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Mechanism of influence of separator microstructure on performance of lithium-ion battery based on electrochemical-thermal coupling model

Zeng Jian-Bang Guo Xue-Ying Liu Li-Chao Shen Zu-Ying Shan Feng-Wu Luo Yu-Feng


Mechanism of influence of separator microstructure on performance of lithium-ion battery based on electrochemical-thermal coupling model

Zeng Jian-Bang, Guo Xue-Ying, Liu Li-Chao, Shen Zu-Ying, Shan Feng-Wu, Luo Yu-Feng
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  • Separator is an important component of lithium-ion battery,and the microstructure of separator has an important influence on the performance of lithium-ion battery.In the present paper,an electrochemical-thermal full coupling model is developed to accurately describe the complex physicalchemical phenomena in lithium-ion battery in charge and discharge process.The simulation results by the present model are closer to the experimental results than those by the previously published model.What is more,the present model is widely used to investigate the effects of the separator porosity and tortuosity on the performance of lithium-ion battery,respectively.The simulation results show that with separator porosity decreasing or separator tortuosity increasing,the output voltage,maximum discharge capacity and average output power of lithium-ion battery decrease,and the lithium-ion battery surface temperature and its rising rate increase.In the initial stage of discharge,when the separator porosity decreases or separator tortuosity increases to a certain degree,the output voltage of lithium-ion battery first decreases and then increases.The smaller the separator porosity or the higher the separator tortuosity,the larger the range and rate of reducing the output voltage of lithium-ion battery become and the longer the rise time needs in the initial stage of discharge.To ensure that the output voltage of lithium-ion battery is higher than the cut-off voltage,the separator tortuosity must be less than the critical tortuosity (It is equal to the separator tortuosity of the lithium-ion battery with the lowest output voltage,which is just equal to the cut-off voltage in the initial stage of discharge).Finally,a comprehensive analysis is conducted on the dynamic distribution of the electrochemical parameters and various heat productions in lithium-ion battery during charge and discharge.It can be clearly found that the electrochemical reactions in the end of discharge,the diffusion coefficients and the conduction coefficients of Li+ of electrolyte in the initial and middle stage of discharge are mainly influenced by the separator porosity and tortuosity.The research results in the present paper not only provide theoretical and technical support for the separator microstructure design and optimization,but also has important realistic meanings for improving or perfecting the preparation technology of the separator.

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    Ramadesigan V, Northrop P W C, De S, Santhanagopalan S, Braatz R D, Subramanian V R 2012 J. Electrochem. Soc. 159 R31


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  • [1]

    Pan R J, Wang Z H, Sun R, Lindh J, Edstrom K, Strømme M, Nyholm L 2017 Cellulose 24 2903


    Deimede V, Elmasides C 2015 Energy Technol. 3 453


    Venugopal G, Moore J, Howard J, Pendalwar S 1999 J. Power Sources 77 34


    Djian D, Alloin F, Martinet S, Lignier H, Sanchez J Y 2007 J. Power Sources 172 416


    Costa C M, Rodrigues L C, Sencadas V, Silva M M, Rocha J G, Lanceros-Méndez S 2012 J. Membrane Sci. 407–408 193


    Plaimer M, Breitfuß C, Sinz W, Heindl S F, Ellersdorfer C, Steffan H, Wilkening M, Hennige V, Taschl R, Geier A, Schramm C, Freunberger S A 2016 J. Power Sources 306 702


    Lee Y J, Park J, Jeon H, Yeon D, Kim B H, Cho K Y, Ryou M H, Lee Y M 2016 J. Power Sources 325 732


    Ramadesigan V, Northrop P W C, De S, Santhanagopalan S, Braatz R D, Subramanian V R 2012 J. Electrochem. Soc. 159 R31


    Shi S Q, Gao J, Liu Y, Zhao Y, Wu Q, Ju W W, Ouyang C Y, Xiao R J 2016 Chin. Phys. B 25 018212


    Fuller T F, Doyle M, Newman J 1994 J. Electrochem. Soc. 141 1


    Doyle M, Newman J 1995 Electrochim. Acta 40 2191


    Srinivasan V, Newman J 2004 J. Electrochem. Soc. 151 A1530


    Appiah W A, Park J, Song S, Byun S, Ryou M H, Lee Y M 2016 J. Power Sources 319 147


    De S, Northrop P W C, Ramadesigan V, Subramanian V R 2013 J. Power Sources 227 161


    Golmon S, Maute K, Dunn M L 2012 Int. J. Numer. Meth. Eng. 92 475


    Golmon S, Maute K, Dunn M L 2014 J. Power Sources 253 239


    Miranda D, Costa C M, Almeida A M, Lanceros-Méndez S 2015 Solid State Ionics 278 78


    Xue N S, Du W B, Gupta A, Shyy W, Sastry A M, Martins J R R A 2013 J. Electrochem. Soc. 160 A1071


    Liu C H, Liu L 2017 J. Electrochem. Soc. 164 E3254


    Doyle M, Newman J, Gozdz A S, Schmutz C N, Tarascon J M 1996 J. Electrochem. Soc. 143 1890


    Ye Y H, Shi Y X, Cai N S, Lee J J, He X M 2012 J. Power Sources 199 227


    Arora P, Doyle M, White R E 1999 J. Electrochem. Soc. 146 3543


    Kuzminskii Y V, Nyrkova L I, Andriiko A A 1993 J. Power Sources 46 29


    Peng P, Jiang F M 2016 Int. J. Heat Mass Tran. 103 1008


    Bang H, Yang H, Sun Y K, Prakash J 2005 J. Electrochem. Soc. 152 A421


    Kumaresan K, Sikha G, White R E 2008 J. Electrochem. Soc. 155 A164


    Zeng J B, Wu W, Jiang F M 2014 Solid State Ionics 260 76


    He S Y, Zeng J B, Bereket T H, Jiang F M 2016 Sci. Bull. 61 656


    Tye F L 1983 J. Power Sources 9 89


    Tjaden B, Brett D J L, Shearing P R 2018 Int. Mater. Rev. 63 47


    Valøen L O, Reimers J N 2005 J. Electrochem. Soc. 152 A882


    Bernardi D M, Go J Y 2011 J. Power Sources 196 412


    Li J, Cheng Y, Jia M, Tang Y W, Lin Y, Zhang Z A, Liu Y X 2014 J. Power Sources 255 130


    Miao Y K, Liu H F, Liu Q H, Li S Y 2016 Sci. Rep. 6 32639

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  • Received Date:  17 September 2018
  • Accepted Date:  24 October 2018
  • Published Online:  05 January 2019

