, Antipova O N, Krylova Y A 2014 Bull. Exp. Biol. Med. 157 184Google Scholar


    Kirichuk V F, Efimova N V, Andronov E V 2009 Bull. Exp. Biol. Med. 148 746Google Scholar


    Ostrovskiy N V, Nikituk C M, Kirichuk V F, Krenitskiy A P, Majborodin A V, Tupikin V D, Shub G M 2005 Joint 30th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 13 th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics Williamsburg, USA, September 19–23, 2005 p301


    Weismana N Y, Fedorov V I, Nemovab E F, Nikolaev N A 2013 Adv. Gerontology 26 631Google Scholar


    Wilmink G J, Grundt J E 2011 J. Infrared. Millimeter Terahz Waves 32 1074Google Scholar


    Bottauscio O, Chiampi M, Zilberti L 2015 IEEE 3 51Google Scholar


    Dalzell D R, Quade J M, Vincelette R, Ibey B, Payne J, Thomas R, Roach W P, Roth C L, Wilmink G J 2010 Proc. SPIE 7562 75620Google Scholar


    陈纯海, 马秦龙, 陶嘉雯, 卢永辉, 林敏, 高鹏, 邓平, 何旻蒂, 皮会丰, 张蕾, 张彦文, 余争平 2020 第三军医大学学报 42 2282Google Scholar

    Chen C H, Ma Q L, Tao J W, Lu Y H, Lin M, Gao P, Deng P, He M D, Pi H F, Zhang L, Zhang Y W, Yu Z P 2020 J. Third Mil. Med. Univ. 42 2282Google Scholar


    高鹏, 卢永辉, 马秦龙, 李敏, 陈纯海, 何旻蒂, 余争平 2020 第三军医大学学报 42 2290Google Scholar

    Gao P, Lu Y H, Ma Q L, Li M, Chen C H, He M D, Yu Z P 2020 J. Third Mil. Med. Univ. 42 2290Google Scholar


    Hwang Y, Ahn J, Mun J, Bae S, Uk J Y, Vinokurov N A, Kim P 2014 Opt. Express 22 11465Google Scholar


    Zhou J, Ge Z Z, Jiang P D, Rao X, Wu S T, Qian J J, Wu D, Li P, Zhang P, Yan L G, Li M 2021 Proc. SPIE 11909 119090ZGoogle Scholar


    Ge Z Z, Zhou J, Wu S T, Rao X, Qian J J, Zhu Z 2021 Proc. SPIE 11909 119090YGoogle Scholar


    Alexandrov B S, Rasmussen K Ø, Bishop A R, Usheva A, Alexandrov L B, Chong S, Dagon Y, Booshehri L G, Mielke C H, Phipps M L, Martinez J S, Chen H T, Rodriguez G 2011 Biomed. Opt. Express 2 2679Google Scholar


    马秦龙, 陈纯海, 林敏, 陶嘉雯, 邓平, 高鹏, 卢永辉, 皮会丰, 何旻蒂, 张蕾, 张彦文, 余争平 2020 第三军医大学学报 42 2267Google Scholar

    Ma Q L, Chen C H, Lin M, Tao J W, Deng P, Gao P, Lu Y H, Pi H F, He M D, Zhang L, Zhang Y W, Yu Z P 2020 J. Third Mil. Med. Univ. 42 2267Google Scholar


    Ramundo-Orlando A, Gallerano G P, Stano P, Doria A, Giovenale E, Messina G, Cappelli M, D’Arienzo M, Spassovsky I 2007 Bioelectromagnetics 28 587Google Scholar


    Ramundo-Orlando A, Gallerano G P 2009 J. Infrared Millimeter Terahz Waves 30 1308Google Scholar


    Fedorov V I, Khamoyan A G, Shevela E Y, Chernykh E R 2007 Proc. SPIE. 6734 673404Google Scholar


    Olshevskaya J S, Ratushnyak A S, Petrov A K, Kozlov A S, Zapara T A 2008 IEEE Region 8 International Conference on Computational Technologies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Novosibirsk, Russia, July 21–25, 2008 p210


    Hintzsche H, Jastrow C, Kleine-Ostmann T, Stopper H, Schmidc E, Schrader T 2011 Radiat. Res. 175 569Google Scholar


    Wei C, Zhang Y C, Li R, Wang S G, Wang T, Liu J H, Liu Z, Wang K J, Liu J S, Liu X M 2018 Biomed. Opt. Express 9 3998Google Scholar


    Wilmink G J, Ibey B L, Roth C L, Vincelette R L, Rivest B D, Horn C B, Bernhard J, Roberson D, Roach W P 2010 Proc. SPIE 7562 75620KGoogle Scholar


    Govorun V M, Tretiakov V E, Tulyakov N N, Fleurov V B, Demin A I, Volkov A Y, Batanov V A, Kapitanov A B 1991 Intl J. Infra. Millimeter. Waves 12 1469Google Scholar


    Lundholm I V, Rodilla H, Wahlgren W Y, Duelli A, Bourenkov I G, Vukusic J, Friedman R, Stake J, Schneider T, Katona G 2015 Struct. Dyn. 2 054702Google Scholar


    Wang K C, Yang L X, Wang S M, Guo L H, Ma J L, Tang J C, Bo W F, Wu Z, Zeng B Q, Gong Y B 2020 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22 9316Google Scholar


    Korenstein-Ilan A, Barbul A, Hasin P, Eliran A, Govern A, Korenstein R 2008 Radiat. Res. 170 224Google Scholar


    Homenko A, Kapilevich B, Kornstein R, Firer M A 2009 Bioelectromagnetics 30 167Google Scholar


    Titova L V, Ayesheshim A K, Golubov A, Rodriguez-Juarez R, Woycicki R, Hegmann F A, Kovalcuk O 2013 Sci. Rep. 3 2363Google Scholar


    Echchgadda I, Cerna C Z, Sloan M A, Elam D P, Ibey B L 2014 Proc. SPIE. 9321 93210QGoogle Scholar


    Zhao J W, He M X, Dong L J, Li S X, Liu L Y, Bu S C, Ouyang C M, Wang P F, Sun L L 2019 Chin. Phys. B 28 048703Google Scholar


    Shang S, Wu X J, Zhang Q, Zhao J P, Hu E L, Wang L L, Lu X Y 2021 Biomed. Opt. Express 12 3729Google Scholar


    Titova L V, Ayesheshim A K, Golubov A, Fogen D, Rodriguez-Juarez R, Hegmann F A, Kovalchuk O 2013 Biomed. Opt. Express 4 559Google Scholar


    Cheon H, Paik J H, Choi M, Yang H J, Son J H 2019 Sci. Rep. 9 6413Google Scholar


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  • Received Date:  27 October 2021
  • Accepted Date:  04 December 2021
  • Available Online:  10 December 2021
  • Published Online:  20 December 2021

