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Effect of molecule polarity on the resonance raman spectrum of caroteniod

Wu Yong-Ling Liu Tian-Yuan Sun Cheng-Lin Qu Guan-Nan Li Zuo-Wei


Effect of molecule polarity on the resonance raman spectrum of caroteniod

Wu Yong-Ling, Liu Tian-Yuan, Sun Cheng-Lin, Qu Guan-Nan, Li Zuo-Wei
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  • The resonance Raman spectra of nonpolar molecule all-trans--carotene and polar molecule canthaxanthin in nonpolar CS2 and polar 1,2-dicholoroethane in a temperature range from 243K to 293K are measured. The results show that polarities of the solute and solvent have a great effect on Raman spectrum. Raman scattering cross-section of nonpolar all-trans--carotene in nonpolar solvent CS2 is biggest and its bandwidth is narrowest. Raman scattering cross-section of polar canthaxanthin in polar solvent 1,2-dicholoroethane is smallest and its bandwidth is widest. The experimental phenomena are explained by solvent effects, coherent weakly damped electron-lattice vibration and effective conjugated length.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 10974067), Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University, China (Grant No. NCET-11-0201) and Innovative Research Team of Jilin Province, China (Grant N0. 20121806).

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    Qian P, Saiki K, Mizoguchi T, Hara K, Sashima T, Fujii R, Koyama Y 2001 Photochemistry and Photobiology 74 444


    Luer L, Manzoni C, Cerullo G 2007 Chem. Phys. Lett. 444 61


    Zhao X H, Ma F, Wu Y S, Ai X C, Zhang J P 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 289 (in Chinese) [赵晓辉, 马菲, 吴义室, 艾希成, 张建平 2008 57 289]


    Johansson E M J, Edvinsson T, Odelius M, Hagberg D P, Sun L, Hagfeldt A, Siegbahn H, Rensmo H 2007 J. Phys. Chem. C 111 8580


    Widjaja E, Garland M 2010 Talanta 80 1665


    Oliveira V E, Castro H V, Edwards H G M, Oliveira L F C 2010 J. Raman Spectrosc. 41 642


    Niedzwiedzki D M, Enriquez M M, La Fountain A M, Frank H A 2010 Chem. Phys. 373 80


    Frank H A, Young A J, Britton G, Cogdell R J 1999 Advances in Photosynthesis (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers)


    Liu T Y, Sun C L, Li Z W, Zhou M 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 107801 (in Chinese) [刘天元, 孙成林, 里佐威, 周密 2012 61 107801]


    Fang C, Liu M L 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 097802 (in Chinese) [房超, 刘马林 2012 61 097802]


    Valentin M D, Ceola S, Agostini G, Giacometti G M, Angerhofer A, Crescenzi O, Barone V, Carbonera D 2008 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1777 295


    Shimada R, Hamaguchi H O 2011 J. Chem. Phys. 134 034516


    Li Z L, Ou Yang S L, Cao B, Zhou M, Li Z W, Gao S Q 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 6908 (in Chinese) [李占龙, 欧阳顺利, 曹彪, 周密, 里佐威, 高淑琴 2009 58 6908]


    Qu G N, Li D F, Li Z L, Ouyang S L, Li Z W 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 3168 (in Chinese) [曲冠男, 李东飞, 李占龙, 欧阳顺利, 里佐威 2010 59 3168]


    He Z F, Gosztola D, Deng Y, Gao G Q, Wasielewski M R, Kispert L D 2000 J. Phys. Chem. B 104 6668


    Applequist J 1991 J. Phys. Chem. 95 3539


    Lee J Y, Mhin J B, Kim K S 1997 J. Phys. Chem. 107 4881


    Liu W L, Wang D M, Zheng Z R, Li A H, Su W H 2010 J. Chin. Phys. B 19 013102


    Kakimoto M, Fujiyama T 1975 Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 48 2258


    Krawczyk S 1998 Chemical Physics 230 297


    Rimai L, Kilponen R G, Gill D 1970 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 92 3824


    Inagaki F, Tasumi M, Miyazawa T 1974 J. Mol. 50 286


    Sufrá S, Dellepiane G, Masetti G, Zerbi G 1977 J. Raman Spectrosc 6 267


    Warshel A, Dauber P 1977 J. Chem. Phys. 66 5477


    Dudik J M, Johnson C R, Asher S A 1985 J. Chem. Phys. 82 173


    Biswas N, Umapathy S 1998 Appl. Spectrosc. 52 496


    Vardeny Z, Ehrenfreund E, Brafman O 1983 Phys. Rev. Lett. 25 (51) 2326


    Koyama Y, Kuki M, Anderson P O, Gillbro T 1996 Photochem. Photobiolo. 63 243


    Hoskins L C 1980 J. Chem. Phys. 72 4488


    Borges C A M, Marletta A, Faria R M, Guimarãe F E G 2004 Brazilian J. Phys. 34 590


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  • Received Date:  11 July 2012
  • Accepted Date:  04 September 2012
  • Published Online:  05 February 2013

