In this work, we present a quantitative method of predicting defect depth within carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) composite with unknown thermal property of specimen. The method discussed in this paper is derived from theoretical model of ideal one-dimensional heat conduction in a flat plate sample. The principle of depth prediction using pulsed infrared thermography is presented; the time based on the peak second-derivative of the temperature difference in the logarithmic scale is selected as the characteristic time; the calibration curve based on data of single defect depth can be easily affected by random error. The calibration curve is put forward in the paper and obtained by designing a stepped reference sample, and it can be obtained by a curve fit of different depths and corresponding characteristic time using polynomial function. The polyfitting curve is used as the calibration curve for depth prediction when the relative error square is minimum. The experimental results show that the depth measured by the calibration curve based on many reference defect depths is more accurate than by single reference defect depth. Defect depth in CFRP composite can be measured by the method without knowing thermal property of specimen.
- composites /
- pulsed heat source /
- characteristic time /
- pulsed infrared thermography
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[1] Zhang W, Liu T, Yang Z W, Zhang R M 2009 Laser & Infrared 39 939 (in Chinese) [张炜, 刘涛, 杨正伟, 张瑞民 2009 激光与红外 39 939]
[2] Zhang J J, He J W 2008 Aircraft Design 28 27 (in Chinese) [张佳佳, 何景武 2008 飞机设计 28 27]
[3] Li Y H, Zhang C L, Jing W P, Yang D G, Shen J L, Chen J H, Zhang X C, Jiang S F 2005 Laser & Infrared 35 262 (in Chinese) [李艳红, 张存林, 金万平, 杨党纲, 沈京玲, 陈继华, 张小川, 蒋淑芳 2005 激光与红外 35 262]
[4] Zhang P T 2006 MS Dissertation (Haerbin: Northeast Forestry University) (in Chinese) [张澎涛 2006 硕士学位论文 (哈尔滨:东北林业大学)]
[5] Wang X Y, Liu Z D, Cai P A, Shi X Q 2007 NDT 31 1 (in Chinese) [王小永, 刘志栋, 蔡平安, 石小强 2007 无损探伤 31 1]
[6] Zeng S Q, Xu H F, Li J Y, Liu X D 1997 Acta Phys. Sin. 46 1338 (in Chinese) [管惟炎, 刘体汉, 郑国光 1997 46 1338]
[7] Hou Z B, He S J, Li S X 1984 Heat Conduction in Solid (Vol.1) (Shanghai: Shanghai Scientific and Technical Press) p56 (in Chinese) [侯镇冰, 何绍杰, 李恕先 1984 固体热传导(第1卷) (上海: 上海科学技术出版社) 第56页]
[8] Wang X 2001 MS Dissertation (USA: Wayne State University)
[9] Han X Y, Favro L D, Thomas R L 1998 The Second Joint NASA/FAA/DOD Conference on Aging Aircraft Williamsburg, Virginia, August 31-September 3, 1998 p265
[10] Shepard S M, Lhota J R, Rubadeux B A, Wang D, Ahmed T 2003 Opt. Eng. 42 1337
[11] Horatio S C, John C J 1959 Conduction of Heat in Solids (Oxford: Clarendon) p101
[12] Sun J G 2006 J. Heat Trans. 128 329
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