Alginate scaffold with a three-dimensional (3D) porous structure can provide sufficient space for the cell to adhere, and has a good biocompatibility and mechanical strength. In this work, low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) is used to enhance the porosity of alginate scaffold based on acoustic cavitation. In the experiment, the alginate-calcium-based 3D scaffold culture system is fabricated with an optimum CaCl2/sodium alginate ratio of 3:5. The mechanical properties of alginate scaffold are measured and scanning electron microscopy is used to analyze the porosity of the scaffold. In addition, the microscopy observation of green fluorescent protein expression and the CCk-8 assessment are adapted to analyze the cell proliferation effect. Experimental results show that with LIPUS treatment under appropriate driving parameters (acoustic pressure 0.055 MPa and treatment time 20 min), the porosity of the 3D scaffold can be significantly improved, which would benefit the cell growth in the scaffold.
- cavitation /
- tissue engineering scaffold materials /
- porosity
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[1] Chen J, Irianto J, Inamdar S, Pravincumar P, Lee D A, Bader D L, Knight M M 2012 Biophys. J. 103 1188
[2] Caron M M J, Emans P J, Coolsen M M E, Voss L, Surtel D A M, Cremers A, van Rhijn L W, Welting T J M 2012 Osteoarthritis Cartilage 20 1170
[3] Avitabile T, Marano F, Castiglinone F 2001 Biomaterials 22 195
[4] Karande T S, Ong J L, Agrawal C M 2004 Ann. Biomed. Eng. 32 1728
[5] Guo G P, Ma Q Y, Zhao B, Zhang D 2013 Ultrason. Sonochem. 20 137
[6] Guo Y, Ma Y, Dong R, Liu S L, Tu J 2013 Chin. J. Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery 27 928 (in Chinese) [郭杨, 马勇, 董睿, 刘尚仑, 屠娟 2013 中国修复重建外科杂志27 928]
[7] Wang X X, Li W, Kumar V 2006 Biomaterials 27 1924
[8] Chen Q, Zou X Y, Cheng J C 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 6476 (in Chinese) [陈谦, 邹欣晔, 程建春 2006 55 6476]
[9] Li J L, Liu X Z, Zhang D, Gong X F 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 2809 (in Chinese) [李俊伦, 刘晓宙, 章东, 龚秀芬 2006 55 2809]
[10] Xue H H, Liu X Z, Gong X F, Zhang D 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 5233 (in Chinese) [薛洪惠, 刘晓宙, 龚秀芬, 章东 2005 54 5233]
[11] Zhang C B, Liu Z, Guo X S, Zhang D 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 024301
[12] Schinagl R M, Gurskis D, Chen A C 1997 J. Orthop. Res. 15 499
[13] Li K F, Guo L K, Yu F J, Zhang X D 2012 Chin. J. Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery 26 11
[14] Oliveira S M, Ringshia R A, LeGeros R Z, Clark E, Yost M J, Terracio L, Teixeira C C 2010 J. Biomed. Mater. Res. A 94 371
[15] Shui W, Yin L, Luo J, Zhang W, Zhang J, Huang W, Hu N, Liang X, Deng Z L, Hu Z Shi L L, Luu H H, Haydon R C, He T C, Ho S H 2013 J. Biomed. Mater. Res. A 191A 3542
[16] Raimondi M T, Boschetti F, Falcone L, Fiore G B, Remuzzi A, Marinoni E, Marazzi M, Pietrabissa R 2002 Biomech. Model. Mechanobiol. 1 69
[17] Xu Q, Nakajima M, Ichikawa S, Nakamura N, Shiina T 2008 Food Sci. Emerg. Technol. 9 489
[18] Wu J R 2007 Prog. Biophys. Mol. Biol. 93 363
[19] Huang B, Zhang Y L, Zhang D, Gong X F 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 054302
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