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谈松林 庄永起 易健宏



谈松林, 庄永起, 易健宏

Preparation and properties of multi-walled carbon nanotube reinforced alumina composites by sol- spray method

Tan Song-Lin, Zhuang Yong-Qi, Yi Jian-Hong
  • 采用溶胶-喷雾制备了多壁碳纳米管增强氧化铝基球形复合粉体, 采用放电等离子真空快速烧结成型. SEM分析测试结果表明, 多壁碳纳米管在氧化铝基体中呈网络分布, 且主要位于晶界处, 少量呈穿晶分布. 复合材料性能分析测试结果表明, 当多壁碳纳米管的质量分数为0.5%时, 复合材料的维氏硬度相对纯的氧化铝提高了32.6%; 热扩散系数在不同测试温度下相对纯氧化铝的平均提高幅度为27.2%. 此外, 当多壁碳纳米管质量分数达到0.5%时复合材料呈导体, 根据渗流导电理论拟合得到实验制备复合材料的渗流阈值为0.32 wt.%, 说明多壁碳纳米管在氧化铝基体中分散良好.
    The spherical composite powders of multi-walled carbon nanotubes reinforced alumina are prepared by sol- spray. The results show that the multi-walled carbon nanotubes are well dispersed in the composites. The analyses of the composite properties show that most of the multi-walled carbon nanotubes are distributed in a network at the grain boundaries, and a small number of them are distributed in the grains. When the mass fraction of multi-walled carbon nanotubes accounts for 0.5%, the Vickers hardness of the composite increases by 32.6% relative to pure alumina; the thermal diffusion coefficient increased averagely by 27.2% with respect to pure alumina at different temperatures. The composites are conductive at 0.5% of multi-walled carbon nanotubes, and the percolation threshold of the composites prepared by this method is 0.32wt.% based on the fitting of the percolation conductivity theory, indicating that the multi-walled carbon nanotubes are well dispersed in the alumina matrix.
      通信作者: 谈松林, tansonglin@icloud.com
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 51741102)、云南省教育厅重大项目(批准号: 2016CYH08)和云南省科技厅创新团队(批准号: 2017HC033)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Tan Song-Lin, tansonglin@icloud.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51741102), the Major projects of Yunnan Provincial Department of Education (Grant No. 2016CYH08) and Innovation team of Yunnan Provincial Science and Technology Department (Grant No. 2017HC033).

    Iijima, Sumio 1991 Nature 354 56Google Scholar


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    Chan K F, Zaid M, Mamat M S, Liza S, Yaakob Y 2021 Crystals 11 457Google Scholar


    Park S S, Moorthy M S, Ha C S 2014 Korean J. Chem. Eng. 31 1707Google Scholar


    Hassan R U, Shahzad F, Abbas N, Hussain, S 2019 J. Mater. Sci-Mater EI. 30 6304


    康艳茹, 何禧佳, 殷正娥, 李亚利 2018 复合材料学报 35 150

    Kang Y R, He X J, Yin Z E, Li Y L 2018 Acta Mater. Compos. Sin. 35 150


    Ngo I L, Jeon S, Chan B 2016 Int J Heat Mass Tran. 98 219Google Scholar


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    Nan C W, Shi Z, Lin Y 2003 Chem. Phys. Lett. 375 666Google Scholar


    Lanfant B, Leconte Y, Debski N, Bonnefont G, Bernard F 2018 Ceram. Int. 45 2566


    Kaiser A B, G Düsberg, Roth S 1998 Phys. Rev. B 57 1418Google Scholar


    Momohjimoh I, Saheb N, Hussein M A, Laoui T, Aqeeli N. 2020 Ceram. Int. 46 16008Google Scholar


    Lanfant B, Leconte Y, Debski N, Pinault M, Mayne M, Herlin N 2014 Tech. Connect. World Washington, June 15−18 2014 p131.


    Liu C, Ding J 2020 Procedia Manufacturing 48 763Google Scholar


    Zhan G D, Mukherjee A K 2010 Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Tec. 1 161


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    Lee K, Chan B M, Park S B, Hong S H 2011 J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 94 3774Google Scholar


    Kumari L, Zhang T, Du G H, Li W Z, Wang Q W, Datye A Wu K H 2009 Ceram. Int. 35 1775Google Scholar


    Estili M, Sakka Y 2014 Sci. Technol. Adv. Mat. 15 064902Google Scholar


    Zhang S C, Fahrenholtz W G, Hilmas G E, Yadlowsky E J 2010 J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 30 1373Google Scholar


    Barinov S M, Fateeva L V, Yurashev S V, Ballóková E, Rudnayová E 2002 Powder Metall. Prog. 22 61


    Lin J, Fan G, Li Z, Kai X, Di Z, Chen Z, Humphries S, Heness G, Yeung W Y Z 2011 Carbon 49 1965Google Scholar


    Damavandi B Y, Xia Y, Ahmad I, Zhu Y 2017 Veruscript Functional Nanomaterials 41 1


    Groffman P M, Baron J S, Blett T, Gold A, Goodman I, Gunderson L H, Levinson B M, Palmer M A, Paerl H W, Peterson G D 2006 Ecosystems 9 1Google Scholar


    S M 1994 Applications of Percolation Theory(Los Angeles: CRC Press) pp53−57.


    Bergman D J 1980 Phys. Rev. Lett. 44 1285Google Scholar


    Liu Y, Lin, Y, Shi Z, Nan, C W, Shen Z J 2005 J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 88 1337Google Scholar


    Meir Y 2012 Physica A 302 391

  • 图 1  溶胶-喷雾制备的球形粉末SEM图 (a) 300 ℃喷雾后的水合氢氧化铝; (b) 900 ℃热处理后的Al2O3; (c) (d)300 ℃喷雾干燥后的1% MWNT/Al2O3粉末; (e) (f) 为(c)氩气中900 ℃热处理后的1% MWNT/Al2O3粉末

    Fig. 1.  SEM of spherical powder prepared by sol-spray: (a) Hydrated aluminum hydroxide after spray drying at 300 ℃; (b) Al2O3 after heat treatment at 900 ℃; (c) and (d) 1% MWNT/Al2O3 composites powder after spray drying at 300 ℃; (e) and (f) 1% MWNT/Al2O3 composites powder after heat treatment at 900 ℃ in argon.

    图 2  Al2O3及MWNT/Al2O3复合材料断面SEM照片 (a)为纯氧化铝; (b)(d)MWNTs质量分数为0.5%; (c) MWNTs质量分数为1%

    Fig. 2.  SEM of fracture surface of pure alumina and MWNT/Al2O3 composites (a) pure alumina; (b) (d) 0.5% MWNT/Al2O3 composites; (c) 1% MWNT/Al2O3 composites.

    图 3  不同质量分数MWNT/Al2O3复合材料XRD图谱

    Fig. 3.  XRD patterns of MWNT/Al2O3 composites with different mass fractions.

    图 4  MWNT/Al2O3复合材料(1#—6#)电导率拟合曲线

    Fig. 4.  Fitting curve of the conductivity of MWNT/Al2O3 composite’s(1#–6#).

    图 5  MWNT/Al2O3复合材料(1#-6#)热导率与MWNTs质量分数关系曲线

    Fig. 5.  Curves between the thermal conductivity of composite materials(1#–6#) and the mass fraction of MWNTs.

    表 1  MWNT/Al2O3复合材料性能测试结果

    Table 1.  Properties of MWNT/Al2O3 composite.

    1#0.0%WMNTs(3 min × 1450 ℃ × 40 MPa)1001436.710–13
    2#0.1%WMNTs(3 min × 1450 ℃ × 40 MPa)99.11523.7
    3#0.5%WMNTs(3 min × 1450 ℃ × 40 MPa)98.71901.40.649
    4#1.0%WMNTs(3 min × 1450 ℃ × 40 MPa)98.51733.60.838
    5#2.0%WMNTs(3 min × 1450 ℃ × 40 MPa)98.01698.60.983
    6#4.0%WMNTs(3 min × 1450 ℃ × 40 MPa)97.31233.21.144
    7#1.0%WMNTs(6 min × 1450 ℃ × 40 MPa)98.51703.10.789
    8#1.0%WMNTs(9 min × 1450 ℃ × 40 MPa)98.71687.50.917
    9#1.0%WMNTs(3 min × 1450 ℃ × 50 MPa)98.81747.80.923
    10#1.0%WMNTs(3 min × 1500 ℃ × 40 MPa)98.61673.10.768
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    表 2  5% MWNT/Al2O3复合材料和纯Al2O3热扩散系数

    Table 2.  Thermal diffusivity of 0.5% MWNT/Al2O3 composite and pure Al2O3.

    0.5% MWNT
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  • [1]

    Iijima, Sumio 1991 Nature 354 56Google Scholar


    Ke C, Jia C C, Li W S 2013 Appl. Phys. A 110 269Google Scholar


    Chan K F, Zaid M, Mamat M S, Liza S, Yaakob Y 2021 Crystals 11 457Google Scholar


    Park S S, Moorthy M S, Ha C S 2014 Korean J. Chem. Eng. 31 1707Google Scholar


    Hassan R U, Shahzad F, Abbas N, Hussain, S 2019 J. Mater. Sci-Mater EI. 30 6304


    康艳茹, 何禧佳, 殷正娥, 李亚利 2018 复合材料学报 35 150

    Kang Y R, He X J, Yin Z E, Li Y L 2018 Acta Mater. Compos. Sin. 35 150


    Ngo I L, Jeon S, Chan B 2016 Int J Heat Mass Tran. 98 219Google Scholar


    Li C, Liang T, Lu W, Tang C, Hu X, Cao M 2004 Compos. Sci. Technol. 64 2089Google Scholar


    Lee T H, Cho S H, Lee T G 2018 J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 101 3156Google Scholar


    Chung, D D L. 2001 Carbon 39 279Google Scholar


    Singh M A, Sarma D K, Hanzel O, Sedláček J, Šajgalík P 2017 J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 37 3107Google Scholar


    Nan C W, Shi Z, Lin Y 2003 Chem. Phys. Lett. 375 666Google Scholar


    Lanfant B, Leconte Y, Debski N, Bonnefont G, Bernard F 2018 Ceram. Int. 45 2566


    Kaiser A B, G Düsberg, Roth S 1998 Phys. Rev. B 57 1418Google Scholar


    Momohjimoh I, Saheb N, Hussein M A, Laoui T, Aqeeli N. 2020 Ceram. Int. 46 16008Google Scholar


    Lanfant B, Leconte Y, Debski N, Pinault M, Mayne M, Herlin N 2014 Tech. Connect. World Washington, June 15−18 2014 p131.


    Liu C, Ding J 2020 Procedia Manufacturing 48 763Google Scholar


    Zhan G D, Mukherjee A K 2010 Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Tec. 1 161


    Saheb N, Hayat U 2017 Ceram. Int. 43 5715Google Scholar


    Lee K, Chan B M, Park S B, Hong S H 2011 J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 94 3774Google Scholar


    Kumari L, Zhang T, Du G H, Li W Z, Wang Q W, Datye A Wu K H 2009 Ceram. Int. 35 1775Google Scholar


    Estili M, Sakka Y 2014 Sci. Technol. Adv. Mat. 15 064902Google Scholar


    Zhang S C, Fahrenholtz W G, Hilmas G E, Yadlowsky E J 2010 J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 30 1373Google Scholar


    Barinov S M, Fateeva L V, Yurashev S V, Ballóková E, Rudnayová E 2002 Powder Metall. Prog. 22 61


    Lin J, Fan G, Li Z, Kai X, Di Z, Chen Z, Humphries S, Heness G, Yeung W Y Z 2011 Carbon 49 1965Google Scholar


    Damavandi B Y, Xia Y, Ahmad I, Zhu Y 2017 Veruscript Functional Nanomaterials 41 1


    Groffman P M, Baron J S, Blett T, Gold A, Goodman I, Gunderson L H, Levinson B M, Palmer M A, Paerl H W, Peterson G D 2006 Ecosystems 9 1Google Scholar


    S M 1994 Applications of Percolation Theory(Los Angeles: CRC Press) pp53−57.


    Bergman D J 1980 Phys. Rev. Lett. 44 1285Google Scholar


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