Earth-moon transfer orbit for manned lunar landing needs a long flight time, complex, nonlinear and variable coefficient dynamics model, and asks for a high reliability. Analysis of deviation propagation mechanism and robust design of transfer orbit are investigated in this paper. It is not only practical for projecting, but also significant for exploring the role of earth-moon space gravitational field upon transfer orbit deviation. This paper analyses firstly the boundary and the amplitude of the sun, earth, and moon central gravitation, the earth J2 perturbation that affect the transfer orbit deviation transmission. And then a method to analyse the deviation propagation mechanism based on nominal orbital data is obtained analytically. A robust indicator of transfer orbit based on deviation transition matrix is proposed,and a robust optimization design method that employs NSGA-II(nondominated sorting genetic algorithms) for earth-moon transfer orbit with robust indicator is proposed.Simulation shows that the analysis of transfer orbit deviation propagation mechanism can obtain earth-moon transfer orbit deviation propagation matrix quickly and precisely, and the deviation propagation matrix can be used to obtain the covariance matrix and mid-course correction delta V analytically and exactly. The quality of nominal transfer orbit is improved by optimizing with robust indicator.
- manned lunar landing /
- transfer orbit /
- deviation analysis /
- robust design
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[22] Farina M, Deb K, Amato P 2004 IEEE Trans on Evolutionary Computation 8 425
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[1] Miller J E, Laats A 1970 J. Spacecraft Rockets 7 551
[2] Breakwell J V 1960 Advances in Astronautical Science 5 53
[3] Breakwell J V 1961 Advances in Astronautical Science 7 219
[4] Peng Q B, Shen H X, Li H Y 2011 Sci. China Tech. Sci. 54 3243
[5] Shen H X, Zhou J P, Peng Q B, LI H Y 2012 Sci. China Tech. Sci. 55 2561
[6] Xi X N, Huang W D, Wang W 2010 Sci. China Tech. Sci. 53 2691
[7] Jesick M, Ocampo C 2011 J. Astronautical Sciences 58 35
[8] Zhou W Y, Yang W L 2004 Journal of Astronautics 25 89 (in Chinese) [周文艳, 杨维廉 2004 宇航学报 25 89]
[9] Lu W T, Wang S J, Zhang H 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 3655 (in Chinese) [卢伟涛, 王顺金, 张华 2007 56 3655]
[10] Sun B C, Rong S Y 2006 Missile and Space Vehicle 6 1 (in Chinese) [孙宝忱, 荣思远 2006 导弹与航天运载技术 6 1]
[11] Taguchi G,Clausing D 1990 Harvard Business Review Jan-Feb, 1990 p65
[12] Zhang Y M, Zhang X F 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 3989 (in Chinese) [张义民, 张旭方 2008 57 3989]
[13] Wang X H, Wang J H, Pang L, Chen X J, Yuan T T, Luo W J, Liu X Y 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 177301 (in Chinese) [王鑫华, 王建辉, 庞磊, 袁婷婷, 罗卫军, 刘新宇 2012 61 177301]
[14] Zhang B, Li H Y, Tang G J 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 029601 (in Chinese) [张波, 李海阳, 唐国金 2013 62 029601]
[15] Jin Y C, Branke J 2005 IEEE Trans on Evolutionary Computation 9 303
[16] Way D W 2001 Ph.D. Dissertation (Georgia Institute of Technology)
[17] Tang G J, Luo Y Z, Li H Y 2007 Aerospace Science and Technology 11 563
[18] Gabriele D Z, Marray K,Rodrigo H, Luis F P 2009 AIAA GN&C Conference, Chicago lllinoise, Aug10-13,2009 p5771
[19] Luo Y Z, Liang L B, Wang H, Tang G J 2011 J. Guid. Control Dynam. 34 1264
[20] Li J R, Li H Y, Tang G J, Luo Y Z 2011 Sci. China Tech. Sci. 54 1865
[21] Luo Y Z 2007 Ph. D. Dissertation(Changsha: National University of Defense Technology) (in Chinese) [罗亚中 2007 博士学位论文(长沙: 国防科学技术大学)]
[22] Farina M, Deb K, Amato P 2004 IEEE Trans on Evolutionary Computation 8 425
[23] Srinivas N, Deb K 1995 IEEE Trans on Evolutionary Computation 2 221
[24] Nazemi A,Yao X, Chan A H 2006 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Vancouver BC, Canada, July 16–21, 2006 p1901
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