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A photocatalysis system based on composite nanostructures of controlable peptide nanotubes and graphene

Xue Bin Wang Hong-Yang Qin Meng Cao Yi Wang Wei


A photocatalysis system based on composite nanostructures of controlable peptide nanotubes and graphene

Xue Bin, Wang Hong-Yang, Qin Meng, Cao Yi, Wang Wei
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  • Self-assembly is the way that is used by Mother Nature to create complex materials of hierarchical shapes and diverse functionalities. The photosynthesis apparatus of plant is an example of such complex materials that can direct convert the sunlight energy into chemical energy. Inspired by this, many artificial photosynthesis systems have been successfully engineered. However, most of these systems were based on only one type of simple nanostructure, such as nanosphere or nanotube. The charge separation and exciton transfer in such systems may be further improved by combining multiple nano-structures. Here, we report a novel photo catalysis system based on composite nanostructures of controllable peptide nanotubes and graphene. We use the mixture of diphenylalanine (FF) and carboxyl graphene for the photo catalysis because they are stable under different solvent conditions and highly conductive, which can provide more paths for exciton transfer. Moreover, the diameters of the peptide nanotubes become thinner in the preflence of carboxyl graphene, leading to a more uniformly distributed system than simply using the peptide nanotubes alone. The FF peptide nanotubes can connect with the carbonyl graphene (CG) to form the composite nanostructures because of the π-π stacking interaction between benzene rings of FF and conjugated πup bond of CG. The composite nanostructures of controllable peptide nanotubes and graphene provide more transmission channels for the excitions since they can travel on the nanotubes, CG or the compound of the both. We also demonstrate that when the photo-harvesting ruthenium complex and catalytic platinum nanoparticles are deposited on the system, the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADP+) can reduce to NADPH. The catalytic efficiency and rate are much higher than thaose of other artificial photosynthesis systems reported in the literature. Surprisingly, we find that the catalytic efficiency of the combined system is better than the sum of separated systems with only FF nanotubes or carboxyl graphene. The high turnover frequency, high reaction rate, and low toxicity of this artificial photosynthesis system will make the combined system attractive for large-scale applications, including optoelectronic industry, energy industry, etc.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2013CB834100), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11334004, 91127026).

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    Happ B, Winter A, Hager M D, Schubert U S 2012 Chem. Soc. Rev. 41 2222


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  • [1]

    Jordan P, Fromme P, Witt H T, Klukas O, Saenger W, Krauss N 2001 Nature 411 909


    Hasobe T 2010 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 12 44


    Kim J H,Lee M, Lee J S, Park C B 2011 Angew. Chem. 123 1196


    Chen L, Honsho Y, Seki S, Jiang D 2010 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132 6742


    Peng H Q, Chen Y Z, Zhao Y, Yang Q Z, Wu L Z, Tung C H, Zhang L P, Tong Q X 2012 Angew. Chem. 51 2088


    Ryu J, Lim S Y, Park C B 2009 Adv Mater. 21 1577


    Nam D H, Lee S H, Park C B 2010 Small 6 922


    Zouni A, Witt H T, Kern J, Fromme P, Krauss N, Saenger W, Orth P 2001 Nature 409 739


    Amunts A, Drory O, Nelson N 2007 Nature. 447 58


    Kim J H,Lee M, Lee J S, Park C B 2012 Angew. Chem. 51 517


    Xue B, Li Y, Yang F, Zhang C F, Qin M, Cao Y, Wan W 2014 Nanoscale 6 7832


    Weingarten A S, Kazantsev R V, Palmer L C, McClendon M, Koltonow A R, Samuel A P S, Kiebala D J, Wasielewski M R, Stupp S I 2014 Nature Chemistry 6 964


    Reches M, Gazit E 2003 Science 300 625


    Adler-Abramovich L, Reches M, Sedman V L, Allen S, Tendler S J B, Gazit E 2006 Langmuir 22 1313


    Kol N, Adler-Abramovich L, Barlam D, Shneck R Z, Gazit E, Rousso I 2005 Nano Lett. 5 1343


    Reches M, Gazit E 2003 Science 300 625


    Amdursky N, Molotskii M, Aronov D, Adler-Abramovich L, Gazit E, Rosenman G 2009 Nano Lett. 9 3111


    Andrade-Filho T, Ferreira F F, Alves W A, Rocha A R 2013 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 15 7555


    Ryu J, Park C B 2008 Adv. Mater. 20 3754


    Li P, Chen X, Yang W 2013 Langmuir 29 8629


    Schmidt-Mende L, Kroeze J E, Durrant J R, Nazeeruddin M K, Gratzel M 2005 Nano Lett. 5 1315


    Fry N L, Mascharak P K 2011 Acc. Chem. Res. 44 289


    Jiang K J, Masaki N, Xia J B, Noda S, Yanagida S 2006 Chem. Commun. 460


    Chen C Y, Wang M, Li J Y, Pootrakulchote N, Alibabaei L, Ngoc-le C H, Decoppet J D, Tsai J H, Gratzel C, Wu C G, Zakeeruddin S M, Gratzel M 2009 ACS Nano 3 3103


    Happ B, Winter A, Hager M D, Schubert U S 2012 Chem. Soc. Rev. 41 2222


    Wang M, Xiong S, Wu X, Chu P K 2011 Small 7 2801


    Ryu J, Lim S Y, Park C B 2009 Adv. Mater. 21 1577


    Baitalik S, Wang X Y, Schmehl R H 2004 J. Photochem. Photobiol C 5 55

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  • Received Date:  05 January 2015
  • Accepted Date:  23 March 2015
  • Published Online:  05 May 2015

